Lin Jia hid quietly in the woods, staring at the group of people who moved quickly.Soon, she noticed that these people seemed to have discovered some important clues, and they began to gradually gather towards one place.Her curiosity was aroused, and she decided to follow the past to see what happened.

Lin Jia moved cautiously, her steps were light and flexible, and she barely made a sound.She moves through the woods, always alert and ready to respond.

As the distance gradually narrowed, Lin Jia could clearly see the place where people gathered.It was a relatively empty area, and there were faint energy fluctuations on the ground, which seemed to be some kind of important sign.

In the center of the crowd, there is a boulder that looks ordinary, but it can be seen from the surface of the boulder that it is full of complicated runes and patterns.Lin Jia's heart skipped a beat, she could feel the weak energy emanating from these runes, obviously they were not ordinary stones.

Everyone began to search around the boulder, their eyes full of anticipation and excitement.Lin Jia noticed that the costumes of these people were not the same, they seemed to come from different places, and they seemed to have some kind of common goal.

Lin Jia hid in the bushes not far away, her eyes fixed on the boulder.She could feel the faint fluctuations emitted by the boulder, which seemed to be a special kind of energy fluctuation.

"What is this boulder? Why are so many people looking for it?" Lin Jia's curiosity was thoroughly stimulated, and she couldn't help but want to find out the secret behind it.She knew that this boulder was likely to be an important treasure, or some kind of clue, related to her practice and goals.

Lin Jia restrained her breath gently, trying not to let everyone discover her existence.She decided to wait for an opportune time to investigate the truth of the boulder after everyone left.

As time passed, everyone searched back and forth around the boulder for a while, but they didn't seem to find what they wanted.Some started to get a little depressed, but others persisted.

In the end, the crowd gradually dispersed and left the place.Lin Jia waited for a while, and after confirming that no one was around, she quietly walked to the boulder.

She stared at the surface of the boulder, trying to feel the energy fluctuations within.Her brows were slightly frowned, and she felt that these runes seemed to be connected with some kind of special energy, which seemed to be an ancient secret technique.

Lin Jia was full of curiosity and excitement, and she decided to explore the mystery of this boulder.She gently placed her palms on the surface of the boulder, closed her eyes, and tried to establish a connection with the boulder and feel the energy flow within it.

Under the touch of the boulder, Lin Jia felt a weak energy pouring into her body.

Lin Jia stood in front of the boulder intently, trying to connect with the energy within it.Her palm lightly touched the surface of the boulder, feeling the faint energy fluctuations within.However, at this moment, she suddenly noticed a strange energy surging in all directions.

Her brow furrowed sharply, and she immediately realized that something was wrong.In this strange place, she didn't know the source or purpose of these energies, but she knew she had to be prepared to deal with them.

The moment she looked around vigilantly, suddenly, attacks came from all directions.Lin Jia's complexion changed slightly, she had no time to think, and could only move and dodge based on her intuition.

A sharp wind blade sliced ​​through the air, Lin Jia quickly dodged aside, just avoiding the fatal attack.At the same time, a fiery flame hit from the other side, Lin Jia jumped up hastily, avoiding the envelop of the flame.

Lin Jia's heart was tense, she knew she had to react quickly.She drew a dagger from her waist, gripping the hilt tightly with her other hand.Her figure moved quickly, constantly dodging and dodging, while trying to resist those sudden attacks.

Lin Jia felt that the air around her became tense and dangerous, her heart beat faster, and her whole body was filled with tense atmosphere.With her keen intuition, she tried to capture the trajectory of the attack in order to better deal with it.

Her dagger danced in her hand, its blade gleaming coldly.She sometimes uses the dagger to maneuver, and sometimes uses the hilt to resist, and the whole body keeps dodging and turning, so that the enemy's attack cannot hit her vitals.

