Empress Lin Ance

Chapter 122 121 Which one does Huyan Xingchi like? !


Chu Qingyan finally got Wolfsbane Kao.

After Huyan Xingchi was sure that the poison had been detoxified, Chu Qingyan did not dare to stay for a moment. She got on her horse and jumped dozens of miles away to find the place where Shen Yu and his troops were stationed.

In this way, the evidence of Pei Huaizhi's collusion with the enemy and treason were all handed over to Shen Yu's hands, along with the Wolf Poison Flower King.

"It's true that Kao is the King of Flowers. General Xiahou can be saved."

Shen Yu couldn't hide his excitement. Although he was ordered to come here to ask for medicine, to be honest, he knew how much he hoped for before he came.

It was a blessing to be able to obtain Wolfbane King of Flowers. Unexpectedly, it also came with evidence of Pei Huaizhi's secret letter of collaborating with the enemy and treason.

Chu Qingyan looked around and took Shen Yu to a secluded place. Shen Yu obviously saw that she had something to say, so she went there quietly and rarely.


There was no one around, and Shen Yu could no longer suppress the excitement in his heart. He bowed and saluted.

Chu Qingyan raised her eyebrows and raised her hand to pull him up, "What are you doing?"

Normally, Shen Yu would not get along with her like this. When the two of them were alone together, they would not obey these rules and etiquette.

Shen Yu shook his head and bowed to her.

"I'm not doing this for myself. I'm doing this not only for General Xiahou, but also for Dasheng's people."

If it weren't for Chu Qingyan, let alone getting evidence of Pei Huaizhi's collusion with foreign enemies, it would not be easy for him to get even Wolfbane Kao.

For Dasheng as a whole, Chu Qingyan is not only a princess, but also a hero.

Chu Qingyan pursed her lips. To be honest, she had indeed done a great thing, but it was true that she felt uncomfortable when she thought that Pei Hua would lose a lot because of her.

"Princess, you are right, don't feel guilty about it."

After all, Shen Yu was the one who traveled with her as a teenager. How could he not understand her thoughts? Peihua was not only Chu Qingyan's friend, but also his friend.

But even if they had to do it over again, he and Chu Qingyan would make the same choice.

Chu Qingyan nodded and stopped worrying about this matter. Although this matter would inevitably hurt Pei Hua, the wicked deserved to die and she had no regrets.

"General Xiahou's poison cannot be delayed. You set off immediately and must return as soon as possible. The secret letter must be secretly presented to His Majesty."

Even if she didn't say this, Shen Yu was already ready to leave today. Chu Qingyan was silent for a moment, then waved to Shen Yu, "Come here."

After hearing the words, Shen Yu stepped forward, and the two of them were very close. Shen Yu felt the warm breath spraying on his ears, and his heartbeat could not be controlled for a moment.

But when he heard Chu Qingyan's words, his heart suddenly became cold and his eyes were filled with shock.

"Prince, he..."


Chu Qingyan stood up and glanced at him, "Just do as I told you. Some things have never happened and no one can make a final conclusion."

Shen Yu suppressed the surprise in his heart and said, "Understood." The sun gradually set back to the west, and it was time for Chu Qingyan to go back. Shen Yu knew that he would never see us again, "What about you, it won't take a day or two to rescue Pei Hua." Well, do you want to stay here all the time? Why not leave as soon as possible while Huyan Xingchi is poisoned..."

"Don't worry, I didn't stay in the grassland just for Pei Hua." Chu Qingyan smiled at him.

Pei Hua must be saved, but her stay here is not entirely for Pei Hua. Peace on the border between Dasheng and the west has always been a strategic point that cannot be ignored.

In the northwest grassland, the Huyan tribe can be said to be the only one. If Huyan Yili has always been in power, or if a ruler with unworthy virtue or a ruler who loves killing and war succeeds in the future, it will be the mainland. Disaster for the people.

But Huyan Xingchi is different. He is the most suitable heir among the candidates. If he can be successfully supported to succeed, Dasheng's life and work will be more secure.

Although Huyan Xingchi is known as the grassland war god, he is not a person who likes killing. He cherishes every one of his people and treats them as free people.

The people under his tent, whether farming, weaving, or herding, all lived happily and stably.

He is fair and impartial. He treats his people well but is not overly affectionate and retains a certain degree of majesty.

Chu Qingyan admitted that she was confident in Huyan Xingchi, and there was a certain amount of gambling involved, but Huyan Xingchi was definitely a qualified ruler and the most suitable candidate at present.

"I admit that you are very capable, but prairie people are not vegetarians, especially Huyan Xingchi. He is a wolf. Your identity is always a danger."

Shen Yu cares more about her safety than getting benefits that are beneficial to Dasheng. If the grassland matters are serious, they can be left to others to do. For him, the talents around him are the most important.

Chu Qingyan understood what he was thinking, but she didn't agree with it completely, "Why Huyan Xingchi in particular? You said he is like a jackal, tiger, and leopard."

"He is!"

When he mentioned Huyan Xingchi, Shen Yu remembered the way he looked at him. He was not looking at an enemy. Especially when he was with Chu Qingyan, he was clearly looking at a love rival!

He must be interested in the princess!

Thinking of this, Shen Yu felt a rush of blood rushing to his head, "You were working under his account, and can't you see it? He is obviously treating you..."

"What happened to me? Finished talking." Chu Qingyan frowned and couldn't help but feel a little thump in her heart.

Shen Yu looked at her with complicated eyes. He was afraid that if he said it now, it would put some burden on Chu Qingyan, but if he didn't say it and Chu Qingyan didn't guard against this, Huyan Xingchi would do something excessive...

Must say!

"He obviously doesn't have a pure heart for you! I have heard that the people on the grassland are fierce and unethical. It has been said that several princes in our court have the Longyang habit, especially that Huyan Sufeng. You I must have heard of it too.”

When she mentioned this, Chu Qingyan felt a little ashamed.

Could she not know? On the first day she came to the Huyan tribe, she was sent to Huyan Sufeng's tent as his male favorite. If she hadn't temporarily pretended to be deaf and mute...

Chu Qingyan would not tell Shen Yu this matter to save him from thinking blindly.

"And Huyan Xingchi. You can see that he has paid attention to any woman. He may also like men!" Shen Yu looked determined, and he was bound to portray Huyan Xingchi as a pervert in Chu Qingyan's heart.

Chu Qingyan's mind was tense again.

"You mean...he likes men?"

She subconsciously thought of Huyan Xingchi's reaction to her on the bed this morning.

And he has always been responsive to her requests. Not only did he unconditionally give her Pei Huaizhi's secret letter of collaboration with the enemy, but he also took a risk to help her obtain the Wolfsbane Flower.

Huyan Xingchi really likes men? ! !


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