Lin Jia continued on her way, through the dense woods, full of determination and purpose in her heart.However, she didn't realize that some monster clan's minions had been quietly following her actions.

Several demon clan minions stopped in a hidden place, watching Lin Jia's figure go away, and exchanged opinions.

"The human woman is back, and it seems that she is going to re-enter this area."

"We have to report to His Highness and let His Highness make a decision."

"This woman doesn't seem strong, but we can't be careless, she may be a trap."

"Yes, this is an important area of ​​His Highness, we cannot allow anyone to break in easily."

Several demon clan minions were discussing in secret, and then quietly left the scene one by one, preparing to find their leader and report what they just discovered.

Lin Jia continued to walk forward. For her, the road ahead was full of unknowns and challenges, but she had a firm belief in her heart that she would continue to move forward and find her own answers.Behind her, the demon clan's minions were quickly heading to report to their leader, and the entire situation was gradually becoming more complicated and tense.

One of the demon clan members hurriedly came to a secret cave, which was where their leader was - Lingxu Cave Heaven.He walked into the cave and saw His Highness practicing. He knelt down carefully and respectfully reported: "Your Highness, we just discovered a human woman who was expelled before. She seems to have re-entered our territory."

His Highness stopped practicing, frowned slightly, and asked: "Are you sure she is the woman we drove away before?"

Xiao Luo nodded in response: "Yes, I'm sure. Her features are exactly the same as before. We just saw her enter this area with our own eyes, and then we came to report to His Highness immediately."

His Highness pondered for a moment, then continued to ask: "Is there anything unusual about her actions? Is there anyone else following her?"

Xiao Luo replied: "At least so far, we have not noticed anyone else following her. She seems to be heading in a certain direction, and may have a goal or purpose."

His Highness nodded slightly, a flash of deep thought flashed in his eyes.He knew that this woman might not be a simple intruder, otherwise he would not have entered this area many times.He had some guesses in his mind, but more information was needed to confirm.

"You continue to monitor her movements, but don't disturb her. Make a decision after her purpose is clear. If her actions are indeed related to us, I will personally act." His Highness issued an order.

The little guy responded respectfully: "Yes, Your Highness. We will act carefully so that she won't find out about our existence."

Hearing His Highness's instruction, Xiao Luo breathed a sigh of relief, and then retreated, preparing to continue to monitor Lin Jia's actions so as to bring information back to His Highness at any time.On the other side, Lin Jia didn't know that her whereabouts had already been watched by the demon clan's eyeliner. She was still working hard and persisted for her goal.

In the inner room of Lingxu Cave, His Highness and Qin Yao were talking.Qin Yao is His Royal Highness's confidant, responsible for intelligence collection and plan formulation.

"Your Highness, according to the information just now, the human woman who was expelled by us seems to have returned to this area. Her actions are a bit strange. What do you think we should do?" Qin Yao asked.

His Highness glanced at her quietly, and after pondering for a moment, he said: "She is the companion of the human boy before, we have confirmed it before. Now that she reappears, it means that she must have a certain purpose. We don't need to rush to act, nearby There are quite a few places where practitioners gather, if we send strong ones, it is likely to expose our existence and be detrimental to our plans."

Qin Yao nodded yes, and then continued to ask: "Then do you think we should observe or act?"

His Highness smiled slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he replied: "Although she is a cultivator in the realm of Shenquan, she is just an ordinary human being after all, and she can be wiped out at will. If we make a move, I'm afraid it will attract the attention of the practitioners, which is not good for us." What's more, Jiang Yifei may have left a tracking method on her, if we make a direct move, our position will be exposed."

Qin Yao nodded in agreement. She understood His Highness's consideration. As a practitioner, Jiang Yifei might have set some kind of means on Lin Jia so as to keep track of her whereabouts.If they shot blindly, they were very likely to be discovered, which alerted Jiang Yifei.

"So, we will temporarily observe her actions. If her destination is consistent with our plan, it will not be too late for us to take action." His Highness added.

