They're going to have a picnic by the lake, good food, beautiful scenery and good wine... well, no wine, just smoothies, but that's top notch!

Du Yiluo was sitting not far away, and the fragrance wafted along the wind almost instantly.

Her stomach was growling non-stop, and she swallowed hard, it was so delicious... The grilled fish at the farmhouse outside Sanyang Lake is famous all over the country!

The two classmates sitting next to her had already put away their mobile phones and drawing boards, and were about to eat.

Facing the blank drawing board, Duilo still pretended to be looking for inspiration.

...If, if someone comes over and asks them to eat, she will say that she has already got inspiration, and she can finish the painting after eating... Eat first and then talk...

Duiro thought in his heart.

After a while, as expected, three people came to ask them to eat.

"Gao Chongbo, Fu Xiaofei, Du Yiluo is here for dinner."

The other two immediately responded cheerfully, got up and walked outside.

Du Yiluo felt that half of her body was numb. She supported her arms, and just remembered, Ruan Yao said with concern:
"Why haven't you finished drawing yet?"

"You can't draw, don't you?"

"Then you can use my method! Don't feel embarrassed, several people have drawn like this."

Following her words, other people's gazes also slid from Duilo's face to the drawing board, and then slid back to her face again...

The eyes are quite thoughtful.

Who can't draw anymore!
Your whole family can't draw!
Only you have a mouth, right? !
Duiro gritted his teeth and forced a smile:
"No, I haven't found the feeling yet, wait..." Finish painting after eating.

Before finishing the last few words, Ruan Yao answered with admiration:

"Oh, student Du is really strict with himself! If you can't find the best feeling, just don't move at all..."

"Well... let's leave quickly, and don't disturb Classmate Du to find a feeling."

The others thought it was true, and lamented that they were far behind Du Yiluo.

The classmate who played with the mobile phone before was even more admirable:
"Student Du, I originally thought that you couldn't do without writing, but it turns out that you have extremely high demands on yourself!"

"I'm sorry, I missed you with a villain's heart!"

"We're leaving now and will never bother you again."

What the hell! !

So you did it on purpose this afternoon, you bastard! !

Du Yiluo almost scolded, but Haikou was the one who boasted, and now everyone else praises her...

She must not be destroyed!

Otherwise, she would be the one despised by everyone!

Du Yiluo endured his growling stomach, and sat back abruptly: "You guys go quickly...I'll find out how I feel..."

"Yeah, we'll give you leftovers." Fu Xiaofei...that is, the classmate who painted watercolors in the afternoon, put a knife in Du Yiluo's heart stupidly and sweetly.

Seeing Du Yiluo's face darker than the bottom of the pot, Ruan Yao almost couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, let's go." Ruan Yao beckoned the others to leave.

After a while, everyone's cheerful and relaxed laughter, the aroma of grilled fish and other delicacies, and the bright lights came from not far away.

Du Yiluo sat alone by the dark lake, the evening wind blowing from the lake was cold and cool, his stomach hurt from hunger, and his whole body was sore and sore from sitting for a long time...

She grabbed the grass under her body fiercely, ravaged them into slag, and was still angry. She simply took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Du Weiran who was in the hospital with stern eyes:

【Sorry, sister.That Ruan Yao is too cunning, woo woo... I, I can't figure her out. 】

[But the president can definitely do it!She violated the rules many times during this sketching activity, the president can definitely expel her from the art club for these reasons! 】

In the hospital, Du Weiran's face became paler and paler as he watched the things Du Yiluo sent Ruan Yao to do.

At this moment, Wu Yixuan came back from the outside with the food he bought, saw Du Weiran's face was pale, and hurriedly said with concern:
"what happened?"

Du Weiran cried and covered her face: "I'm sorry, President. I really hurt your girlfriend... She recruited two people from outside to deal with me and my sister..."

"Why don't you go find her quickly... Leave me alone... It's not worth fighting with your girlfriend for me..."

Hearing her mention Xia Yunyun, Wu Yixuan thought that Xia Yunyun hadn't contacted him since yesterday until today... This was absolutely impossible before.

Wu Yixuan frowned slightly, a subtle irritability welled up in his heart.

He took this irritability as the feeling of hearing Xia Yunyun find someone to bully Du Weiran and her sister, and said in a deep voice:
"Don't cry. Tell me what's going on first."

"If Xia Yunyun is really bullying you, I will definitely not sit idly by!"

Du Weiran hooked the corner of his lips buried in the palm of his hand, and then handed the phone to Wu Yixuan aggrievedly, letting him read the message from Du Yiluo.

When he saw Ruan Yao smearing him and Du Weiran with "sent to the hospital" and "abortion" many times, Wu Yixuan's face was darker than ink.

Wu Yixuan was furious when he saw that Ruan Yao had almost completed the painting task by cheating, and Xia Yunyun was helping to speak.

Wu Yixuan became more and more furious when he saw Ruan Yao leading other people to collect points together in this way.

In the end, Wu Yixuan was furious when he saw Xia Yunyun and Ruan Yao leading the others to "squeeze out" Du Yiluo and not let her go to dinner!

"Hateful!" Wu Yixuan said angrily, "This Ruan Yao is simply arrogant and arrogant! You really think that the art club has no rules, right?"

"Tomorrow I will expel her and her friend from the art club!"

"Remove Xia Yunyun's position as vice president!"

Du Weiran's face was full of grievances, but at a position that Wu Yixuan couldn't see, the smile on his lips grew wider.


After dinner, Xia Yunyun adjusted the time to go back to nine o'clock in the evening under the unanimous suggestion of other members that they wanted to visit the night scene.

They were given an hour of free time.

Everyone originally wanted to fish, but this time is no longer suitable, so we can only give up with regret.

Ruan Yao and Wen Nanqiao walked along the lake, feeling the night breeze and the sound of insects.

When they came to a certain mouth connecting the forest, a faint cry of a child suddenly came out along the wind.

Wen Nanqiao blew up immediately, and subconsciously grabbed Ruan Yao's hand:

"You, did you hear any crying?"

Ruan Yao is very calm:

"I heard, there is a child crying."

Wen Nanqiao let out a terrified sound, looked at the dark forest entrance, and trembled when he spoke:

"It's, it's so late... how can there be children crying..."

"Ruan Yao, we shouldn't encounter that life-threatening..."

"I heard that in some deep lakes and rivers, there are water ghosts looking for a substitute for the dead ghosts, and they use the cries of children to lure people there."

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