Du Yiluo didn't know what happened yesterday, seeing Ruan Yao's reply, a smug smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

Heh, the famous characters in school legends are nothing more than that...

Just 1 yuan is enough to make her obedient.

In the next second, Ruan Yao sent another message——

【After all, the president was the one who sent Senior Sister Du to the hospital yesterday. On the way, he casually told Senior Sister Du that, and then he was so busy that he forgot to give a formal notice. It's normal. 】

【We can understand very well... Thank you, senior sister Du, for thinking about letting her sister convey important information when she is too busy to take care of herself. 】

[This sense of responsibility deserves the admiration of each of us!clap clap clap! 】

Wu Yixuan:! !

Duiro:! !
other people:! !
Oh! !
Combined with the previous miscarriage, the amount of information is huge...

Why did the president send Du Weiran to the hospital for an abortion?
Why did the president send it?
The president was so nervous because of this that he forgot to inform the vice president of such an important matter?

It seems that he really, really, really takes this matter very seriously...

Everyone's eyes lit up, and the complex and gossip-excited eyes shifted from Xia Yunyun's face to Du Yiluo's.

Du Yiluo's face was almost blackened, she gritted her teeth and explained with a forced smile:

"The president is just enthusiastic, just happened to meet my sister who was feeling uncomfortable, so he helped her..."



"I see."

A stunned young man muttered in a low voice:
"So why is it that the president does it smoothly?"

Everyone looked at this stunned young man who also just joined the club yesterday.


Dude muttered well!

Du Yiluo's teeth were about to be crushed!
It's all so smooth!

Why else!
Why don't you ask why the earth is round and not square!
She pretended not to hear, trying to expose the matter.

In order to remind Wu Yixuan who didn't know the situation yet, she specially posted in the group:

[@胡荣.You misunderstood, the president told me about this. 】

Ruan Yao: [Wow!The president attaches equal importance to your sisters!awesome! 】

This is actually quite normal, but combined with the topic just now...

People's minds are uncontrollably crooked...

So they are sisters... Is the president playing such a flower...

Everyone looked at Du Yiluo with more complicated and excited eyes.

Duiro almost failed to come up in one breath!

Even Wu Yixuan, who was far away in the sky, felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

Specifically, @夏云云 made up for it:

[Sorry, this matter was indeed my negligence. 】

[I thought Du Yiluo would pass it on to you, but I didn't expect her to post it directly in the group.This is indeed a relapse on my part. 】

[I'm sorry if I caused any misunderstanding. 】

Xia Yunyun looked at the news in the group, his eyes flickered slightly, but his eyes were cold.

It's really ironic... I never thought that the first time she received Wu Yixuan's apology would be under such circumstances.

Xia Yunyun didn't reply.

Everyone waited expectantly.

Duiro waited in horror.

Time seemed to be stretched infinitely, until Ruan Yao's figure appeared in front of everyone, they finally confirmed that Ruan Yao would not speak in the group.

Duiro breathed a sigh of relief.

The others sighed regretfully.

Duiro: ...

You sigh!

Is it so delicious to eat other people's gossip?

Before Ruan Yao got to her place, she was dragged far away by Du Yiluo angrily.

"Ruan Yao, what do you mean?"

"Didn't you say that if you give you 1 yuan, you won't say anything!"

"Take the money and turn around and then breach the contract, do you want to lose face?"

Ruan Yao blinked and said innocently:

"Isn't that 1 yuan a hush money for your sister's miscarriage?"

"I didn't say that she had a miscarriage, I just said that the president sent her to the hospital."

Duiro suddenly felt a deep suffocation.

This is a scourge!


Absolutely can't stay!
She must be kicked out of the art club as soon as possible!


Everyone came to Sanyang Lake.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, the water of the lake is sparkling, as if a god sprinkled a handful of gold on the lake, it is so beautiful.

Almost everyone couldn't help but let out an admiration.

It's so beautiful!

Just looking at this lake makes people feel as if their hearts have been washed clean.

Some people are already secretly thinking in their hearts that they must bring their girlfriends here next time...

Think about it, the two walked on the afterglow, walking on it, the intoxicating red glow in the distance, the golden lake nearby, the faint fragrance of grass and trees lingering at the tip of the nose...

How romantic!

How intoxicating...

"Wow! There are fish in this lake?" A surprise cheer suddenly came from a distance, "Hey, I don't know what kind of black fish this is. They are all fat and tender, and they must be delicious when roasted!"

... Romance suddenly took on a fishy smell.

Everyone turned their heads and looked reproachfully at the winkless guy who broke this beauty.

Ruan Yao didn't notice it, she bent down by the lake, her eyes were focused, and suddenly her hands were like lightning, and she grabbed the water with both hands!
A fat and tender black fish was caught by her just like that!
That fish probably hadn't experienced the strangeness of catching fish and eating it here, and lacked the beatings from humans. It wasn't until being firmly held in Ruan Yao's arms that it finally remembered and struggled like crazy.

Watching the joy of that fish...

Everyone: Gudong!
This fish is so alive, so lively, so fleshy with few spines, so delicious...

I feel that braised and steamed are also very delicious...

At this moment, Duilo stood up:

"Ruan Yao, don't go too far!"

"Release that fish quickly!"

"Look who came here thinking of eating fish. Your ignorant and vulgar appearance is embarrassing for our Huaxia Academy!"

Everyone who was already thinking about how to steam, braise, and grill in their minds all looked sideways expressionlessly: ...

You are the only one with an open mouth, right?
Xia Yunyun took the initiative to stand up and said:
"I just called and asked the staff, the fish in this lake are allowed to fish."

"The sketching activity is meant to be relaxing. Whoever wants to eat fish can go to the front ticket office to rent fishing rods and buckets for fishing after the activity is over."

She has organized many group activities and is very proficient. Before coming here, she has contacted the staff here and left contact information with each other so that she can contact in time if there is any accident.

Duilo choked.

This lake is actually allowed to fish? ? ?
But... she saw that since she spoke, everyone looked at her with burning eyes, and they clearly agreed with what she said!

Duilo instantly regained his confidence.

Look, look, everyone thinks it is very embarrassing to catch fish here!

Everyone is a student of a prestigious university, who would lower their self-esteem just to eat a fish!
Duilo felt that he knew the people's will, so he decided to speak out the people's opinion:

"Even if you can eat and fish, so what?"

"We are here for sketching, such an elegant activity, do you think it is suitable for fishing?"

"For Ruan Yao's behavior of destroying the collective image, we should strongly condemn it!"

After finishing speaking, Duilo raised his chin, waiting for the approval of others.


The typo is posted first and then corrected~

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