Qin Yao nodded to express her understanding, and then continued to ask: "Then what should we do to ensure that she doesn't find out?"

His Highness smiled and said: "We can send some hidden means, such as monsters or illusions, to monitor her actions and ensure that our whereabouts will not be discovered by her."

Qin Yao nodded in agreement, and then said that relevant personnel would be arranged for surveillance.In the end, His Highness and Qin Yao reached an agreement and decided to observe Lin Jia's actions first and wait for the right time before taking action.After all, at this stage, they don't have enough evidence and reason to track and attack Lin Jia, and need more intelligence to support their decision-making.

Lin Jia hurried on her way while trying to recover her state.She knew well that the demon clan behind her might still be following her, although there was no direct sign now, she remained vigilant.

She guessed that the previous target of the Yaozu should be the tomb of the Demon Emperor, and she happened to be in this area, so she might meet them again.Out of caution, she decided to take some measures to avoid being discovered by the monster race.She found a hidden corner, away from roads and people, to ensure that her whereabouts would not be easily detected.

In this hidden corner, Lin Jia stopped and stared at her body quietly.She knew that in order to avoid being noticed by the monster race, she had to change into the appearance of a monster race.She began to use her demon power and gradually changed her appearance.

Her eyes flickered with deep thought. Although she didn't know who the stalker was, she was sure that those monster races were related to the tomb of the demon emperor.She decided to turn herself into an ordinary monster, so as to mix in and reduce the possibility of being discovered.

Power flows through her body, and her appearance begins to gradually change.Her complexion darkened slightly, a strange gleam appeared in her eyes, and her hair became slightly coarser.Through subtle changes, she made herself look more like a monster than a human.

When she was done changing, she took a deep breath and felt like she had successfully transformed her appearance.Although she didn't know if being like this was enough to get away with it, she believed that it would at least reduce the chance of being discovered by the tracker.

Nodding in satisfaction, Lin Jia continued on the journey.She knows that despite her new appearance, she is not completely safe and needs to remain vigilant and ready for any possible threat.After all, Yaozu's stalkers may appear at any time, and she must be careful to ensure her safety.

Seeing that Lin Jia had suddenly transformed into a demon clan's appearance, the demon clan followers following behind were surprised and confused by the scene in front of them.They stopped and looked around, but they couldn't find Lin Jia anymore.Several young monster clansmen exchanged glances and frowned.

"Why did she disappear all of a sudden?" a little boy from the Yaozu muttered in a low voice.

"Did we lose the chase?" Another boy frowned.

"Impossible, she is nearby, how could she suddenly disappear?" No. 3 Xiao Luo frowned, apparently also unable to believe the scene in front of him.

"Your Highness wants us to follow her closely, and it's hard to explain now." The No.4 kid muttered.

There was a hint of anxiety on their faces. After all, this mission was to track down Lin Jia's whereabouts, and the news sent back would be directly related to the Yaozu's plan.

"Shouldn't we be looking more closely?" Someone suggested.

"That's right, we can't just give up like this and keep searching." Another young man nodded in agreement.

They dispersed one after another and began to search for traces of Lin Jia in the surrounding area, but no matter how hard they searched, Lin Jia's trace seemed to have completely disappeared.

"Strange, it was clearly still around here just now." A young man said with a frown.

"Could she have escaped too far?" another young man guessed.

"Anyway, we have to go back and report to His Highness." No.3 Xiao Luo sighed.

They exchanged helpless glances with each other, and finally decided to give up the search in this area.They turned and left, and began to return to the Yaozu's territory, preparing to report the situation to His Highness.

Not long after they left, Lin Jia had already left the place and successfully evaded their pursuit by changing into a monster.She rejoiced in her heart that she managed to bluff through with her little tricks, but she also understood that the monster trackers might not stop there, and she must continue to act carefully to avoid being discovered by them.

The Yaozu youngsters hurried back to the Yaozu's territory, discussing whether the newly appeared Yaozu had anything to do with Lin Jia as they walked.

"Do you think that monster race is the human woman just now?"

"It's possible. After all, the woman just disappeared suddenly. Maybe she changed her appearance."