However, Lin Jia also began to feel tired.These sudden attacks made her exhausted, and her mood began to become tense.She knew that she had to find a way to decipher these attacks or she would be thrown into increasingly passive situations.

Lin Jia temporarily stopped her twitching movements, she pressed her lips tightly, and quickly thought about the countermeasures.She understands that simply dodging and resisting cannot solve the problem, she needs to find the weak point of the attack in order to turn the crisis into safety.

At the moment when the attack came again, Lin Jia suddenly flashed an energy ray sideways, and at the same time swung the dagger violently.Her dagger accurately hit the wrist of one of the attackers, causing the magic weapon in his hand to be blown away.

This sudden counterattack gave Lin Jia some time to breathe.She immediately seized the opportunity and swung a sword aura with the hilt, repelling another attacker's attack.

Lin Jia suddenly yelled coldly during the fierce battle: "Who is it?!" Her voice was full of vigilance and firmness, and she wanted to know the identities and intentions of these attackers.

Following her shout, several people came out from the depths of the woods, gradually revealing their figures.Lin Jia took a closer look, and her brows were slightly frowned, because she found that these people turned out to be a few monsters, which made her even more vigilant.

Several Yaozu wore gorgeous costumes, with a unique Yaozu aura.There was a hint of fierceness and cunning in their eyes, as if they held a certain amount of hostility towards Lin Jia.They have different appearances, but they all have a unique charm.

The leader is a tall monster man, his face is covered with tattoos, giving people a wild feeling.His eyes were sharp and cold, revealing an aura that should not be underestimated.He smiled in a low voice, his eyes swept over Lin Jia, as if evaluating her strength.

Standing next to her was a Yaozu woman in a purple robe, with a strange purple light shining in her eyes.Her temperament is elegant and enchanting, exuding a charming atmosphere.She raised her eyebrows slightly, and there seemed to be a hint of playfulness in her eyes.

The other two monsters are a slender man and a girl from the monsters.They all have a distinctive appearance and exude a mysterious atmosphere.

Lin Jia tightly held the dagger and the hilt in her hand, and she watched these monster races vigilantly.She knows that it is not easy to deal with the demon clan, their strength and methods are extremely powerful, and they are all in the realm of Shenquan, so they should not be underestimated.

The leader of the Yaozu man smiled lightly, and there was a hint of sarcasm in his voice: "Little girl, you are really too curious in this place. However, your strength is not weak."

Lin Jia pursed her lips tightly. She didn't respond, but kept a vigilant posture.She knew in her heart that the current situation was not optimistic, and she had to deal with it carefully so as not to fall into a more dangerous situation.

The monster woman narrowed her eyes, and her voice was soft and enchanting: "Little girl, we have no malicious intentions. We just want to leave here. If you are willing to cooperate, it may be beneficial."

Lin Jia's eyes flashed, she knew that these monster races would never appear here for no reason.Although she has doubts about the purpose of the Yaozu, she doesn't want to easily expose her strength and goals.

She took a deep breath, and her voice sounded calmly and firmly: "I don't know what you are doing, but I have nothing to do with you. Please leave, or be prepared to face the consequences."

The monster man smiled slightly, and his eyes became sharper: "Little girl, you are a bit arrogant. But since you are not willing to cooperate, you can only fight head-on."

Before the words fell, several monster races immediately took action, releasing powerful energy fluctuations and attacking Lin Jia.Lin Jia's face was solemn, and she swung the dagger and hilt without hesitation, trying to block the sudden attack.

The battle broke out again, and Lin Jia fell into a fierce struggle.Her figure flexibly dodged the monster clan's attack, and at the same time used her own dagger and hilt to fight back.In this life-and-death showdown, she must bring out her best to survive and win.

Facing the siege of several monster clans, Lin Jia's situation gradually deteriorated.Although she has excellent fighting skills and golden fingers, she has just been promoted to Shenquan not long ago and does not have a strong Shentong, so facing these powerful enemies, she gradually fell into a passive state.

