Empress Lin Ance

Chapter 123 122 Hot spring healing

On the way back, Chu Qingyan kept thinking about various things. She really couldn't calm down, and what Shen Yu said to her was echoing in her ears.

"Believe me, there's something wrong with the way he looks at you. It's definitely not the way a normal man should look!"

"You must guard against him. If he is really interested in you, and knowing that you are not a man... I can't imagine how crazy he must be!"

"Don't be alone with him. If you don't believe me, you can find some women for him to try. I don't believe that a normal man can be indifferent... Don't look at me like that, I'm different..."

Until the end, only five words echoed in Chu Qingyan's big ears - he likes men, he likes men, he likes men...

"Ah, what evil have I done?"


In the ice and snow, the young man was galloping in the vast expanse, not knowing where he came from or where he was going to return.


At that time, Ye was guarding the big tent.

The doctor who came from the royal court silently put away his medicine box.

Huyan Xingchi was still lying on the couch, motionless.

"Dr. Budai, how is Achi's poison? Is it all cured?"

Mu Dan knew what he was asking, but the worried look on his face did not seem to be a lie. Even the doctor who came from the royal court was fooled by him.

Bu Dai glanced at the person lying on the couch, suppressed the gloomy look in his eyes, and raised his hand to Mu Dan, "Don't worry, sir, Princess Tuya's King of Flowers arrived in time, and the toxins in Ye Hu's body were completely removed. "

"Then, what sequelae will it leave behind?"

Although Mu Dan was just doing it for show, he sincerely wanted to ask, and Bu Dai also answered all questions.

"You just need to rest for a few more days. If you take good care of yourself, there will be no sequelae."

"Great, thank you very much. Please help Achi tell the Great Khan that he cares about his health. After Achi recovers his health, he will definitely go to the royal court to express his gratitude. !”

"...Mr. Mudan is too polite. I will definitely bring the message to you and report it to the Khan truthfully."

Bu Dai knew that this trip was considered an explanation. When he put away the medicine box and was about to leave the station, he suddenly remembered something, "Sir, only one petal of the ordinary wolfsbane flower can be cured. I don't know the remaining flowers." Where?"


threw? Burned? The princess took it away...can he say that he used it all? No, although ordinary doctors are not as skilled as Budai, the poison of wolfsbane is a specialty of the grassland, and it is also the poison that grassland doctors know best, so it is impossible not to know the dosage.

How could this be hidden from Budai?
One thing that's wrong is the death penalty! Mu Dan was almost sweating, "Of course the remaining flowers are..."

"Of course I've used them all! Are there any leftover flowers?"

The curtain was opened, and Chu Qingyan's figure appeared in front of Mu Dan's eyes, as if a savior had arrived. He also had a confident look on his face, "Yes, I've used it all!"

"Used them all?" Budai's expression was complicated, and his eyes suddenly became sharp, "That's the King of Flowers. Ordinary wolfsbane only requires one petal. How dare the doctor use all of it for him?"

Mu Dan stopped talking. How did he know how much to use? Since A Qing was back, let A Qing compile it.

Chu Qingyan was also indifferent. She poured two cups of tea at the table and handed one cup to Budai, "Of course the doctor didn't dare. This order was given by the princess, and she didn't want to listen to anyone's explanation. She insisted on giving all the flowers to Ye." Protect them, or cut off their heads."

Mu Dan twitched the corner of his mouth, "Good guy, this is the blame. Does Princess Tuya know about this?"

Of course Huyantuya knew, because she was the one who gave the order, but Chu Qingyan just pushed the person in in time before the doctor could explain. "This...this..." Budai took a few deep breaths. He couldn't tell what he wanted to say, but he could tell he was quite angry.

"What a waste of natural resources!"

Budai obviously also remembered the arrogance and domineeringness of their Princess Tuya, and sighed helplessly.

"Drink some tea to calm down the fire. Fortunately, you are here. I also want to ask, after using all this flower, there will be no sequelae later, right?"

Chu Qingyan looked solemn, and her words were very similar to Mu Dan's, but her mood was obviously much more solemn, and Bu Dai sighed again.

"There are no side effects. It's just that if you supplement it too much, it will lead to deficiency. Ye Hu may be a little weaker in the past few days, but no one has used the whole flower, so it's hard to say."

Bu Dai explained a few more words and left the tent in a hurry. It was unknown what he was doing there. Maybe he was going to complain, maybe he was going to seek verification, but what they said was all true. What could be found if he sought further verification? Coming.

Mu Dan breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, Ah Chi was really poisoned, otherwise how would he have explained to the Wang Ting."

Chu Qingyan said nothing and turned to look at Huyan Xingchi on the couch with a complicated expression.

In any case, he had expected this. It seemed that Huyan Xingchi knew Huyan Yili better than her.


After two days of peace and quiet, Huyan Xingchi's body has recovered a lot. Chu Qingyan did not go to see him these two days, but Mu Dan came to see her first.

Chu Qingyan had just returned from the martial arts field when she saw a group of men talking happily on the way. Tuhechi hugged Moore and others and left in a roar.

Mu Dan, on the other hand, caught sight of her. After saying hello to the people next to him, he ran towards her, "Ah Qing, why are you still here?"


Where should she be if she's not here?

Mu Dan suddenly realized, "Oh, you don't know yet, Tuhechi and the others discovered a hot spring, a hot spring!!"

"Come on, let's go have some fun together. I happened to call Ah Chi up. The hot springs are very effective in healing wounds." Mu Dan was very excited. Most of the hot springs are concentrated in the eastern region. On weekdays, they are in the northwest. But it's hard to see.


"Then, I won't go... I've been feeling cold these days, I'm afraid I can't stand the cold." Chu Qingyan laughed dryly, raised her hands and closed the cloak around her body.

"Ah, that's okay. Then remember to take your medicine. If it's serious, find a doctor to see you."

Mu Dan didn't take it seriously. After receiving Chu Qingyan's response, he happily ran to the Tianxing Platform.

Chu Qingyan breathed a sigh of relief. Most of the winter in the grassland has passed. When spring comes, the actual Khuliltai Conference to select the successor will begin.

She couldn't afford to relax.

Calculating this time, if Shen Yu speeds up, the antidote should be delivered to Chang'an soon.

If everything goes well, there should be some news soon about what she told Shen Yu.

But in fact, from an emotional point of view or from Dasheng's point of view, she did not want to receive news from Chang'an.

I hope your royal brother will not disappoint her.


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