Empress Lin Ance

Chapter 22 Chapter 21

Chapter 22 21. Returning to Chang'an

ten days later.

The Huyan Tribe's mission team has already arrived outside Chang'an City.

Chu Qingyan was wearing a curtained hat.

Mu Dan was riding a horse next to her, muttering: "Why is your body worse than mine? You are not acclimatized for a while, and you have chickenpox all over your face..."

"Tch, our young master is young, so of course he will grow. It's not like you... the old daylily is alone, and it must have grown long ago!"

Yan Xiaoxuan replied unceremoniously.

Mu Dan was speechless when he was told that he had indeed suffered from chickenpox at that time, and it was all three or five years ago...

"Why am I getting old? Isn't he just three or four years younger than me..."

Yan Xiaoxuan glanced at him, but said nothing.

This was even more annoying than talking about it, Mu Dan was so angry that he snorted angrily, and went to find his A Chi.

Chu Qingyan breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course, she didn't really have chickenpox, but there are quite a few people in Chang'an City who know her, and Huyan Xingchi can't let Huyan Xingchi know her identity, otherwise it will be troublesome if she is recognized.

Fortunately, this plan is very good.


Chang'an City.

However, Chu Qingyan never expected that they ran into Yun Zhao's men in front of the gate of Chang'an City!

Mu Dan was very proud, "Of course I bumped into them on purpose, hurry up, almost let them go first!"

"This first round of competition, we must not lose to them!"

Yun Zhao's people naturally did their part, and the two teams were all squeezed outside the gate of Chang'an.

After a while, Yun Zhao's people moved.

"Hey! What's the matter with you grassland people, didn't you see that we arrived first?"

Tu Hechi arrogantly stepped forward to take the lead, "Hey! Isn't this a barbarian, can you stop talking on your knees, I can hardly see anyone!"

"You!!" Yun Zhao's people were furious.

Yunzhao people are generally short in the south, so they are naturally different from the strong men on the grassland, but it is not so obvious. Tu Hechi is clearly a bully.


A young girl suddenly emerged from Yun Zhao's carriage, pointed at Tu Hechi and cursed, "You simple-minded Xiliuzi!"

"If you don't give way to this princess, I will show you some color!"

As she said that, the girl really stood on the carriage, with a long whip in her hand, and swung it with all her might——

Tu Hechi didn't expect that she would make a sudden attack, and when he subconsciously fell backwards, he saw who was behind him.

He subconsciously shouted: "Little military division, get out of the way—"

The whip wind whizzed past, and was firmly imprisoned!
Huyan Xingchi looked at the girl opposite with cold eyes, and said in a cold tone, "Has Yun Zhao been stable for too long, do you want to start a war?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the group of Sirius masters behind him shouted loudly.

On the other hand, the princess on the opposite side was stunned, wondering if she was frightened.

"Yu Dai."

On the opposite side, the curtain of the carriage was suddenly lifted, and a light-white finger pressed against the curtain, revealing the white clothes.

A man in white clothes appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Yan Xiaoxuan got closer, and explained to Chu Qingyan, "This time Yun Zhao is the pair of Wang brothers and sisters, Yun Yudai and Yun Qingchen."

"It is said that these two people are the best in the use of Gu and poison in the Yunzhao royal family."

Yun Qingchen raised his hand, pinched Yun Yudai's long whip, and with great strength in his hand, pulled back the other end pinched by Huyan Xingchi.

He chuckled, returned the whip to Yun Yudai, and saluted Huyan Xingchi politely.

"My sister is ignorant, so don't take offense at Ye Hu. Let Ye Hu take the lead on today's road."

"Brother Wang...huh!"

The girl was very coquettish, and got back into the carriage angrily.

Huyan Xingchi nodded at him.

After the two parties exchanged greetings, it was the chariots and horses of the Huyan Tribe that entered Chang'an City first.



Chang'an Avenue.

Stepping here again, but with a different identity, Chu Qingyan's mood inevitably felt strange.

It was the right servant of the Ministry of Rites who received the envoys of the two countries.

The people in Chang'an looked at the two new arrivals in amazement, and they didn't take their eyes off for a moment.

"Look, this prairie leader is so handsome!"

"Look at the one with the broad shoulders, and the waist... Ouch! It's so embarrassing~"

"Why is there a man wearing a veiled hat? It must be because he is too ugly..."

"Oh, Prince Yunzhao is also very good-looking!"

Envoys from various countries were naturally arranged in the Sifang Pavilion.

As soon as he arrived at the Sifang Pavilion, Mu Dan couldn't wait to take Chu Qingyan out, he had already imagined a lot of places to see!
"No, young master can't see the wind!"

Yan Xiaoxuan sternly stopped him.

Mu Dan was upset, "He's wearing a veiled hat... How long will it take?"

Chu Qingyan's head was getting bigger, she rubbed her head pretendingly, "Maybe ten... five... three days."

Mu Dan wilted, turned back and went into the room to sleep.

Tomorrow is the day to enter the palace to meet the emperor. People in both countries attach great importance to bathing, burning incense...replenishing sleep.


late at night.

In the Sifang Pavilion, a neat figure flashed out.

Walking freely in Chang'an Avenue, one could see someone who is familiar with Chang'an Street. After wandering for a few times, he stopped outside a house.

Hussar General's Mansion.

In the courtyard, Shen Yu was practicing with a gun.

Where the spear passed, there was bound to be a gust of wind, the feet quickly changed, the body suddenly jumped into the air, and the spear crossed a full moon in the air——

The albizia juliensis in the courtyard is falling freely.

Absurdity everywhere.

"Shen Er!!"

Shen Yu was taken aback by a loud yell, and almost sprained his feet when he fell.

A woman in a red dress was walking over with a spatula, looking at the acacia flowers on the ground with distressed expression.

"Sister! You're going to scare people to death, can you stop suddenly appearing behind me!"

With a flick of Shen Yu's spear, it was successfully placed on the weapon rack.

Shen Yan lifted the spatula, and gave him a shovel neatly, but she didn't like it, so she slapped his butt hard.

"You're going to die, you've been catching my acacia tree all day, and there are so many sweet-scented osmanthus trees and sycamore trees nearby, why don't you cut them down?!"

Shen Yu rubbed his butt, and his mouth was so stiff: "That can't be done, the osmanthus tree hasn't bloomed yet, she likes this kind of sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance the most..."

Shen Yan suddenly went gossip, "Who is it?"

"Hmph." Shen Yu stopped talking.

Shen Yan didn't know what her younger brother was thinking, she said proudly: "I know it even if you don't tell me, who doesn't know that you like Quan Changan—"

"Sister!" Shen Yu stopped her.

Shen Yan hated iron for being weak, rolled her eyes, and couldn't help laughing at him, "You look so stupid, people don't like you!"

"Shen Yan, can you stop talking!"

"Okay, I won't talk anymore, your brother-in-law called me, you can play slowly, don't cut my flowers again!"

Shen Yan smiled and left.

After quieting down, Shen Yu couldn't help being depressed again.


A stone was thrown from nowhere.

(End of this chapter)

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