After the fake daughter was abandoned, the villain brothers competed for favor

Chapter 134 First Experience in Life, First Experience

Xia Yunyun said gently:

"Little friend, it's so late, if you don't go back, your parents will be worried."

To everyone's surprise, the little boy turned his head and said with some disdain:
"No one will worry about me."

"You don't understand, I don't go back, it's the protection of my mother."

Everyone was shocked and looked at each other.

Immediately thinking of something, my heart sank again.

Ruan Yao thought for a while, knelt down, and said to the little boy:
"Well then, we'll go back with you."

"Look, there are so many brothers and sisters, if there is any danger, we can protect you and your mother, right?"

The little boy looked at Ruan Yao hesitantly, then raised his eyes to the other people standing behind her, pursed his lips a little awkwardly, and said nothing.

Everyone was in trouble for a while.

This kid should not go back, and they couldn't force him to the police station, let alone take him back.

But they can't waste their time here.

Ruan Yao saw that most people's eyes were wandering, and she had the idea of ​​leaving. After thinking about it, she took out her mobile phone and called her elder brother.

Jiang Shihan always responded to Ruan Yao's contact in a timely manner, whether it was WeChat or phone calls.

As soon as the bell rang twice, Jiang Shihan picked it up.

Ruan Yao didn't talk nonsense, and directly explained the current situation, and then asked:

"Brother, can you send someone to help?"

We are all students and have never encountered such a complicated thing, so it is normal to want to leave.

But she can't go.

If such a young child is left alone here, she will have a bad conscience for the rest of her life.

After Jiang Shihan finished listening, he said directly:

"I'll let people from Linyi go over to deal with it."

This is not a big deal in his eyes.

Ruan Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

She asked the little boy, "If you don't want to go home, why don't you go with us first?"

The little boy lowered his head and thought about it for a long time, but in the end he still didn't want to stay alone in the black forest, so he nodded slightly.

Although these people are strangers...but he feels at ease with them...especially this big sister in front of him.

Much more at ease than staying at home.

So, Ruan Yao and the others took the little boy back to the car.

in the car.

Duilo watched the others bring a five or six-year-old boy back. He was surprised at first, and then sat gracefully in the car, waiting for others to find out that the tire was punctured.

Then, when they are worried, she can pretend to be indifferent and say that she has someone who can drive to pick her up.

And then appreciate their fawning and fawning...

Soon, those who came back found that the tire was punctured and ran out of gas, and it was impossible to drive again.

"Why is the tire broken?" Someone was surprised.

"Then this car can't be driven?" Someone was speechless.

"It's the middle of the night, and no car comes when you call for it, right?" Someone wanted a solution.

Everyone discussed various methods.

Du Yiluo had been sitting in the car and listening, and when she saw that she was almost there, she raised her head slightly, opened the car door, and said proudly:
"My friend will come to pick me up later, if you want to hitch a ride back, you can find me."

Ruan Yao: "I asked my brother's assistant to drive a few more cars over here. At that time, everyone will go back by car first, and the car can be pulled away by a trailer."

The two voices sounded almost at the same time.

Duiro's face froze.

Everyone else was attracted by Ruan Yao's words:

"Fuck? Really?"

"Awesome! I saw the richest man Jiang sitting in a luxury car on the live broadcast before, and the rows of black cars behind him were obviously specially modified. I was so envious and curious! I never thought that one day I would be able to sit in it and experience it for myself!"

"That's the car driven by the richest man Jiang's bodyguards... Woohoo, I can suddenly feel the happiness of classmate Ruan Yao now... Not to mention anything else, I now feel full of security on the way back!"

Ruan Yao: ...

Everyone was excited and moved for a while, and finally someone noticed Duilo who was sitting frozen in the car.

"Huh? Duilo, how often are you here?"

Duilo's face froze a little more.

"Duiluo has come a long time ago, haven't you noticed?" It was a girl who said this.

Du Yiluo looked at the girl and was immediately moved.

It turned out that someone still cared about her...

In the next second, I heard the girl say:
"Duiluo also said that there is a car to pick her up, and anyone who wants to take her car can find her."

Duilo's face became stiff again.

There is no need to say this sentence!


Everyone looked at each other.

Compared with the upcoming modified luxury cars...they don't really want to sit...

Seeing everyone wanting to refuse but being embarrassed, Du Yiluo almost gritted his teeth!

shame! !
This is simply an unprecedented shame! !
Blame that damned Ruan Yao!

Ruan Yao was digging out a candy from her pocket to comfort the frightened child, when she suddenly felt a gloomy feeling coming from her back, and it was a bit irritating.

Ruan Yao turned her head, snap!

Slap a mosquito to death.

Oh it's you!

Damn vampires!

Waited about half an hour.

A group of about a dozen black cars stopped at the gate of Sanyang Lake in a well-trained manner.

The car door in the middle opened, and Lin Yi came over with a few bodyguards in black. He first glanced at the people standing beside Ruan Yao, and then greeted Ruan Yao respectfully: "Hi Miss Six."

All eyes were on Ruan Yao.

Before Ruan Yao got along with them alone, they didn't feel anything.

At this moment... an assistant in a clean suit with an elite air, and a tall, mighty, vicious bodyguard.

They all stood respectfully in front of Ruan Yao, waiting for her order.

Everyone suddenly felt a kind of... the gap between the wealthy daughter and ordinary people.

There was an inexplicable feeling of alienation...

At this moment, Ruan Yao greeted Lin Yi with a smile, and pointed behind her:

"Please send my classmate back, please."

Lin Yi and the bodyguards turned their heads to look at the others, their attitude still slightly respectful:

"Sorry for keeping everyone waiting."

"Please also get in the car with the bodyguards. Please rest assured, we will send everyone home safely."

Ah this...

Because of Ruan Yao, everyone who unexpectedly felt the treatment of the wealthy daughter: ...

The alienation that had just arisen was suddenly like a balloon being poked by a needle point, and it exploded with a bang.

The people who were respectfully escorted into the car by two bodyguards had only one thought in their minds:
So cool!

It's so sweet to be friends with Ruan Yao...


The cars drove away one by one.

Du Yiluo looked at the way other people were treated respectfully by those tall, mighty and elegant bodyguards, and a deep sense of envy rose in his heart.

She also wants to experience this feeling! !
At this moment, Lin Yi also saw Du Yiluo who hadn't gotten into the car yet, and said with concern:

"Is this classmate not getting in the car?"

Up and up!
Excitement arose in Duilo's heart, and he was just about to say get in the car.

Just listen to Ruan Yao say:
Explosive update~ The typo is corrected first and then corrected!

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