Lin Jia, who was relieved of the crisis, felt a burst of relief. She leaned weakly against a big tree and let out a deep breath.She closed her eyes, trying to regain her physical and mental state.After a while, she gradually felt the weakness in her body eased, and she knew it was time to regain her strength.

Lin Jia sat cross-legged on the ground, closed her eyes and meditated, and began to absorb the essence of the surrounding world.There is a faint glow from within her, as if she is one with nature.Her breathing gradually stabilized, and her whole body seemed to have entered a state of isolation from the outside world.

As time went by, Lin Jia felt that the energy in her body gradually increased, and her sense of weakness gradually eased.Her cultivation began to recover, and her body was gradually full of vitality.In her closed eyes, there seemed to be a faint light shining, like a star rising in the dawn.

Lin Jia concentrated on absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, and her mind was completely devoted to cultivation.She knew that only through cultivation could she regain her strength and protect herself and those around her.She was determined never to put herself in a situation she couldn't help herself again.

With the passage of time, Lin Jia felt that her cultivation base was gradually recovering, and the strength in her body became more abundant.Her breathing became more even, and the essence flowed in her body, as if injecting new vitality into her.

Lin Jia slowly opened his eyes.She felt that her condition had recovered a lot. She stood up and felt the ground under her feet, as if she had regained her foundation.

Lin Jia smiled slightly, full of gratitude and firmness in her heart.She knows that she must become stronger to survive in this dangerous world.

Lin Jia felt that the cultivation in her body was gradually recovering, and she was in a happy mood, but her concern was always on Jiang Yifei.She stood up, walked carefully to Jiang Yifei's side, and patted him on the shoulder lightly.

"Jiang Yifei, how are you feeling?" She asked with concern.

Jiang Yifei rolled his eyes, looked at her helplessly, and forced a wry smile at the corner of his mouth. "Of course it's good, I just owe a beating now."

Lin Jia couldn't help giggling after hearing his answer.She knew that Jiang Yifei was trying to find an excuse for his state, but seeing his smile, her worries eased a little.

"Don't be kidding," she said with a smile, while looking at Jiang Yifei with gentle eyes, "Your injury looks really serious, you need to take a good rest."

Jiang Yifei sighed and nodded. "Yeah, I really don't have much energy now. The crisis just now exhausted me."

Lin Jia frowned slightly, she knew that although Jiang Yifei looked relaxed on the surface, in fact he must have reached his limit.She sighed softly, stretched out her hand, and patted Jiang Yifei's shoulder lightly. "You just rest well, I will take care of you."

Jiang Yifei felt Lin Jia's care and warmth, and his heart warmed.

Lin Jia sat quietly at the side, watching Jiang Yifei's injury gradually stabilized, with a worried look on her face.After a while, she spoke softly, her voice was full of concern: "Jiang Yifei, should we leave here as soon as possible now, so as not to be followed by the monster race?"

Jiang Yifei raised his head slightly, his eyes gradually became deep.He smiled wryly, as if he was thinking about something.Then, he said slowly: "Lin Jia, I also have some guesses. Just now we were chased by that old guy, but in the end he didn't make a move to kill us directly. This makes me feel that something is wrong."

After hearing this, Lin Jia looked at Jiang Yifei with some doubts, she didn't quite understand what he meant.Jiang Yifei continued: "If he really had a chance to kill us, why didn't he shoot early instead of delaying the time? This makes me think that they might have some plot in that area and they don't want us to know, so they let us leave .Now that we're out of that area, they shouldn't be catching up."

After listening to Jiang Yifei's analysis, Lin Jia couldn't help but her heart moved. She began to understand Jiang Yifei's guess. "You mean, they may have some secrets in that area, so they don't want us to interfere, so they delay the time and let us stay away from there?"

Jiang Yifei nodded and said in agreement: "Yes, I think their purpose is definitely not simple. Although I can't be sure what they are doing in that area, judging from their actions, it is definitely not an ordinary thing. "

Lin Jia pondered for a moment, and she began to understand what Jiang Yifei meant. "So you think that now that we are far away from their sight, there should be no more danger?"

Jiang Yifei smiled and patted Lin Jia's hand lightly. "Yes, I think there should be no danger now. But we still have to be careful, after all, we don't know what they are planning."

Lin Jia nodded, she knew Jiang Yifei was right.Although they have been far away from the tracking of the Yaozu, they still cannot take it lightly.

