Liu Yun fell to the ground, and the breath of life gradually disappeared.Lin Jia took a deep breath, feeling a little relief in her heart.She knew that after Liu Yun's death, her revenge had just begun, and there were more enemies waiting for her.

However, Lin Jia's face soon became serious again.She realized she didn't have much time to lose.She checked the jade pendant in her bosom, the number on it was counting down continuously, and the effect of the prop was about to end.

"Don't stay for long!" Lin Jia thought to herself.She quickly picked up the long sword on the ground, then flew up and rushed towards the exit of the valley.Although the toxins in her body have been gradually forced out, leaving this place is the key. She needs to find a safe place to detoxify, otherwise, when the effects of the props disappear, the toxins will spread again and pose a fatal threat to her.

Lin Jia galloped in the air, her figure was as nimble as a flying swallow.She didn't stop at all, and flew straight towards a hidden cave.This cave has been explored by her before, and the terrain is dangerous, which can provide a certain amount of cover.She knows that detoxification is the safest option here.

In the process of catching up, Lin Jia constantly mobilized the internal force in his body to accelerate the discharge of toxins.Her brows were slightly furrowed, and sweat dripped from her forehead, but she didn't mean to stop.

"We must persevere, and we cannot let the toxin attack again!" Lin Jia gritted her teeth and said silently in her heart.She firmly believes that as long as she can persist in reaching the cave, she will have a better chance of removing the toxins from her body.

Finally, Lin Jiafei arrived at the entrance of the cave.She quickly entered the cave and lay down on a smooth stone.She took out a storage jade pendant, which contained some precious herbs and spirit stones.She began to mobilize her inner strength, turned the herbs into essence, guided them into her body, and dispelled the toxins bit by bit.

Time passed quickly, and Lin Jia felt that the toxins in her body gradually weakened, and her body gradually recovered its strength.The number on the jade pendant also stopped counting down, and the effects of the props had completely disappeared.

Lin Jia stood up from the ground, feeling that she was completely out of danger.She looked at the light outside the cave, and a firm determination surged in her heart.She knows that her road to revenge is full of difficulties and dangers, but she will not back down, and she will use her own efforts and persistence to embark on her own path of fairy tales.

"Liu Yun, your death is just the beginning." Lin Jia whispered to herself, her eyes shining with determination.She stepped out of the cave and continued on the unknown journey ahead.

Mr. Li was dressed in a blue robe and had white hair. He stared at Liu Yun's body lying on the ground, without any expression on his face.He frowned slightly, as if he sensed something was wrong.

Approaching slowly, Li Lao bent down and stretched out his fingers to gently touch Liu Yun's body.He could feel a faint chill remaining on the corpse, as if a fierce struggle had just occurred.

Old Li's eyes were deep, and he began to examine Liu Yun's body, carefully looking for any traces that could provide clues.He is an elder of the sect with rich experience, and soon discovered some flaws.

"The blood here... doesn't seem to belong to Lin Jia." Mr. Li said to himself, frowning slightly, and gradually understood the whole story in his heart.

Old Li stood up, his eyes became deeper.He closed his eyes, as if thinking about something.After a while, he spoke slowly, his voice was like a whispering mountain wind.

"Lin Jia, you really are not simple. Liu Yun chased and killed you, but ended up like this under your hands." Old Li sighed, with a look of admiration on his face.

He didn't ask too much, because he understood that Lin Jia had already escaped, and her whereabouts were not his concern.Mr. Li is not a person who pursues personal grievances, he is more concerned about the long-term development and peace of the sect.

"Lin Jia, your martial arts are getting better and better than I imagined." Mr. Li said with emotion. He took out a jade pendant from the storage bag, and the spiritual energy in it turned into a ball of light, wrapping Liu Yun's body in it .

Then, with a flick of his finger, the light from the jade pendant exploded, completely shattering Liu Yun's body and turning it into scattered aura.Mr. Li's movements were crisp and neat, without delay.

Elder Li looked around, and once again stared at the scenery of the valley.

"Hey, there is this handle, don't worry that you can't control it when you come back."

Old Li's figure gradually disappeared into the sky, leaving behind the tranquility of the valley.The situation inside and outside the sect is waiting for Lin Jia to write about it.

