Empress Lin Ance

Chapter 121 120 Poisoned, involved in the game


"That's really... great."

No one noticed that there was a strange look in the doctor's eyes, and he retreated quietly.

It has to be said that Huyan Tuya's heart for Huyan Xingchi is true. She almost immediately sent people to the royal court to get Wolfbane Kao.

It wasn't until Huyan Tuya said that she had Wolfbane King of Flowers that Mu Dan suddenly realized and truly understood that all of this was caused by Huyan Xingchi and Yan Qing.

When Hu Yantuya went out to order people to go to the royal court, he angrily punched Chu Qingyan, "You two are really good at hiding everything from me, okay, you two bitches!"

Chu Qingyan was punched on the shoulder by him. Before she could explain, Mu Dan had already opened the curtain angrily and disappeared in an instant.

There was no one in the tent.

Chu Qingyan breathed a sigh of relief and looked helplessly at Huyan Xingchi, who was motionless on the couch. She walked over in a few steps and looked down at the person on the couch.

"Hey, everyone is gone, you can rest."

Lying down like this is quite tiring.

However, there was still no movement from the people on the couch. Huyan Xingchi's face was pale, and even his lips were bloodless. If Chu Qingyan hadn't known about his plan, she would have been deceived by him.

The one who vomited blood just now on the Tianxing Platform...

Chu Qingyan shook her head, and she actually felt a little worried.

But after she finished speaking, the person on the couch remained motionless. If she hadn't known about this plan, Chu Qingyan would have really thought that he was dead.

"Brother, are you pretending to be addicted?"

She frowned, walked forward in two steps, looked at Huyan Xingchi's bloodless lips, and felt inexplicably worried in her heart. She subconsciously reached out and touched the tip of Huyan Xingchi's nose...

Unexpectedly, the man who was supposed to be pretending to be lingering on the sickbed and in a daze suddenly attacked her!

Chu Qingyan didn't notice for a moment, but he clamped her arm, rolled her over and pushed her down, and then... locked her throat.

When the dust fell to the ground and she calmly reacted, she was already under Huyan Xingchi. The two of them were overlapped on the couch, their hair tangled and their breaths touching each other.

"You...what are you doing?!"

Chu Qingyan subconsciously wanted to get up. There was someone pressing on her, which made her feel too awkward.

"Don't move." Huyan Xingchi pressed her weakly, putting an elbow on her ear.

His expression was complicated and no longer as clear as before. Chu Qingyan shook her head and felt her heartbeat speed up for no reason... It must be that their posture at this time was too exciting.

Chu Qingyan stretched out her hand to push him, "You should be a patient now. Get up quickly. If someone comes in and sees you, both of us will be exposed!"

Huyan Xingchi is still motionless, like a big mountain.

He was still holding Chu Qingyan's neck in his hands and slowly rubbing it, "Stop moving, I'm poisoned."

"Nonsense, you are obviously faking it."

Huyan Xingchi was silent for a moment, then suddenly spoke again, "I'm really sick. I didn't lie to you."

But this disease is not caused by wolfsbane.

Huyan Xingchi looked at her intently, which made Chu Qingyan suspicious. Huyan Xingchi held her neck, so she freed her hand to feel his pulse. Although she didn't know how to see a doctor, the pulse of a normal person was normal. She would know immediately if it was normal.

Putting her fingers on Huyan Xingchi's wrist, Chu Qingyan didn't pay much attention. She was convinced that Huyan Xingchi was lying to him, so when she really detected an abnormality in the pulse, she was instantly shocked.


Huyan Xingchi was silent.

Panic flashed across Chu Qing's face for a moment.

How could he be poisoned? The poison was still Wolfsbane. Wasn't it a show for Huyan Tuya?

"Why are you doing this?"

There is no way that Huyan Xingchi was poisoned for no reason. The only explanation is that he directed and acted. Huyan Xingchi's face was still pale. He came closer to Chu Qingyan and his words filled his ears with heat. "It won't be long before the news of Xia Houling's poisoning spread to the grassland. Huyan Yili is not a fool. He can think of two things." connect."

In other words, mere verbal intoxication cannot be hidden from him.

"Then the time of your poisoning is too coincidental. Do you think he will believe it?"

Huyan Xingchi curled his lips, "It doesn't matter whether he believes it or not, this is not for him to see."

Chu Qingyan was silent, as smart as she was, and she instantly guessed what Huyan Xingchi was thinking.

Yes, Huyan Xingchi didn't care whether Huyan Yili knew about it. He did it to show to those important officials.

When it comes to power and strength, Huyan Xingchi is certainly not inferior to Huyan Yili. As long as there is an explanation in front of those ministers, it doesn't matter whether Huyan Yili has caught him.

The two of them are now in a state of disagreement.

"Then you get up first."

It was her responsibility to pity him for being poisoned. Chu Qingyan knew that he was now weak and she did not dare to touch his body at will. She did not act lightly or harshly, just in case he was hurt again.

Huyan Xingchi chuckled in her ear.

It seemed that he had read through her thoughts and was confident that he was poisoned and injured. He didn't want to get up and didn't get up.

Chu Qingyan raised her hand to push him. No matter how she pretended to be a man, she was still a woman, not to mention that it was even more abnormal for men to be together. The two of them were so unlikeable.

"Huyan Xingchi, you get up first."

Huyan Xingchi did not move, but pressed his head on the side of her shoulder, panting slightly.

Chu Qingyan suppressed the fire and opened her mouth to remind him, but the next moment, her body stiffened, and she clearly felt something pinching her waist...


In the blink of an eye, Chu Qingyan was already standing on the couch.

Her eyes widened as she looked at Huyan Xingchi, who had been punched by her on the couch. He fell back on the couch, his chest rising and falling, letting people know that he was still alive.

"Huyan Xingchi, you..."

Chu Qingyan didn't even know what words to use to hold him accountable. She had lived outside the palace for a long time and had seen a lot of romance in the world. The nuns in the palace didn't teach her. Same decline.

But it happened to her, and she didn't even know if what she did just now was abnormal, but she was a man now, and she had everything Huyan Xingchi should have, so how could she ask?

But before she could ask, the next moment, Huyan Xingchi suddenly turned over and spat out a mouthful of blood, right at Chu Qingyan's feet.

"Huyan Xingchi!"

The people under the tent rushed in when they heard the noise, and Huyantuya's medicine happened to arrive quickly. The doctor hurriedly used medicine to treat him.

Chu Qingyan was a little annoyed about the punch just now. If it weren't for her, Huyan Xingchi probably wouldn't have endured it with her own internal strength.

However, she finally saw the legendary Wolfbane Kao.

Red and white like snow, with a little red in the middle.

She suppressed her thoughts in silence. A petal of Kao's flower was enough to poison Huyan Xingchi. In a panic, Mu Dan did not forget to drive everyone else out except the doctor.

"Ah Qing, what's going on?" Mu Dan saw the blood on the ground and knew that this matter might not be what he thought.

Chu Qingyan's eyes were complicated, "As you can see, he was poisoned."

In the matter of poisoning, Huyan Xingchi actually got involved with his own life.


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