Empress Lin Ance

Chapter 23 Chapter 22 Princess is here!

Chapter 23 22. The princess is back!
A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Shen Yu was instantly alert, his brows were furrowed, and he didn't notice anyone approaching him!


No one answered.

The yard was very quiet, he thought of someone by chance, and almost cried out.


Suddenly, a short arrow came through the air and nailed to the acacia tree in the courtyard!

A letter was caught between the short arrow and the silk tree.

There was a brief friction sound in the air, and then everything returned to calm.

He stepped forward vigilantly, took out the letter, opened it, and the familiar small characters appeared in his field of vision.

His eyes lit up, and his expression changed instantly.

He couldn't be more familiar with this handwriting!

"Princess..." is back!

Barely restraining his excitement, he unfolded the contents of the letter, his expression slowly returned to calm, and his brows were slightly furrowed.

After a long time, he put down the letter, his eyes gradually turned cold, and he slowly uttered two words.

"King An."

In order to frame Song Luan, he dared to rob disaster relief money.

Among the Song Luan clan who supported the crown prince, they were usually friendly to no one else, and those who could attack him, except for the third prince An Wang, hardly thought of him.


When we returned to the Sifang Pavilion, it was already pitch black.

Presumably they were all asleep.

Chu Qingyan returned to the room lightly, and when she opened the door, there was a black shadow standing inside.

She thought it was Yan Xiaoxuan, but she was not surprised.

"What are you doing standing there, scaring me?"

Chu Qingyan closed the door, but when she turned her head, the other party was still standing there, she suddenly realized something was wrong.

The other party has already approached her face!
Huyan Star Pool!

"Isn't it because you can't see the wind? Are you not afraid of losing your face if you run out so late?"

As soon as he flicked his sleeves, the candles in the room were lit.

Chu Qingyan subconsciously covered her eyes and turned her face away.

"Don't hide it, it's okay to deceive Mu Dan with your little tricks, but you dare to deceive me? You really don't have a good brain."

Huyan Xingchi was also polite, turned around and took a few steps, then turned and sat on the wooden chair beside him.

Chu Qingyan breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that there is still more to talk about.

She took off the face towel and the night clothes outside, and poured herself a cup of tea in a leisurely manner.

At the entrance, Wei Wucha frowned.

"Sifang Pavilion only drinks this kind of tea?" Chu Qingyan couldn't help complaining, the people in the Ministry of Rites are really stingy.

"What, broken pot broken fall?"

Huyan Xingchi looked at her with a funny face.

Chu Qingyan was not in a hurry, and slowly pulled over another wooden chair, sat on the opposite side of Huyan Xingchi, and raised her legs comfortably.

"Come on, ask me anything you want to ask."

She has nothing to panic, now she is in the territory of Chang'an, to put it bluntly, in her territory, even the mighty dragon Huyan Xingchi can't overwhelm her local snake.

What's more, she had expected that today would come.

"What is your identity?"

Huyan Xingchi opened his mouth and went straight to the point, staring at her with burning eyes.

"Don't try to lie to me. There is no brother named Yan in Pei Hua's clan. Where did you come from?"

Chu Qingyan smiled, this day is still here.

"It's true that I'm not her brother, but since you've asked about it, you should also know that Pei Hua has a childhood sweetheart in Chang'an, right?"

Huyan Xingchi raised his eyebrows, his eyes never let go of every change in her expression, "Are you trying to tell me that you are the young minister of Dali Temple, Song Luan?"

She chuckled, and suddenly snorted coldly, "Of course not, I don't have a high-ranking official, rich salary, and good family background, but I'm just a grassroots person."

Her hostility towards Song Luan was almost from the bottom of her heart, and she acted falsely, even if he called Yan Xingchi, she couldn't tell the truth.

"So you are..."

"I am his rival!"

Chu Qingyan was talking nonsense seriously, Huyan Xingchi seemed a little dazed, but he didn't interrupt him.

"Huyan Xingchi, have you ever liked someone?"

Chu Qingyan's expression became a little sad, she took a deep breath, and began to complain solemnly, "That coward, because Pei Hua went to the grassland with her, is going to give up on her..."

"But I won't. I will definitely rescue her. I believe that one day, Pei Hua will be able to see my heart, and she will be with me willingly."

"Achi, do you believe I can do it?"

She suddenly said "A Chi", which suddenly disturbed Huyan Xingchi's thoughts.

He used to hear these two words from Mu Dan's mouth, and he didn't feel anything, but now he heard it from Yan Qing's mouth...it seems to be different.

Yan Qing called him, either by first name or surname, or in a strange way, "Lord Ye Hu".

Huyan Xingchi really didn't know whether to believe him or not.

Chu Qingyan breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that Huyan Xingchi was temporarily intimidated by her, she had already inquired about it, grassland people valued feelings most and hated betrayal.

She said that, not only can it arouse sympathy, but it can also make people share a common hatred with her!
Song Luan, just feel wronged.

"You rest first."

Huyan Xingchi seemed to be dubious, and when he walked out of her room, he even closed the door for her.


The next day, the Huyan Tribe and the Yunzhao Empire entered the palace.

Chu Qingyan didn't have to enter the palace with them, and now she had an aboveboard reason.

Of course, she just didn't enter the palace with them, not that she didn't.

Noon, East Palace.

The prince has recently appointed a Mrs. Xue, who is arrogant and domineering, and no one dares to provoke her. Today she is admiring the flowers in the imperial garden.

"What's so great about the crown princess, when my wife is pregnant with the eldest son, the prince will definitely let the crown prince abandon her!"

The palace servants did not dare to speak, and faced her tremblingly.

When Chu Qingyan changed into women's clothes and came in, she planned to wait in the imperial garden to wait for the prince to come down, so she randomly grabbed some food and fed it to the fish by the lake.

"Where did Hu Meizi come from, who is he trying to seduce? How dare you not salute my wife!"

In the East Palace, apart from the crown prince and concubine, Mrs. Xue is the one with the highest rank and temper. Now that the crown prince and concubine are going to the banquet, naturally Mrs. Xue is the biggest in the East Palace.

Hearing this, Chu Qingyan turned around and looked at the lady in front of her in surprise.

"When did the prince accept another wife?"

She didn't return to the palace for a long time, and there were many newcomers in the palace, and the palace people beside her didn't know her.

Chu Qingyan didn't want to talk to her, so she turned around and wanted to leave.


Jiang Xuerou walked over arrogantly, looked her up and down from head to toe, her gaze gradually became vicious.

"Come here, smash her face to pieces!!"



Taiye pool.

The host and guest had a good time, and the scene was peaceful.

However, a member of the palace suddenly walked quickly to the side of the prince and whispered something.

Chu Qingyuan frowned, and gave some instructions to the Crown Princess Wang Pinting below, and Wang turned around and left.

This scene did not attract much attention, but the Chu Emperor above him quickly noticed it, and he asked.

Chu Qingyuan didn't dare to hide it from him, so he immediately told the truth.

After hearing this, Emperor Chu suddenly burst out laughing.

"Why is His Majesty so happy?"

"No one, just heard that my princess is back!"

 Next episode preview:
  Song Luan returns!

  Punish the prince's wife.

  Prince Yunzhao and the princess began to perform.

(End of this chapter)

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