Empress Lin Ance

Chapter 119 Chapter 118 Beauty Trap

"Achi, that's Wolfbane Kao..."

"That's what Ah Qing wants."

Huyan Xingchi turned around, still affectionate and cold, "Only when he gets the antidote, Shen Yu will leave the grassland."

Only in this way will he not continue to be entangled with Ah Qing.

Mu Dan opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say. Ah Chi, his love for Ah Qing was probably possessed by him.

He never thought that Huyan Xingchi would reach this point because of one person, even if it was a man.

To be honest, Mu Dan was a little scared. He asked him seriously: "What if one day you can't give him what he wants?"

Huyan Xingchi's eyelids trembled.

"will not."

He won't let this happen.

Mu Dan opened his mouth, looking at Huyan Xingchi's increasingly stubborn expression, he still said those words, "Achi, although Aqing is our brother, I have to remind you... his origins should not be known. So simple.”

"Who can be friends with Dasheng's hussar general and make Shen Yu care so much about him? I believe you know this better than me."

Mu Dan was very serious about every word, without showing any signs of his usual carelessness.

But Huyan Xingchi knew very well, how could the dignified lieutenant of the Sirius Master really be as mediocre and incompetent as the outside world saw him?

Huyan Xingchi didn't say anything, and finally just nodded, then turned around and left, leaving Mu Dan alone.

"So easy to talk to..." Mu Dan was still puzzled, so he opened his mouth and called him, "Hey! Why are you going?"

"An antidote."

Huyan Xingchi didn't even look back, and the only thing he responded to was two words floating in the air.

"Excuse...Okay, you really didn't listen to a word." Mu Dan sighed helplessly. People who fall in love are really completely irrational.


Shen Yu had been staying in the grassland for many days. On the third day, Chu Qingyan finally couldn't help but go to Huyan Xingchi.

Not to mention that the grassland is full of dangers, even if they can wait, even General Xiahou can't wait.

Considering the situation of Xia Houling's poisoning, they would have to leave tomorrow at the latest. They had to set off to bring the antidote back.

in the account.

Huyan Xingchi was writing something on the desk when suddenly he raised his head——

The next moment, the curtain was opened, and Chu Qingyan came in from the outside, bringing with it a gust of wind.


Huyan Xingchi put down the pen in his hand, as if he had anticipated her arrival.


Chu Qingyan didn't coyly look for reasons to see him, nor did she use excuses to beat around the bush.

"I'm here to get the antidote. General Xiahou can't delay it any longer. Shen Yu must leave before tomorrow."

Huyan Xingchi stared at her for a few times, and then motioned for her to sit aside. Although Chu Qingyan was anxious, she also knew that urging was useless at this time, and the antidote was all tied to him.

More importantly, she trusted him to do it.

"I've sent someone to pick her up. Princess Tuya will be here soon." Huyan Xingchi raised his pen again and was sketching something on the paper.

What he said was a bit baffling.Chu Qingyan frowned slightly, "Tuya, why did she come? No... why did you invite her?"

"What do you think?" Huyan Xingchi raised his head and glanced at her, without any change in his expression, but Chu Qingyan inexplicably sensed a hint of resentment.

She frowned slightly.

Huyan Xingchi did not have the affection between man and woman that Huyan Tuya wanted.

In the past, every time Tuya came looking for this tent, Huyan Xingchi would have a headache, so it was absolutely impossible to send someone to pick him up.

This operation must be because he deliberately invited people, but the reason why he invited Huyan Tuya...

"You are telling me this, is Princess Tuya related to the antidote?"

He has a sharp mind and is better at discerning opportunities. Huyan Xingchi knows him well as a strategist.

He didn't look up and said directly: "I sent people all over the royal court, but couldn't find Wolfbane Kao. It wasn't until I looked through the old volumes that I learned that Kao has disappeared."

"What did you say?" Chu Qingyan was suddenly startled and stood up from her seat, "The Kao is extinct, how can we cure the poison?"

"Listen to me." Huyan Xingchi was not in a hurry, "This is just a record in the file. The King of Flowers in the Royal Court has disappeared. The Wolfbane King of Flowers is a sacred flower and will never disappear."

"The Khan personally gave Ketun a few seeds of Wolfbane King of Flowers back then, and one of these seeds has sprouted and grown into flowers in Huyantuya's hands."

Chu Qingyan breathed a sigh of relief and returned to her seat.

She was so angry at Huyan Xingchi that she had to split the two parts of a sentence and say it, which made people anxious to death.

"So, the reason why you invited Huyan Tuya here today is to get the Wolfbane King of Flowers in her hands."

Huyan Xingchi Qingsheng responded, and then spoke again: "What do you think of this matter?"

What does she think?
Chu Qingyan recalled the unruly and willful look of Huyan Tuya, but she had a great admiration for Huyan Xingchi. She considered and nodded——

"Of course it's good. It's much easier to get the wolfsbane flower in the hands of Princess Tuya than in the hands of the Khan."

"Besides, she has a deep love for you after all. If it were you who wanted to get the flowers, you would be [-]-[-]% sure of winning by using your three-point beauty trick..."

"Taken Kao, right?"

Huyan Xingchi suddenly asked in a deep voice.

Chu Qingyan hadn't recovered from her joy just now. When she heard Huyan Xingchi's question, she nodded without thinking, "That's it."

But as soon as she finished speaking, she saw Huyan Xingchi's face as dark as the bottom of a pot. Chu Qingyan's throat suddenly felt dry. She licked her lips and asked, "Is something wrong?"

"There's nothing wrong." Huyan Xingchi said this, but the pen in his hand slapped on the table, "Why have you started to learn these heresy? You don't want to think about training troops and forming formations, you just think about it all day long. Work hard on the man!”

Work on men?

Chu Qingyan thought for a while and suddenly thought of the problem. Huyan Xingchi said that she was using the side door. Maybe she felt that she was taking advantage of him.

She was no longer anxious, "Since I am heresy, tell me what kind of plan you have."

Chu Qingyan also smiled. If he didn't use the good method, could he still be a chaste and loyal man and instill the righteousness of family and country into the princess who was obsessed with the love of her children?
Huyan Xingchi looked at her and walked over slowly, "You have to use the beauty trick."

"It's just that someone needs to change."

Hearing this, Chu Qingyan suddenly felt a strong sense of fear from his words.

She opened her mouth, stared at Huyan Xingchi who came in front of her, and asked, "Who should I change?"

Oops, who should I replace~

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