"But, why did she turn into a monster?"

"Perhaps it is to avoid our tracking. She has discovered us long ago, right?"

"I don't think it's possible. That woman has just entered this area. How could she have time to change her appearance?"

"Anyway, we still have to figure out her identity, otherwise we won't be able to pay the job when we go back."

"I think that demon clan has nothing to do with that woman. Maybe we are overthinking it."

"I don't believe in evil, I think it is possible."

"Do you want to send some people to continue to follow up and see where the monster clan has gone?"

"Alright, we are divided into two parts, one part continues to follow, and the other part goes back to report the situation to His Highness."

"Okay, then we will act separately."

Several young monster clan members discussed enthusiastically, expressing their guesses and opinions one after another.Although some people are skeptical about the just-emerged Yaozu being related to Lin Jia, more people still tend to believe in this possibility.After all, their tracking mission was interrupted by the sudden disappearance of the Yaozu, which made them feel very uncomfortable. Now they happen to have a target that can be tracked, and of course they don't want to let it go easily.

So, they were divided into two parts, some continued to follow the demon clan that had just appeared, and the other hurried back to the demon clan's territory, preparing to report the situation to His Highness.They kept discussing and arguing about the identity and intentions of this demon clan during the action. Some believed that she was related to Lin Jia, while others were skeptical, but no matter what, they all decided to find out the truth of the matter. so as not to misjudge the situation.

Lin Jia proceeded cautiously, entering some villages and forests from time to time to avoid being discovered by the little monsters.She knew very well that Yaozu's tracking ability was extraordinary, so she didn't dare to take it lightly.

Before entering each village and forest, Lin Jia used her character cards carefully.Fortunately, with the character card, she can completely change her appearance and identity into any appearance she wants, whether it is a human or a monster, she can easily imitate it.

She took a deep breath, stood at the entrance of the village, and gently took out the character card.She closed her eyes and concentrated on imagining what she wanted to be.Her thoughts merged with the character card, a faint light flickered at her fingertips, and then gradually diffused, enveloping her whole body.

When the light dissipated, Lin Jia had completely transformed into another appearance.Her appearance, height, posture, and even her breath have all become completely different from before.She quietly walked into the village and blended into the crowd.No one noticed her coming, as if she never existed.

After a period of observation, Lin Jia used the character card again and transformed into another person, this time a villager.She continued moving, moving through the village inconspicuously.

Then, she entered the forest again, using character cards to change her identity again and again, sometimes becoming a monster hunter, and sometimes turning into a beast, hiding her existence deeply.

Every time she changes, she needs to consume some energy, but in order to avoid being discovered by the monster minions, she has to change her identity constantly, constantly shuttling through villages and forests, maintaining vigilance.

Although such a change made her feel a little tired, she knew it was the only way to protect herself.Tracked by the enemy, she must remain invisible until she can find a safer place to continue her search for her target.

In a secret place, several monster minions hid in the jungle, observing the targets they had followed.However, half a day passed, and they still did not see the human woman, which made them feel a little puzzled and anxious.

"You said, did that human woman slip away from somewhere?" A young man frowned and asked suspiciously.

"Impossible, we've been staring at her all the time, how could she disappear?" Another little guy replied puzzled.

"Yeah, we've been watching here all the time, how could she slip away from our noses?" The third young man also asked in wonder.

They exchanged strange looks, obviously not believing that Lin Jia would suddenly disappear.After all, they have always maintained a high degree of vigilance and tried their best to prevent the target from discovering their existence.

"Maybe she is nearby, let's wait and see, maybe she will show up." A young man suggested.

"That's right, don't jump to conclusions, let's wait and see." Another young man agreed.

So, several young men continued to wait in the jungle, looking around from time to time, hoping to find traces of Lin Jia.However, time went by bit by bit, and they never saw her shadow.

"Maybe we missed something, or she had some special means that prevented us from discovering her." Someone raised this possibility.

"It's also possible that she has left this area, and we need to check the nearby places again." Another little guy suggested.

