Weren't you quite angry and disgusted just now? !
Why did you hold that broken notebook and read it for a while, and it was like being lowered one by one? !

Someone even persuaded Duilo:
"Oh, don't hold on to Ruan Yao anymore, have you finished your own painting?"

Duiro is angry!
Why is she holding on to Ruan Yao!

She is calling for justice!
But everyone stopped turning to her, and it was useless for Du Yiluo to be angry.

She could only look at Wen Nanqiao fiercely.

Wen Nanqiao doesn't know how to draw either, and is Ruan Yao's good friend!
She can't touch Ruan Yao, so she wants to use Wen Nanqiao to disgust Ruan Yao!
Du Yiluo pointed to the pencil in Wen Nanqiao's hand, just about to speak.

Wen Nanqiao had already picked up a pebble from the ground proficiently, and imitated it like Ruan Yao.

Then bang bang bang——

A row of cobblestone shapes appears on the canvas.

Wen Nanqiao said convincingly: "This is the unique cobblestone path of Sanyang Lake."

The details of the stone are much easier to fill than the fish. Just a few strokes of the picture is a stone.

Du Yiluo held his words in his throat and almost suffocated to death!

In the crowd of onlookers, the members who were also very good at drawing changed their eyes one after another.

It can still be like this... I learned it.

At this moment, Xia Yunyun also walked over.

Du Yiluo looked at Xia Yunyun, a flash of arrogance flashed in his eyes.

She pretended to be filled with righteous indignation:

"Vice President, Ruan Yao and Wen Nanqiao finished the painting by cheating, what do you think should be done?"

"I heard from my sister that the president is very fair and fair. If he knew that the sketching activity was made so messy by the new members, he would be very angry, right?"

Du Yiluo had heard from her sister that Xia Yunyun loved Wu Yixuan very much, and she almost obeyed him, and what she was most afraid of was that he would be unhappy.

For this reason, Xia Yunyun could bear even her sister riding on Xia Yunyun's head to shit!

So she moved Wu Yixuan out on purpose, just to threaten Xia Yunyun to be obedient.

As expected, Xia Yunyun's complexion changed a bit, and a tangled look appeared in his eyes.

After all, long-standing habits will still be subconsciously followed.

Before Du Yiluo had time to be proud, he heard a voice that was sweet but sounded like a devil:
"Ah... sorry, let me ask."

"The president you are talking about is fair and rewarding... is the one who openly let the old member Du Weiran occupy the position of vice president at the new member report meeting; he was supposed to lead the team today, but in order to send an old member to the hospital, And the one who blatantly pushed the job to the vice president...Wu Yixuan, President Wu?"


Deathly silence.

Not good... dead memories suddenly attack me! !

Words such as "miscarriage" frequently appeared in everyone's minds again, and the eyes they looked at Du Yiluo were particularly...weird.

Duiro's face flushed red.

There is no end!

There is no end! !
I'm so bored!
You just opened your mouth, right? !
Don't others know!Are you the only one sober in the world!

other people:……

Sorry, I really don't know.

Reported on the first day yesterday, everyone is all stupid Mengxin, even if there is a little unreasonable place, they will not think about it!
But how did Ruan Yao know so clearly... Didn't she just come to report yesterday...

Everyone looked at Ruan Yao with fear.

This woman is not to be messed with!
Otherwise, maybe one day the society will die after tossing and turning!

"Ahem..." Xia Yunyun covered her lips with her hand, covered the smile that was about to reach her ears, coughed twice, and after drawing everyone's attention back, she said as seriously as possible, "Okay, everyone, hurry up and go back to draw Bar."

"The association has ordered a special dinner here for everyone. There is grilled fish. We can eat together at seven o'clock~"


Everyone was instantly excited.

The special grilled fish of Sanyang Lake is a must!

No, no, they have to finish the painting quickly, or they won't be able to catch up with the grilled fish!
For a moment, everyone hurried back to their positions.

While Du Yiluo breathed a sigh of relief, she also returned to her seat... Then, she looked at the drawing board in front of her and began to worry.

In fact, she doesn't know how to draw either... At the beginning, she was able to enter the art club because her sister gave her the back door.

Originally, in the script she planned, people would be furious because of Ruan Yao's mixed points, and then they would ask Xia Yunyun for an explanation. In the end, more than half of the people would be dissatisfied with Ruan Yao and Xia Yunyun... Naturally, no one would pay attention to her I don't know how to draw.

But who knows that Ruan Yao doesn't play cards according to routines at all!
Now that people's attention is not distracted at all, even if she wants to secretly take out the prepared painting from her bag to replace it, she has to wait for everyone around her to finish painting and leave.

After half an hour.

Duilo's buttocks hurt from sitting, and she looked to the left.

The person on the left is painting a watercolor painting, and it is only a third of the painting now... At least another two and a half hours will be needed by visual inspection.

Look to the right again... What the hell, you actually learned Ruan Yao's cheating drawing method, just take a leaf and trace it on it!

If you don't get out after finishing the painting, what kind of king are you sitting there to beat! !

People on the left and right were unaware of Duiro's anger and pain, and were still absorbed in their own affairs.

Duiro endured...

Another hour passed.

The person on the left felt that the painting just now was not very good, so he tore up the painting and prepared to redraw it.

The person on the right... because of losing streak, obviously started to get up, and turned into playing lying on the ground.

You two are enough! !
Du Yiluo scolded the eighteen generations of the other party's ancestors in his heart.

Another two hours passed...

The person on the left finally finished painting, heaved a sigh of relief, admired his own painting, and showed a satisfied smile.

Finally... can you go?Are you leaving?Hurry up, go and move your body!
Duiro looked at each other expectantly.

He stands up!
He moved his legs!

He... sat down again? ! !

The other party sighed: "The scenery in this place is really beautiful! Before dinner, I will stay here to enjoy the scenery!"

Du Yiluo was dumbfounded, with a stupid look on his face.

And the one on the right...is still beating the king, and is still muttering: "If I don't become the king today, I will sit here and die!"

Duiro closed his eyes in pain.

Since they're not moving, she's moving!
Duilo stood up with his painting tools.

Xia Yunyun immediately stepped forward and said with concern:
"What's wrong? Are the classmates on both sides affecting your performance?"

Duilo: ?

The students on the left and right immediately looked up.

At this time, if she leaves, no matter what reason she finds, it will make people feel that "she really feels that others have influenced her"...

Duiro gritted his teeth: "No... yes..."

After holding back two words, she sat back in pain again.

After sitting down, it was seven o'clock in the evening, and it was time to eat.

Xia Yunyun, Ruan Yao, Wen Nanqiao, and other students who had finished painting had already brought over the table from the car, as well as the grilled fish and other dinners ordered by the club.

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