Lin Jia stood up slowly and walked towards the depths of the forest, her eyes were firm and resolute.Looking at her back, Jiang Yifei suddenly felt anxious. He was worried that Lin Jia would leave, and he couldn't protect himself in his current state.

He hurriedly shouted forcefully: "Wait! You can't leave me alone!"

When Lin Jia heard Jiang Yifei's call, she stopped and turned around.She looked at Jiang Yifei, smiled and said, "Don't worry, I won't leave you."

Jiang Yifei breathed a sigh of relief, smiled slightly, and said, "Don't leave me behind, I'm not in a good condition right now, if you leave, my life will be in danger."

Lin Jia nodded and smiled understandingly: "I know, don't worry, I just went to find something to eat nearby, our energy is exhausted, we need to replenish it to recover."

Jiang Yifei nodded, even though he is not in a good state, he can understand Lin Jia's thoughts.He smiled and said: "Then go quickly, don't leave too far, be careful and safe."

Lin Jia nodded with a smile, then turned and walked deep into the forest.She knew that the current situation really needed to add some food to restore her energy so that she could take better care of Jiang Yifei, and at the same time keep herself in sufficient condition for emergencies.

Lin Jia walked in the forest, and couldn't help feeling a little funny in her heart.She thought of the scene just now, Jiang Yifei's worried expression was like a captured animal, it needed to rely on her presence to gain some sense of security.Such Jiang Yifei made her feel funny, but she also felt an incomparable intimacy.

Thinking that she used to live an ordinary life in modern society, but now she is trapped in this strange world of comprehension, and met such a seemingly high-ranking person who needs her protection, Lin Jia can't help but sigh the wonder of fate.

She understood that if it wasn't for Jiang Yifei's appearance, she might have become the monster clan's possession long ago.Not only did he save himself, he also took himself out of the dangerous area, creating a chance for her.Therefore, she will never be ungrateful, and she must ensure Jiang Yifei's safety before considering her own situation.

Walking in the forest, Lin Jia scanned the surroundings, looking for suitable ingredients.The firmness in her heart is self-evident. She not only needs to replenish her energy, but also ensures that Jiang Yifei can recover as soon as possible. After all, his current state is too bad.

She took a deep breath and silently prayed for Jiang Yifei in her heart, hoping that he would recover soon.She believes that as long as the two work together, they can overcome the current predicament, get out of this strange forest, and welcome the wider world.

Lin Jia walked quietly in the forest, looking for suitable prey with keen observation.She knew that her condition was not optimistic, and she had to find food as soon as possible to restore her strength, and at the same time find enough nourishment for Jiang Yifei.

Her eyes shuttled constantly among the trees, looking for places with unusual movements.Suddenly, she noticed a deer not far away was gnawing on the blades of grass with its head down. It seemed to have a very strong body and was a good prey.

Lin Jia approached gently, her movements were nimble and agile, almost silent.She quietly raised the bow and arrow in her hand, adjusted the angle and strength, and then aimed at the deer's neck, which is the most vulnerable place, and one arrow can be fatal.

The bowstring was tense, and she waited for the perfect moment to shoot.As the wind changed, she felt the best moment.Her fingers let go of the bowstring, and the arrow streaked through the air, hitting the deer's neck with precision.

The deer let out a painful hiss, it convulsed a few times, and then fell limp to the ground.Lin Jia walked over, checked, and confirmed that the deer was dead.She lamented her luck in her heart, she was so lucky to be able to find such a perfect prey at this moment.

She began to dispose of the deer carcass, opening it with a sharp dagger and removing the flesh.She put some of the meat into a storage bag, ready to take it back for Jiang Yifei to eat.She also knew that she needed to eat some meat to restore her strength, but she hoped to find more food for Jiang Yifei.

So she continued to search in the forest.Soon after, she found some wild fruits, which were colorful and full of attractive aroma.She picked them carefully and prepared to take them back as Jiang Yifei's food.

During the collection process, Lin Jia's mood gradually became more relaxed.She couldn't help thinking of her life in modern society and all the things she had experienced in this strange world of self-cultivation.She felt that she had become stronger and knew how to cherish everything in front of her.

After collecting, Lin Jia quickly returned to Jiang Yifei with a storage bag filled with food.She found him sitting cross-legged and seemed to have improved a little.She gently put down the storage bag and took out the food, preparing to replenish his energy.

"Jiang Yifei, I found some food." Lin Jia said softly.

