Empress Lin Ance

Chapter 120 119 I will seduce her


Huyan Xingchi did not answer him immediately.

He took a few slow steps and stood in front of Chu Qingyan, "Who do you think in this account has the capital to impress a noble and proud princess?"

He leaned forward, his eyes faintly showing a fierce light.

Chu Qingyan was so stared at that she couldn't possibly know what he meant, "You don't want me to go, do you?"

Huyan Xingchi said nothing.

But Chu Qingyan understood that it was a bit difficult for her to let Huyan Xingchi obtain the antidote. Huyan Xingchi had already given her the intercepted secret message, and she owed him a favor.

The two of them had a cooperative relationship, and she really asked for more.

"Okay, then it will be up to me to seduce..."

"Who do you want to seduce?" Huyan Xingchi raised his eyebrows coldly and raised his hand to hit her on the head.

"Don't even think about seducing people."

Chu Qingyan was so angry that she brushed away the hand that hit her head and punched Huyan Xingchi's chest again, "If you don't go, I won't go. Who do you want to go, Mu Dan?"


After hearing her words, Huyan Xingchi simply laughed angrily.

"Mu Dan? Do you think he has enough looks to seduce the princess? Don't you, a prairie man, have no sense of aesthetics?"


To be honest, Chu Qingyan really wanted to fight for Mu Dan.

Of course Mu Dan is also good-looking, and he is somewhat pretty, but Princess Tuya's vision is as high as the sky. Besides Huyan Xingchi, who else can she like?

Huyan Xingchi snorted coldly, "What about Shen Yu? I don't think he is quite handsome. Since he is getting the antidote for his Dasheng people, he can't just sit back and enjoy the results, right?"

He didn't even try his best, relying on a little bit of friendship, just to let Yan Qing, a fool, get ahead.

This Shen Yu is really not a good person.

Huyan Xingchi made another note of his account in his mind, and Chu Qingyan thought about it in her mind.

Shen Yu is good at wielding swords and spears, and is also clumsy with his tongue. If you let him seduce Huyan Tuya, I'm afraid she will die on the grassland with Shen Yu.

"No, Shen Yu has a special status after all. Once he steps into the Huyan tribe, if he is recognized by Huyan Tuya, you should know the consequences. The entire Yehu tent will be implicated."

"I'm not threatening you. You should know very well that what I tell you is the truth." Chu Qingyan looked at him steadily.

Huyan Xingchi said nothing.

It seemed that there was room for negotiation. Chu Qingyan took a deep breath. She owed one favor, and she owed two favors. She looked up at him and spoke slowly:

"Why don't you go and seduce me?"

Huyan Xingchi's eyes were as bright as a torch, staring at her.

Chu Qingyan was stared at, but she still said bravely: "Mu Dan can't compete with you, and Shen Yu can't compete with you either. You are so handsome and majestic, otherwise Huyan Tuya wouldn't just recognize you."

She felt guilty when she said this, but she had no choice but to obey the emergency.

Unexpectedly, Huyan Xingchi calmed down strangely. He also smiled, but it was a little cold.

"Okay, I can take it as a compliment."

"Remember, you owe me one more time."


Inside Ye Hu's tent, on the Tianxing platform.

Since there is not much singing and dancing in the tent, there are not many people who can play the piano, sing and dance, so——

"Brother Xingchi, is this your original sword dance? It's so unique and beautiful!"

Huyan Tuya smiled shyly, but she couldn't help but stood close to Huyan Xingchi, watching the two people dancing swords on the stage, and praised them without hesitation. The corners of Chu Qingyan's lips curled up.

Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder. Huyan Xingchi temporarily asked her to temporarily invite a few Tu Hechi and others to dance with swords to support the scene. Tu Hechi would go crazy with joy when hearing this.

"As long as you're happy."

Huyan Xingchi had nothing to say, but Mu Dan couldn't help but move closer to Chu Qingyan, "Aqing, what are you planning to do now? Don't tell me that he is planning to use a beauty trick."

Chu Qingyan said nothing. In fact, this is what Huyan Xingchi planned, right?

"Brother Xingchi, Tuya is really happy!"

"Since you are happy, uncle has something terrible that he wants to tell you." Huyan Xingchi had a conspiracy in his eyes, but others could see it clearly, but not Huyan Tuya.

She pretended not to have heard what Huyan Xingchi called her, "Brother Xingchi, this is the first time you have invited Tuya over. Tuya is very happy. If someone makes Brother Xingchi feel bad, Tuya will definitely help." You demand justice!"

Chu Qingyan was silent.

Apart from other things, the little princess is innocent, and Huyan Tuya is sincere towards Huyan Xingchi.

So, can he still succeed in Huyan Xingchi?

"It's good to have your words, actually...cough, cough cough!!"

Huyan Xingchi wanted to speak, but suddenly he raised his hand to cover his lips. Along with the sound of coughing, a few streaks of blood flowed from his fingertips.



"Brother Xingchi—quick! Doctor! Brother Xingchi, what's wrong with you?! Get the doctor quickly..."

Chu Qingyan was also confused.

She didn't react at the first moment. Huyan Xingchi was fine this morning, so how could he suddenly... Was this his plan, or did he really vomit blood?

The field instantly became a mess.

When he calmed down again, it was time for the doctor to finish diagnosing and treating Huyan Xingchi and give him a prescription with a serious face.

"In my opinion...I have tried my best."

Mu Dan's heart skipped a beat, but before he could speak, Huyan Tuya was already cursing anxiously, "You old guy, what are you talking about? Brother Xingchi is so brave, how could something happen? If you can't cure him, you Just die with him!"

As soon as Huyantuya opened his mouth, he really held everyone back.

Mu Dan felt that this was outrageous, and now was not the time for her to act wild. He looked serious and wanted to speak, but was stopped by Chu Qingyan halfway.

Chu Qingyan blocked his doubts and said, "Listen to him."

The doctor obviously knew Huyan Tuya's reputation, and he immediately revealed everything he knew without any delay.

"Princess, I dare not hide anything. Master Ye Hu has been poisoned, and very few people can detoxify it..."

"Then detoxify him quickly! What does it mean that extraordinary people can detoxify him? This princess orders you to detoxify him!"

Who dares to disobey Huyan Tuya's order? The old doctor knelt on the ground directly, "Ye Hu, he was cut by the Wolfsbane grass. Originally, the Wolfsbane flower can detoxify, but this winter is vast and the snow is falling. Where can I find wolfsbane flowers..."

When Mu Dan heard this, he immediately sent people to look for it, "It's just a wolfsbane flower. Let them all look for it, and they can always find it!"

The old doctor stood up and said, "Oh, Lord Ye Hu is very poisoned, and he doesn't have enough time..."

"Wolfsbane flower..." Huyan Tuya thought of something and suddenly said in surprise: "Why are you looking for a Wolfsbane flower? I have a flower king. Can I be a flower king?!"



La la la, Dajin is back for an update! Update again! Update again! !

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