They began to search the surrounding area, hoping to find traces of Lin Jia, but everything seemed to be clueless.They looked around wearily, filled with anxiety and uneasiness.

"No matter what, we can't give up, keep searching, and we must find her!" A young man said firmly.

The others nodded in agreement, and they decided to continue searching, not letting go of any possible clues.No matter what, they couldn't let that human woman escape from under their noses, otherwise they wouldn't be able to explain it to His Highness.

Several monster minions began to search in the nearby villages. They went to different places separately and asked the villagers if they had seen a young woman.However, they soon sensed the unfriendliness and misgivings of the villagers.

"Who are you? Why are you looking for that girl?" a villager asked vigilantly.

"We were just looking for a friend nearby, maybe lost," a young man tried to explain.

"Friends? I don't think you are a good person. Get out of here!" Another villager said dissatisfied.

Despite their attempts to explain their purpose, the villagers were clearly skeptical of these strange minions.They were unwilling to talk too much, and some villagers even started calling out to others, which attracted more people's attention.

"It won't work like this, they won't tell us any useful information." A young man whispered.

"Yes, they are wary of us, should we change the method?" Another young man suggested.

After discussing with a few young men, they decided to take a more cautious approach.They no longer asked openly, but dispersed and inquired secretly, trying to get clues about Lin Jia from some villagers.

"That girl, what does she look like?" a young man whispered to an old woman.

"Oh, are you talking about that young woman? She is wearing green clothes and she is quite beautiful." The old woman replied with a slight hesitation.

"Green clothes, beautiful women..." The young men exchanged glances with each other, as if they had found some clues.

They continued to inquire secretly, and gradually got some information from the words of some villagers. It seemed that someone saw a woman in green clothes, but most of them were unwilling to talk about it.At least they now have some direction, though.

"It seems that the woman has indeed been to the nearby village, should we continue to investigate further?" A young man asked in a low voice.

"Yes, we can't let go of any clues. As long as we continue to work hard, we should be able to find her trace." Another young man said firmly.

They decided to continue their investigations in the nearby villages and find the human woman at all costs, not only to complete the task, but also to live up to the trust of His Highness.

The monster gangsters searched the nearby villages carefully for a while, but they still couldn't find any trace of Lin Jia.Disappointed, they realized that they had no more time and resources to continue their search.

"We have searched several villages, but we haven't found any trace of that woman." A young man said dejectedly.

"Yes, we have tried our best." Another little guy also felt helpless.

"This task may indeed be too difficult. Let's go back and apologize to His Highness." The third minion suggested.

Several young men discussed and agreed to go back and report their situation to His Highness.They were unwilling to waste any more time in this area, and decided to inform His Highness of the failure. Maybe His Highness would have other arrangements.

They regrouped and prepared to leave the nearby villages and return to the Yaozu's base.Although the task was not completed, they also understood that there were many practitioners in this area, and Lin Jia seemed unusual, so it was difficult to predict her movements.Perhaps, waiting for them is His Highness's more sensible decision and the next arrangement.

"Our mission failed. We can only go back and apologize to His Highness, hoping that he can understand our efforts." A young man sighed.

"Yes, although we didn't find the target, we at least tried our best." Another little guy added.

They silently left the nearby village and returned in the direction of the Yaozu base.In this mission, they may not have achieved their original goal, but at least they have put in their efforts. For the benefit of the tribe, they will persevere and continue to serve His Highness no matter what difficulties they face.

The minions returned to the Demon Clan's base and immediately went to His Highness's residence, preparing to plead guilty to him.They stepped into the palace and looked respectfully at His Highness sitting on the high seat.

"Your Highness, we haven't found any trace of that woman. The mission failed. Please punish me." A young man trembled.

His Highness looked at them quietly, with no expression of anger or blame on his face.His eyes penetrated the minds of the young men, and he seemed to have seen their efforts.

"Don't worry, it's not your fault." His Highness spoke slowly, with a calm voice.

The young people raised their heads in surprise, they didn't expect that His Highness didn't blame them, which made them feel a little unbelievable.

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