Jiang Yifei raised his head and smiled slightly: "Thank you, Lin Jia."

Lin Jia smiled slightly, and handed him a piece of wild fruit: "Try this, it should help you recover some strength."

Jiang Yifei took the wild fruit, took a bite, and immediately felt the energy in his body recovering rapidly.His expression was slightly relieved, as if he had gotten some relief.

"Eat some too, we all need to recover as soon as possible." Lin Jia said with a smile.

Jiang Yifei nodded without any excuses, and began to taste the wild fruit.The two sat quietly by the side, enjoying this rare quiet time.Although they are surrounded by unfamiliar forests, they believe that as long as they work together, they can overcome all difficulties, walk out of this strange field, and welcome a broader future.

Lin Jia and Jiang Yifei sat on a relatively flat place, next to a small stream.Jiang Yifei was eating the wild fruit intently, while Lin Jia started preparing the barbecue.She thought to herself that Jiang Yifei's injury needed more nutrition, and barbecue could provide him with more energy.

Lin Jia looked around, looking for a suitable wood for the barbecue.Noticing some dry, dead branches nearby, she went over, gently snapped some off, and placed them together to form a small fire.She took some hay from the stash bag and placed it in the middle of the fire, ready to light it.

Then, she took out a flint and a lighter from the storage bag.She put the flint on the dry branch and lit the dry grass with a lighter.Soon, flames were burning on the dry grass, and Lin Jia carefully blew to make the flames more vigorous.

The flame burns slowly, gradually igniting the dead branches around it.Lin Jia touched the temperature of the flame with her fingers to make sure the fire was stable enough.She then removes the prepared pieces from the storage bag and strings them on a stick.

Lin Jia put the skewered meat on top of the flame and turned it slowly to let the meat be heated evenly.She constantly adjusted the distance and angle to ensure that the meat was cooked evenly.As the pieces of meat are turned over the flames, a tantalizing aroma begins to spread, making mouth watering.

Jiang Yifei looked up at Lin Jia's busy figure, his eyes were full of gratitude and appreciation.He understood that Lin Jia had paid a lot for him, not only saving him in the battle, but also taking care of him as best he could in this predicament.

"Thank you, Lin Jia." Jiang Yifei said softly.

Lin Jia turned her head and glanced at him with a smile: "You're welcome, we are in the first team."

Jiang Yifei nodded, smiled and continued to enjoy the food in his hands.Lin Jia continued to roast the meat, constantly adjusting the fire and the frequency of turning.Her movements are practiced and practiced, as if this is a part of her life.

The flame gradually roasted the meat, and the surface became golden and attractive.Lin Jia took off the roasted meat and put it on a clean leaf.She took some seasoning from a storage bag and sprinkled it lightly on the roast, adding a hint of aroma.

"Come, try a piece." Lin Jia handed a piece of barbecue to Jiang Yifei.

Jiang Yifei took it, took a bite, and immediately felt the deliciousness and aroma of the gravy.His taste buds seemed to be awakened, and his long-lost appetite returned at this moment.He couldn't help but nodded repeatedly, expressing his satisfaction.

"Does it taste good?" Lin Jia asked with a smile.

Jiang Yifei nodded, his mouth was full of delicious food, his eyes were full of gratitude.Although he is a genius of the Jiang family, he feels a little ashamed in front of Lin Jia at this moment, because Lin Jia's strength and wisdom are fully displayed in this strange field.

The two continued to enjoy the delicious barbecue, and the laughter echoed in the forest.

A few days passed, Lin Jia and Jiang Yifei rested for a long time in this strange forest.Lin Jia's injury has almost recovered, and Jiang Yifei's condition has gradually improved, and he is already able to protect himself.Relying on this quiet environment, the two spent an unforgettable time together.

In the early morning, the sun shines on the ground through the gaps in the leaves, reflecting a warm golden color.Lin Jia stepped out of the simple shed she had built, breathing in the fresh air.She looked at the water source not far away, planning to fetch some water for breakfast.

At the same time, Jiang Yifei also woke up from the shed, his complexion was much better than before, and he looked radiant.He walked slowly to Lin Jia and said with a smile, "Good morning, Lin Jia."

Lin Jia turned to look at him, and responded with a smile: "Good morning, Jiang Yifei. How is your injury?"

Jiang Yifei shook his head lightly, expressing that his injury is no longer serious: "Don't worry, my injury has healed a lot, basically there is no problem."

