"No, Duilo, can you stop talking?"

"That's right! We don't think there is anything wrong with this kind of behavior? Can you stop representing us and the collective without authorization?"

"It's just a sketch, what's so elegant about it? I think fishing is more fun."

The one who said this was an art student. He had participated in a lot of sketching activities, big and small, and he had done a lot of sketching exercises himself.

Compared with sketching, fishing is obviously more interesting!

Not to mention that the fish looks so delicious!

The others nodded and highly agreed with the art student's statement!
People depend on food, they just want to eat fish, how can they damage the collective image!

Why did Du Yiluo scold them for embarrassing Huaxia Academy!
...Ruan Yao, the fish catcher, hasn't said anything yet, and the others have already substituted Du Yiluo's words, and the more they think about it, the more angry they become!

Du Yiluo was scolded for being stupid!
No, what's the matter with you?

Is that just a fish?As for it!
And what she scolded was Ruan Yao, what's the matter with these people!
When did they have such a good relationship with Ruan Yao that they protected her so much! !

Du Yiluo collapsed, but seeing that the public anger had been aroused, he didn't dare to say anything, and silently shrank into a corner.

Ruan Yao happily went to the door to rent a bucket for fish, and put the booty she caught in it.

"Okay, let's choose places to start sketching." Xia Yunyun's words brought everyone's attention back to the business.

Everyone can only put away their fishing thoughts first, find a place to set up their drawing boards, and start preparing to draw.

Ruan Yao also carried her keg, chose a place, and took out the painting set that Xia Yunyun gave her... Considering her level of rookie, she only brought a few pencils and drawing boards in the painting set this time.

Compared with other people's assortment of painting tools, it's really a bit shabby.

...it seems to be a little less...

Ruan Yao was a little embarrassed, but turned around and saw Wen Nanqiao beside him, humming a little tune, and putting a pencil on the drawing board.

She brought less than Ruan Yao, and she almost had the word "bad" written on her face.

Noticing Ruan Yao's gaze, she turned her head to look: "What's wrong?"

Ruan Yao smiled: "Nothing."

Some people went too far than her, and the embarrassment in her heart instantly became natural.

Wen Nanqiao:?

Seeing this, Du Yiluo's eyes lit up not far away!
For those who love art and regard art as a major or even a future career, what do you hate the most?
He is a person who has no respect for art and takes it seriously!
Even though the people participating in the group this time are quite strange, at least half of them really like art!
She remembered that Ruan Yao and Wen Nanqiao didn't know how to draw at all...

As long as these people hate Ruan Yao, and then let them know that Ruan Yao was pulled in by Xia Yunyun through the back door... then half of her task today is completed!

As for the other half... There are points for this sketching activity.

The points they worked so hard to get through their paintings were obtained by Ruan Yao through their connections... Who wouldn't feel resentful?

With resentment, wouldn't hate come naturally?

Du Yiluo pretended to come here to pick up things, accidentally caught a glimpse of Ruan Yao's appearance, and exclaimed:
"Ruan Yao, you only took a few pencils? Can this draw a good picture?"

Ruan Yao:?
When the others heard that it had something to do with Ruan Yao, they all turned their heads excitedly.

Is there any more fun?

Seeing that everyone looked over, Du Yiluo immediately pointed at Ruan Yao:

"Could it be that you don't want to draw at all, you just want to score points?"

Hearing what she said, half of the onlookers immediately frowned slightly.

They really like painting, and some of them are planning to make painting a profession, so they are very displeased with the kind of people who just want to make mistakes.

Ruan Yao: ...

You really got it right.

But such disgraceful things are really not suitable to be said openly.

So, Ruan Yao insisted: "Why? I really want to paint."

Du Yiluo let out a sigh, thinking that he could see Ruan Yao's guilty conscience, and said louder:

"Then you draw now!"

"Don't say you don't have inspiration now, we are all watching. If you have no inspiration, you will be the one who loses face in the end."

She directly blocked Ruan Yao's possible excuses.

Ruan Yao let out a cry, before she had time to speak, Wen Nanqiao next to her spoke first:

"Duiluo, what does this have to do with you? What are you? You have to supervise how we paint?"

This statement immediately aroused the approval of most people.

After all, Duilo is just a freshman, why should he care about them?

But Duilo had already thought up his rhetoric, and he was not afraid at all, and even raised his chest higher:
"Everyone! We come here to earn points, all relying on real painting!"

"Don't you want the points you paid for yourself to be earned by others for an easy afternoon?"

As soon as this remark came out, it instantly aroused people's disgusting memories of relationship dogs and authority dogs.

For a while, no one spoke, and all looked at Ruan Yao.

Ruan Yao sighed.

"Originally, I wanted to paint later. Since this is the case, I can only start now."

Wen Nanqiao:? ?
She stared nervously at Ruan Yao.

She knows exactly how idiot Ruan Yao can be in painting.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, it is impossible for Ruan Yao to cheat even if she wants to!
In the distance, Xia Yunyun's expression changed when he heard the movement.

She subconsciously quickened her pace, and she was already searching for reasons to excuse Ruan Yao in her mind...

Others also put down the painting tools in their hands and gathered around to see what Ruan Yao was going to draw.

The easiest thing here is to paint the surface of the lake... Although it is very difficult to paint a good and realistic painting, the club does not require everyone to be a professional painter.

So a simple drawing of the lake is the best way.

Under the scorching gaze of everyone.

Ruan Yao moved.

She reached into the bucket where she had just held the fish.

She took the fish out.

She moved the fish closer to the drawing board.

Everyone understood instantly!

She wanted to draw fish as a reference!

For novices, this is indeed a tricky way.

Du Yiluo sneered in his heart... Although painting fish as a reference object can indeed reduce the difficulty of painting, it is only limited to the treatment of light and dark shadows.

And people who can't draw at all can't even draw the basic shape of a fish well, let alone the details!
Ruan Yao will soon find out how stupid her methods are!

Ruan Yao turned a blind eye to the eyes of the people around her, and continued to move...moving...


The fish that had died due to lack of oxygen was photographed on the drawing board.

Her drawing board is similar to the kind of erasable drawing board, with no paper on it, and the fish has been dried in the bucket for a long time, and it is a little dry.

Only shallow water marks are left on the drawing board.

Ruan Yao wiped off the water on the drawing board calmly, then took a pencil and began to trace along the body of the fish.

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