The monster clan's attacks kept coming, and they cooperated tacitly, forcing Lin Jia to retreat steadily.Lin Jia moved and dodged, but she was constantly scratched and scratched by some attacks.The blood gradually stained her clothes red, revealing her scarred appearance.

Her breathing gradually became short, and sweat dripped from her forehead, but her eyes remained firm.She understands that this is not the time to give up, she must persevere and look for opportunities to reverse.

She swung her dagger and hilt constantly, trying to protect herself from the genies.However, her physical strength was gradually depleted and her strength became unstable.Every swing becomes heavy, every dodge becomes difficult.

The Yaozu's attack became more and more violent. Lin Jia's body was hit by a wave of energy, and she was immediately repelled a few steps. She staggered and almost fell to the ground.She barely resisted a flying energy ray with her dagger, but was still blasted by the aftermath, leaving a wound.

Her face turned pale, but her eyes still burned with unyielding will.She knew that this was a life-and-death struggle, and she couldn't give up easily.

Although she has been seriously injured, her will to fight has not wavered in the slightest.There was a resolute smile on the corner of her mouth, and the desire for life and the pursuit of victory emerged in her heart.

She continued to fight wits and bravery with the Yaozu. Although her body was exhausted, she still tried her best.Every swing, every dodge, is fighting for a chance for her to survive.

However, with more and more scars, Lin Jia's strength gradually weakened.She felt the loss of physical strength and the onslaught of pain, but she had no intention of giving up.

In the predicament, Lin Jia's eyes shone with determination.She understands that only by persevering can she have a chance to turn defeat into victory.The review of her past efforts and the desire for future struggles emerged in her heart, which made her more determined to stand up and fight.

Under the torment of pain and exhaustion, Lin Jia's breathing gradually became heavy, but her will became more determined.She knew that as long as she had one breath, she couldn't give up.

Lin Jia felt the rapid loss of physical strength, and knew in her heart that going on like this was definitely not an option.She knew that she had to find a way to reverse the situation, otherwise she would be quickly defeated by these monster races.The thoughts in her mind were spinning rapidly, and she needed to find a breakthrough in order to restore the decline.

She was concentrating on thinking while dodging the monster clan's attack.There was a determined light in her eyes, and she knew that her only chance now was to make a big splash and draw back those who had just left.

"What they were looking for just now must be these monster races. Only by attracting them back can I have a chance of survival." Lin Jia secretly made up her mind.She understands that this is not an easy plan, but it is her only option.

Various ideas and plans flashed through Lin Jia's mind.She needs to use all her resources and means to create a big enough commotion to attract the people who just left to come back.And in this process, she must protect herself from being defeated by the demon clan, and at the same time guide the situation to develop in the direction she wants.

Her brows were slightly frowned, she knew that this plan was extremely difficult, but she couldn't back down.Her gaze became firm, and she knew that only by persevering could she have a chance of success.

She began to meticulously plan each step in her mind.She needs to create enough noise and chaos to attract people who just left to come back.And in this process, she needs to quickly find the right time to make a sudden move, so that the monsters are caught off guard.

"I must find a way to turn my plan into reality." Lin Jia told herself silently in her heart.Various possibilities are constantly flashing in her mind, and she needs to seize the most suitable moment to win with one blow.

Lin Jia's thinking continued to deepen, and she gradually found a seemingly reasonable solution.She understands that this plan will require her to go all out and make a huge effort, but only in this way will she have a chance to save her situation.

While thinking, Lin Jia didn't stop.She continues to battle the Yaozu while preparing her plan.Her movements became more flexible and decisive, and she began to gradually guide the monsters to the direction she wanted.

Lin Jia's heart was full of tension and determination.She knows that now is a critical moment, and only if her plan can succeed can she have a chance to come back.She held the dagger and the hilt tightly, and her whole body was full of firm fighting will. She was ready for everything to meet this crucial challenge.

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