Lin Jia breathed a sigh of relief, she had always been worried about Jiang Yifei, and now she was relieved to hear that his injury had improved.

"That's good." Lin Jia said with a smile, "Now that your injury has recovered, I can take my leave."

Jiang Yifei looked at Lin Jia in surprise, not quite understanding what she meant: "Farewell? Are you leaving?"

Lin Jia nodded and explained with a serious expression: "Yes, Jiang Yifei. We only formed a temporary cooperative relationship because of a common crisis. Now that your injury has recovered, I can no longer rely on your protection. .I still have my own goals and tasks and need to move on.”

Jiang Yifei was silent, he understood what Lin Jia meant, the fate of the two had met in this strange land, but now they were about to separate.

"Thank you, Lin Jia." Jiang Yifei looked at her affectionately, "You saved my life, and I will never forget it."

Lin Jia smiled and shook her head: "Don't be so polite, we are like-minded people, we should help each other. I wish you all the best, and hope we can meet again."

Jiang Yifei nodded. He understood Lin Jia's decision and was grateful for her help in the critical moment.He knew that although the two were separated, this experience would make their destinies intertwined forever.

After Lin Jia said goodbye to Jiang Yifei, she carried her luggage and walked into the depths of the forest alone.Looking at her back, Jiang Yifei felt a deep emotion in his heart.He knows that the road ahead is full of unknowns and challenges, but he believes that they will all meet these challenges, grow and spread their wings.

2 / 2
Jiang Yifei stared at Lin Jia's back, his inner thoughts flooded out at this moment.He understood that although Lin Jia was firm and decisive in cooperating with him, she must have some secret thoughts in her heart.Jiang Yifei knew that it might not be easy to ask about Jiang Zhe, and it was not a good way to persecute him.

He took a deep breath and silently made up his mind for himself.He knew that Lin Jia was a smart and strong woman, and her secrets were not easily revealed.But he also has an inexplicable confidence that maybe one day in the future, Lin Jia will take the initiative to tell him her story and goals.

Jiang Yifei's eyes became gentle and firm.He knew that although the difference in front of him made people feel emotional, the intertwining of fate was not the end, but a new beginning.He firmly believes that the two of them will achieve more on their respective paths, and their mutual fate will continue.

For Lin Jia's different temperament, Jiang Yifei has always left an impression in his heart.During this period of getting along, he felt Lin Jia's strength, intelligence and integrity.She is not the kind of frivolous woman, but has firmness and tenderness deep in her heart.This made Jiang Yifei full of respect and admiration for her.

Although the future path is unpredictable, Jiang Yifei believes that they will meet again.

Jiang Yifei's pace paused when he left, his eyes were attracted by a piece of paper.The paper was gently taped to the tree trunk, as if waiting for his discovery.Jiang Yifei stared at the piece of paper, full of curiosity and doubts.

He stepped up to the paper and gently took it off.The handwriting on the paper was clearly visible, and Jiang Yifei recognized Lin Jia's handwriting at a glance.He opened the note and began to read.

"Jiang Yifei, thank you for your care and help during this time. I know you have many questions, but I can't tell you all of them right now. But I can tell you that your goal is not far away. Lin Jia"

Jiang Yifei finished reading the words on the note silently, and the doubts and emotions in his heart became more and more intense.He knew that there must be more meaning in Lin Jia's words, but he couldn't fully understand it under the current situation.However, he couldn't help smiling, he could feel Lin Jia's sincerity and friendship.

Lin Jia had already walked a long distance at this moment, she smiled slightly, hoping to give him some inspiration and speed up his pace of finding his target, but she couldn't directly tell him where the person he was looking for was What's the matter, there must be something for the other party to do, otherwise, if the other party has found it now, wouldn't it be that he and I will go to the tomb of the Demon Emperor to compete with him in a few months.

That's what Lin Jia didn't want to see. The more geniuses there are, the less things he can get, and the greater the variables, so she still has a lot of confidence on the premise of not changing the original plot as much as possible. I can get what I want, so Lin Jia would rather not destroy the original plot. It has nothing to do with friendship or not. Anyway, the other party is a big family, and I don’t lack such a little opportunity, but I am a wild way A person from a family background, so he is definitely not as rich as the other party and does not lack resources.

Anyway, I have already given him a hint. Whether he can find it or find it in advance is all the other party's own business and has nothing to do with him.

Lin Jia continued on the road, heading towards her destination, and now she has only been delayed for more than half a month, and there is still enough time, even a lot of time.

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