Seeing Wu Yixuan's announcement in the group, Ruan Yao was shocked!
What the hell!

The head of a dignified society, if he can't beat him, he's just playing tricks? !
The others were also shocked!

How could Ruan Yao leave!

With Ruan Yao gone, her painting tutorials, her wealth experience, all her benefits... are they all gone!

[President, I object! 】Fu Xiaofei jumped out first,【Although Ruan Yao's painting looks a bit sloppy, it is thick and fine. Look at the fish scales, it was clearly drawn with heart! 】

[So, I think that the art club, as a fan club, should not look at the existing skills of the members, but the mentality of the members. 】

[As long as the other party has serious intentions to learn, even if the drawing is shit now, they shouldn't be fired! 】

Ruan Yao:?
Ah... so she is so serious?

Wu Yixuan: You fart!

The fish scales are drawn like a triangle, how could you say the word "heart" against your conscience!
[President!I agree with Fu Xiaofei's words!That day when Ruan Yao was painting, we all watched with our own eyes... She knew she couldn't paint, so she went to the lake to catch fish to copy, in order not to make her painting too ugly. ] Gao Chongbo also jumped out.

[Dare to ask this determination, this hard work, this courage, who can compare with this? 】

Ruan Yao was very surprised, it turned out that it was because of this reason that she caught fish!

But... that fish was grilled by her eldest brother's chef this morning, and it was really delicious...

Du Yiluo, who was watching the group, almost jumped up: ...

Why don't you just listen to what you're saying?ah? !

Do you think anyone will believe such an absurd reason? !
[President, I think Gao Chongbo is right!Anyway, I can't do it. 】

【I feel so too……】

【Me too. 】

[Student Ruan Yao is really quick-witted!I can't even think of a way to do this! 】

All the members of the group who participated in the sketching activity yesterday stood up one after another.

Ruan Yao didn't say a word about the whole matter, and the others were more anxious than her.

this moment.

Wu Yixuan was dumbfounded.

Duiro was dumbfounded.

Xia Yunyun was dumbfounded.

Wen Nanqiao was dumbfounded.

Even Ruan Yao herself was dumbfounded!

However, although……

The thinking of the students who study fine arts is like this... Are you maverick?
Seeing this, the old members of the group also came forward one after another:
[Since the new members are saying this, it seems that something happened yesterday that we don't know about. 】

[Yeah, I took a closer look at classmate Ruan Yao's painting. Although it is not as rough as it is, it still has a special style when you look closely. 】

Ruan Yao immediately looked at the person who sent the message... Huiyan, did anyone find out that she is a legendary talented painter who can make a painting with just two strokes?

[Qing Xuan, stop talking.Last time President Wu accidentally sent a photo of his hemorrhoids to the group, you took it as a painting posted by the president, and praised that hemorrhoids are unique, quite Picasso-style! 】

Ruan Yao:? ? ?
Wu Yixuan withdrew a message.

Wu Yixuan: [Ahem!Now is a serious time, don't post irrelevant discussions in the group! 】

【good!Let's not mention Ruan Yao's paintings, but is it true that you sow discord and form a small group against Du Yiluo?Just leaving Du Yiluo alone at the gate of Sanyang Lake at night is proof! 】

Ruan Yao gossiped: [President, let's not talk about this for now... Who did you want to send that photo to? 】

Fu Xiaofei: [I also want to know...]

【I also……】

【Me too. 】

[Ahhh... Suddenly, I feel that the filter of the male god of the art department is shattered...] This is a post from a girl.

arouse approval.

Wu Yixuan looked at the out-of-control group chat, the familiar feeling of suffocation came over his face, he said angrily:

[From now on, whoever brings up irrelevant things again, I'll kick them out of the group! 】

The group fell silent instantly.

Wu Yixuan just felt better when he saw Ruan Yao send a message:
[Sorry, President, I don't know what you mean by sowing dissension?can you tell me 】

[There are also small groups and so on. In the end, Du Yiluo said that she was picked up by someone and had to wait for someone, so we put her there. You don't know about this, do you? 】

Others also testified to Ruan Yao.

Wu Yixuan:? ?

He really didn't know.

When Du Yiluo came back last night, he chatted with him in private crying, saying that Ruan Yao asked his elder brother to drive a luxury car to pick everyone up.

Because she had a conflict with Ruan Yao before, Ruan Yao ignored her.

This is the younger sister of his savior, Wu Yixuan was furious immediately, and his blood surged up, vowing to help her get justice.

But this situation... isn't that Duiro's own problem?
Du Yiluo didn't expect that so many people would speak up for Ruan Yao. She couldn't help feeling sad and angry when she thought of being humiliated by that Puxin man last night.

She accused in the group:
[Then you shouldn't have left me there as a girl... I was alone in that dark place, can you be held accountable for what happened? 】

There was an eerie silence in the group.

Xia Yunyun: [Speaking of this...the repair shop gave me feedback this morning, saying that the tire was punctured on purpose, and a tree branch was found in the car. 】

She posted the pointed branch in the group.

[@Duiluo, you were alone in the car at the time, can you explain what happened to this branch? 】

Duilo disappeared immediately.

Crowd: ? ? ! !


With the power to puncture a tire, the gangsters have to send out in their group: 【Don't go to Sanyang Lake!There is an extremely scary woman there, we might never come back after we go! 】

Wu Yixuan only felt that his face was dry and flustered.

He wished he could go back in time and beat himself to death when he made the announcement just now!
Damn how much Duilo is hiding!
It hurt him to be so embarrassing in front of everyone... especially the new members!
What is the majesty of his president!

Wu Yixuan: [Ahem!It seems that I misunderstood classmate Ruan Yao, and I apologize to you.The announcement just now is invalid, you are welcome to join the art club! 】

With just a few words, she wanted to expose this matter.

Everyone: ...

As expected of the president!

The main focus is one that can bend and stretch.

That's all for now...

Ruan Yao: [No way, President.Please come and apologize to me yourself. 】

Um? ! !
Everyone instantly sent a row of 6666 to the group.

Sisters are brave!

Wu Yixuan was simply shocked!
Is this man crazy!
How dare he ask the head of the company to apologize in person? !Just for this shit?
There are old members and Si Ni: [Ruan Yao, that's fine.It's not enough for the president to apologize to you in person.In the future, everyone will see each other when they look up and see each other when they look down. Helping each other is indispensable. 】

Ruan Yao asked naively: [Didn't the president ask Vice President Xia to go to Du Yiluo to apologize in person? 】

[It stands to reason that Vice President Xia is even more innocent, so why did he have to apologize in person instead? 】

Old member: ...

He forgot about this.

Wu Yixuan: ...

Why can't time turn back!

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