In that secret cave, Lin Jia lay on the smooth stones, feeling the toxins in his body gradually dissipating.She closed her eyes, began to mobilize the true qi in her body, and slowly guided the surrounding heaven and earth essence into her body.

As she adjusted her breath, the surrounding breath became unusual.The breeze seemed to become fresher, and there was a faint aura in the air.Lin Jia's body began to glow with a faint golden light, like a fairy descending from the mortal world.

Her body was gradually suspended in the air, her arms spread out naturally, and her fingers danced lightly, like notes on the strings.She began to absorb the essence of heaven and earth, integrated them into her body, and recovered her strength.

A stream of fresh breath poured into Lin Jia's body, as if it was the purest energy in the world.She could feel that every meridian in her body was vibrating, and every inch of her skin was absorbing the nourishment of spiritual energy.

Time passed quietly in this quiet cave, and Lin Jia's state gradually entered a state of detachment.She felt that she was integrated with the heaven and the earth, and her soul seemed to pass through the boundaries of time and space and resonate with the universe.

Her state of mind gradually calmed down, and a kind of endless peace and tranquility emerged in her heart.She forgot the hustle and bustle of the outside world, the battle and danger just now.At this moment, she is just an existence connected with the heaven and the earth, absorbing the gift of nature.

Gradually, Lin Jia felt that the strength in her body was constantly increasing, her energy was full, and her muscles and bones were strong.Her five senses also seem to have become more acute, and she can feel the flow of every breeze and the flying of every dust.

During the practice, she seemed to be reborn, radiating a new vitality.Her body is full of infinite energy, as if it can shake the world and change the universe.

When she felt that the zhenqi in her body had reached a peak state, she slowly stopped absorbing it.Her body slowly landed on the ground, and the golden light gradually receded, but a trace of breath remained.

Lin Jia opened his eyes, and there was a bright light in them.She felt refreshed, and every inch of her body was cheering, as if she had received new life.

She stood up, feeling the scene around her, and her heart was filled with anticipation for the future.She knew that the practice just now had brought her closer to her goal and laid a more solid foundation for the next journey.

Lin Jia walked out of the cave and disappeared into the valley, leaving behind a peaceful scene.

During Lin Jia's journey of practice, she often fell into the test of life and death.Every life-and-death struggle made her realize the preciousness and fragility of life more deeply.In a crisis-ridden environment, she learned to protect herself and to persevere in pursuit of her goals.

On the verge of life and death again and again, her understanding gradually strengthened.She understands that only with real breakthroughs can she better face future challenges.At this moment, she felt that she was already on the verge of a breakthrough.

Lin Jia stood on the top of the mountain, absorbing the rich energy of the surrounding world.Her state of mind is very peaceful, as if she is one with the heaven and the earth.She focused her attention on her body and began to guide the aura from the outside world into her body.

Her eyes were slightly closed, and her breathing gradually became steady.She felt every trace of the essence of heaven and earth entering her body, passing through the meridians, nourishing every inch of skin, muscles and bones.A faint golden light began to emerge from her body, like dots of starlight flickering in her body.

As time went by, Lin Jia felt a subtle change in her body.There was a ripple in her dantian, like ripples on the surface of water.

When the essence of heaven and earth reached a certain level in her body, she suddenly felt a surge in the dantian in her body.Her dantian seemed to become ethereal, like a boundless universe.

Lin Jia took a deep breath, she knew that this was a chance to break through.She closed her eyes, and the true energy of her whole body began to gather in her body, concentrating on her dantian.

In her body, a black sea of ​​bitterness seemed to be touched and began to tremble.It was a force accumulated during her cultivation, but she had never been able to fully control it.At this moment, she felt that this force seemed to break through the sea of ​​suffering and sprint towards a pole ahead.

Lin Jia's navel began to emit a dazzling golden light, illuminating the surroundings like daylight.And in her dantian, the black sea of ​​bitterness began to show signs of collapse.

Suddenly, a powerful air flow burst out from the dantian, like a violent storm, breaking the sea of ​​bitterness.The black mist was vulnerable to this air current, and was swept away without a trace in an instant.

