"Oh, she's waiting for a friend to pick her up, don't worry about it."

Duiro:! !
Damn Ruan Yao! !

Ruan Yao didn't pay attention to what Du Yiluo was thinking.

After all the students left, she pulled out Xiao Douding who was hiding behind her:
"All right."

"Look, all the powerful and fierce uncles are here now."

"Even if someone bullies you and your mother, they can protect you~"

"Shall we go home first?"

Only then did Lin Yi realize that there was a child hiding behind Ruan Yao, he was taken aback for a while, and realized——

This is what Mr. Jiang said to deal with.

Xiaodouding timidly glanced at the dozen or so uncles who looked fierce and powerful, and then at the big sister who made him feel warm and at ease.

He pursed his lips and hesitated for a long time, then nodded.

"it is good……"

He didn't care what happened, but he really wanted someone to save his mother.


Jiang's Group.

CEO's office.

After Jiang Shihan finished a batch of business affairs, he sat on the sofa and rubbed the space between his brows tiredly.

At this moment, the door of the president's office was pushed open.

A man walked in hurriedly, took a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet next to him, sat on the sofa and drank with his head raised.

Jiang Shihan remained calm, apparently accustomed to the opponent's style:

"Your parents lost their temper again?"

The person opposite drank half of the bottle of wine in one go before putting the bottle on the table with a bang.

He is about 30 years old, with fair skin and a very juvenile baby face. At this moment, his face is frowning, and he let out a long breath:

"Sigh... Ever since the younger sister was trafficked ten years ago, the two of them have had a hard time... going crazy at home from time to time."

"I really want to find my little sister quickly... let's end this torture!"

Jiang Shihan glanced at him, sipped his tea slowly, without speaking.

This person is one of his few business partners and close friends, named Zhang Zuoqiu.

The Zhang family is a real top-notch wealthy family in the capital... the kind where all the political, business and military have children.

And Zhang Zuoqiu's younger sister is the only girl in the Zhang family in the past 30 years. Although her brain nerves were damaged due to a serious illness when she was young, and her intelligence deteriorated to about three years old, she is still loved by the whole family...

No one thought that the nanny who had taken care of her since childhood would sell her out of nowhere.

Later, the Zhang family used all their connections to strictly examine the nanny. Although it was found out that she was instigated and seduced by the opponent in the Zhang family's shopping mall, it was also found out who the little girl was sold to.

But at that time, the little girl had been sold several times, and with the accidental death of a buyer in the middle, the clues were completely cut off.

No one has been found yet.

Zhang Zuoqiu looked at Jiang Shihan enviously:
"That's great...you can still find your sister."

"When I think about how much my sister has suffered in the past ten years, and I don't even know if she is still in this world, I just..."

As he spoke, his eyes turned red.

Jiang Shihan listened silently:

"Ruan Yao's luck has always been good."

"Maybe she can bring your sister back."

Zhang Zuoqiu smiled miserably, and said without much hope:

"Then she will be the biggest benefactor of the Zhang family in the future."


Ruan Yao and his group followed the little boy, turned and turned, and finally saw his home in a corner close to the deep mountains and old forests.

At this moment, not to mention Ruan Yao, even Lin Yi and the others couldn't help showing an extremely surprised expression.

In today's society, there are still people living in mud houses!
How poor is this?

Ruan Yao couldn't help but look down at the little boy. She didn't pay attention before it was dark, but now she realized that although the clothes on the boy's body were clean and tidy, there were a few patches sewn on them...

Beautiful petals are embroidered on the patch...Is it to prevent the little boy from being laughed at by his classmates?
The little boy also noticed Ruan Yao's eyes. He was angry because he got 56 points in the test, but now he smiled and said proudly:
"Isn't it nice? My mother sewed it."

Ruan Yao's eyes moved: "Well, it looks good."

While talking, a group of people came to the door.

Lin stepped forward to knock on the door.

But the little boy stopped him with some fear:
"Uncle, sister, later...my dad may be scary later..."

"If you are afraid, don't worry about me, just run away..."

Ruan Yao felt her heart was kicked hard by something, she didn't say anything, but just grabbed the little boy's hand and signaled Lin Yi to come forward and knock on the door.

Lin Yi knocked on the door for a long time, but no one answered.

Lin Yi said that he sent the child back, but no one paid any attention.

Seeing this, the little boy let go of Ruan Yao's hand: "I'll do it."

He stepped forward and knocked on the door lightly three times: "Dad, I'm back."

This time, a brutal male voice sounded from the door:

"Son of a bitch, you still know how to come back!!"

The door was forcefully opened, and a sloppy, potbellied man, smelling of alcohol and with bloodshot eyes, held up a steel pipe and smashed it down on the little boy's head without even looking at it:

"Every one of them is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, I will beat you to death!"

Behind him, a disheveled but bruised woman tugged at the man's clothes in a panic.

She seems to have some intellectual problem, like a child learning to speak, stumbling and shouting:

"No, don't, don't fight..."

The little boy seemed to be used to it. He lowered his head and shrugged his shoulders, waiting for the pain to come.

There was a loud noise, accompanied by smashing or something, and the man's screams sounded at the same time.

The little boy hugged his head subconsciously, but then realized that his body didn't hurt.

He raised his head in surprise, and saw the two tall bodyguards next to his eldest sister, who at some point stood in front of them, protecting them like two great gods.

Immediately afterwards, he saw lying on a pile of wooden table debris, clutching his chest and moaning in pain... Dad.

The little boy's eyes widened instantly:! !
In his life, this was the first time he saw someone beat his father!

"Yangyang..." The woman was also frightened by such a scene. Her mind seemed unable to figure out what happened, but she subconsciously threw herself on the side of the little boy and held him tightly in her arms.

"No, not afraid...not afraid..."

When she got closer, Ruan Yao saw that the woman had fracture marks on her calf and a deep scar on her head... There was no hair growing in this place, so one can imagine how hideous and painful the wound was at that time!
Ruan Yao's eyes shook violently, and for the first time, an uncontrollable hostility rose in her heart.

This beast!

Not fit to be human!

"Brother Lin, I want to take their mother and son away." Ruan Yao said directly.

It's fine if she can't see it, if she sees it, it is absolutely impossible to let the child and this helpless woman stay beside that kind of beast.

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