Lin Yi's face was also extremely ugly.

Even if he was by Mr. Jiang's side and saw a lot of darkness in the world, he couldn't help but be moved by this mother with an abnormal IQ but still desperately protecting her child.

"no problem."

It's easy for the Jiang family to protect themselves.

Ruan Yao lowered her head and looked at the little boy:
"Your name is Yangyang, right?"

"Would you like to come with me?"

"I can't promise you anything else, but I can guarantee that you and your mother can live a normal life."

The little boy stared at Ruan Yao with clear eyes, paused, lowered his head helplessly, then turned his head to look at his father who was still lying in the scum of the table and couldn't get up for a long time.

He hesitated for a long time, and finally nodded fiercely:

"Big sister, I'll go with you!"

Although the eldest sister is also a stranger, she may not be a good person, is better than staying by Dad's side.

At the very least... the big sister looks rich and powerful, so she definitely doesn't like his mother...

He doesn't have to worry about his mother continuing to be beaten as a punching bag.

As for doesn't matter, anyway, his only role since he was a child was to get his mother beaten, maybe his mother would be happier without him.

Ruan Yao didn't know how complicated this 5-year-old child was thinking. After all, she was like a fool when she was 5 years old, and she was coaxed by others just by saying a few words.

Seeing that the little boy agreed, she asked the bodyguards to support Yang Yang's mother and lead Yang Yang away first...

There is no way, Yang Yang's mother can't understand what's going on now, she just hugs Yang Yang tightly and protects him with her body... Even if the bodyguards want to carry them behind their backs, they can't.

Seeing that Yangyang's mother is not a habitual posture that cannot be formed through long-term abuse, Ruan Yao only feels that the fire in her heart has risen a little bit.

Seeing that Yang Yang and his mother followed the bodyguards and left without looking back, the man was swearing and swearing, and when he got up he wanted to catch them back.

But as soon as he got up, he was kicked to the ground by the bodyguard again.

Injuries added to injuries, and the intense pain finally made the man sober up a little.

Looking at the dozen or so aggressive bodyguards in front of him, and Ruan Yao standing among the bodyguards with a sinister smile, he finally felt a trace of fear:
"who are you?"

"Don't come here!"

"Why do you take away my wife and children! It's against the law for you to trespass on my house!"

Ruan Yao whistled mockingly:

"Yo? Strange, so you also know the law?"

"Then you intentionally hurt someone, shouldn't you also be sentenced?"

The man roared viciously:
"What intentional hurt! I beat my own wife and children, not others!"

"Even if you beat him to death, the police won't care!"

Ruan Yao slapped the steel pipe hard on the man's leg, which made him scream, and he couldn't say any more disgusting words.

Ruan Yao threw down the steel pipe, took out a wet tissue from her bag in disgust, wiped her hands, and then threw the tissue on the screaming man rolling over with his legs in his arms:

"Bastard! Go to prison and repent!"

After speaking, she also turned and walked out.

With the elder brother behind the knife, this man must spend his whole life in prison, enjoying the "beautiful treatment" of his wife and children a hundred times and a thousand times.


After all, Yang Yang was a child, no matter how frightened and nervous he was, he still couldn't resist and fell asleep on the way back.

Ruan Yao arranged them in her villa... Anyway, she basically lives on campus, and this villa is also vacant.

Jiang Shihan had arranged for maids and doctors to check and clean Yangyang's mother, but Ruan Yao couldn't help much, so she simply went to rest.

And the other side.

The towing company came quickly to tow the broken car away.

Duilo waited in the cold wind for more than half an hour, and the man chasing her finally drove over in a Buick.

He got out of the car with a smile, took out a sausage from his arms, and handed it to Duilo enthusiastically:
"Have you been waiting for a long time? Oh, I don't know what's going on, but there's a sudden traffic jam on the road."

"Later, another convoy of more than a dozen cars also came here. It looked like a big shot, unified black car! Well-trained! How dare I offend, so I have to give way to others."

It was dark, and he didn't see that every time he said a word, the expression on Duilo's face became a little uglier.

He finished bragging with a bit of pride after seeing the big scene, and looked around:
"What about your classmates?"

"I heard that there are many people, so I drove the car I just bought here... This car costs more than 30 yuan, isn't it good?"

Duilo gave him an annoyed look:
"Not bad, what good? It's only 30 yuan for a broken car."

"Let's go. I'm freezing to death!"

After finishing speaking, she slammed the door and got on the co-pilot.

That man: ...

Is this woman mentally ill?

She has to work in a car repair shop for a summer vacation, so she doesn't like his 30 new car? !

And slammed his precious car door! !
Can't bear it! !

The man angrily threw the sausage on the ground, walked to the co-pilot, and opened the door:
"Get out of here!"

"Either you apologize to me today, or you find a way to go back by yourself!"

"I owe you for running so far in the cold wind to pick you up at night, right?"

Duiro: ...

Her eyes were wide open, and she looked at the man in disbelief, but she couldn't help thinking of the respect and politeness that those people in suits and leather shoes had shown to Ruan Yao in her mind.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! !

The next day, as soon as Ruan Yao woke up, she saw the news that Du Yiluo asked for leave from the art club group.

Here's what she posted:

[@社长, I'm sorry, although I really want to make a contribution to the club, but my body really doesn't allow it. 】

[Because I was blowing cold wind for a long time outside the gate of Sanyang Lake by myself last night, I had a severe cold and fever today, and I couldn’t even get up to pour a glass of water. 】

[I feel very guilty and sad to ask for leave when I first joined the club. 】

Ruan Yao: ...

Is your grandma Qiong Yao?
Another member who asked for leave because of a cold yesterday: ...

Made is sick.

What he said, it seemed that he was wrong if he didn't feel guilty.

other people:……

Made, sick leave will be rolled up, what will they do in the future!
Wu Yixuan, however, seemed to be too moved, and directly praised Du Yiluo's awareness of his contribution to the society in the group, and then changed the subject:
[@夏云云, it is your negligence to let the new member wait for the bus alone, don’t you worry about her being a newcomer and having any accidents?After school today, you went to visit classmate Duilo in person and apologized to her. 】

Then, he followed @黑瑶和文南乔, and posted their paintings to the group:

[In addition, our art club is a Buddhist school, and the requirements are loose, but it doesn't mean that people who are not serious can come in to fish in troubled waters! 】

【Look, everyone, does this look like something drawn by someone who wants to draw seriously? 】

[And I also heard about what happened to you at Sanyang Lake yesterday.Ruan Yao is a person who sows right and wrong, suffers indiscriminately to smear the image of her classmates, and even organizes small groups to target new members. 】

【Everything is outrageous! 】

【Therefore, I now decide to expel Ruan Yao and Wen Nanqiao from the club! 】

After Wu Yixuan finished speaking righteously and sternly, he waited for everyone in the group to agree.

He is the president of the company, so he has his own majesty, and Ruan Yao's perfunctory on the painting is obvious to all.

It is absolutely impossible for anyone to speak for her!

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