What followed was a stream of clear spring water gushing out from Lin Jia's dantian.This spring water is full of vitality and power, as if it is a divine spring connecting heaven and earth.

Lin Jia felt the power of this divine spring, and she knew it was a sign of her breakthrough.Her body trembled slightly, and her heart was full of joy and excitement.

The water flow of the Shenquan gradually stabilized, and Lin Jia felt that her strength had been greatly improved.Her eyes penetrated the sea of ​​suffering, as if connected with the heaven and the earth, and felt infinite possibilities.

At this moment, she seemed to be able to vaguely resonate with the heaven and the earth, feeling the grandeur and mystery of the universe.Her state of mind became more peaceful, and her heart was filled with a feeling of merging with the universe.

During the slight breath adjustment after the breakthrough, Lin Jia felt that the power in her body became more stable, and the divine spring in her dantian continued to emit strong vitality.Her eyes opened again, with a firm light shining in her eyes.

She knew it was time to move on.Lin Jia stood up, took a deep breath, and felt the essence of the surrounding world gradually merge into her body.A longing for the Lingxu Cave emerged in her heart, and she knew that it would be her next destination.

She set off towards the distant Lingxu Cave, with firm and steady steps.This time, her speed was obviously much faster than before, and she gradually mastered more skills in the practice, making her movement more flexible and her movement more efficient.

She has a clear goal in her heart: the tomb of the demon emperor.She knew that the tomb of the demon emperor would be opened in the eleventh month, and four months had passed now.She counted the time and realized that there were still about seven months before the opening of the tomb.

"This land has a vast territory, and there are still seven months to go. I must arrive at the Lingxu Cave before then." Lin Jia silently calculated in her heart, her goal was clear, and the time was tight.

She traveled quickly across valleys and through forests, always steady and firm on her feet.She is constantly adjusting her form and strength with nearly every step, striving for maximum efficiency.

She was full of anticipation for the Lingxu Cave.It was a place full of opportunities and challenges, and it was also a stage for her continuous growth.Her will became firmer and her steps became lighter.

In her mind, time seemed to pass quickly, but also very slowly.Sometimes she feels her own strength, and sometimes recalls the previous battles and cultivation.Every challenge makes her stronger.

Gradually, she could feel that she was getting closer and closer to Lingxu Cave Heaven.She knows that there will be her next stage, where she will continue to pursue the pinnacle of strength and continue to write her own legend.

Lin Jia quickened her pace and stepped forward step by step.Her goal is getting closer and closer, and the time is ticking by.

After several days of traveling, Lin Jia felt a little tired, so she decided to take a rest in a secluded place to recover her strength.She found a small slope under the shade of a tree, sat down, closed her eyes, and began to adjust her breathing.

However, when she was resting for a while, she suddenly heard a faint movement, as if someone made a slight sound not far away.Lin Jia's heart beat a little faster, she immediately opened her eyes and looked around vigilantly.

Her first instinct was to simply pack her bags, making sure she had a few important things with her.Then, she quietly stood up and moved lightly towards the direction of the sound.

Her figure was flexible, her steps were light, and she barely made the slightest sound.She gradually approached the source of the sound, with a high degree of concentration, ready to deal with possible emergencies at any time.

When approaching quietly, Lin Jia could clearly see the scene ahead.She found several figures busy in a dense forest.They don't appear to be ordinary pedestrians in their unusual attire.

Lin Jia hid herself in the shadow of a big tree and observed carefully.She saw those people searching for something, moving quickly and methodically.Judging from their actions, it seems that they are looking for some treasure or clues.

Lin Jia was secretly vigilant, she didn't know the origin and purpose of these people.But what she was able to confirm was that their purpose was related to her, otherwise they would not have appeared in this remote place.

She observed intently, trying to discern the strength and intentions of these people.Her brows were slightly frowned, and the vigilance in her heart gradually increased.

"Who are these people? What are they looking for here?" Lin Jia thought quickly, and she decided to wait and see what these people were going to do.

Lin Jia adjusted her breathing gently, trying to keep quiet.She kept her breath to the lowest level so as not to be noticed by the other party.

Standing among the trees, Lin Jia waited quietly, her eyes alert and determined.

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