Empress Lin Ance

Chapter 32 Chapter 31

Chu Qingyan turned her back to him.

Just when she relaxed, she couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"Your Excellency Ye Hu is too worried. This palace is really ugly and ashamed to see people, so that's why I made such a bad plan."

Chu Qingyan calmed down and turned around calmly.

Huyan Xingchi was really looking at her all the time, and when he heard this, he showed a puzzled smile, "Really?"

"But it is widely rumored that Princess Lin'an is the number one beauty in Chang'an, so would she have such concerns about her appearance?"

Chu Qingyan sneered in her heart.

What Chang'an, she is clearly the number one beauty in Dasheng!

She shook her head and sighed, "It's just a rumor. Master Ye Hu should understand how powerful rumors are."

Huyan Xingchi folded his arms and nodded, then smiled softly, "You're right, everyone said that Princess Lin'an was honored and respected by everyone, but now it seems that's not the case at all."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at the nearby woods with a playful expression.

Chu Qingyan's expression changed slightly.

There are others in this wood!
To be precise, this is the mastermind behind the scene. They haven't left yet?
What do they want to do?
"court death."

Chu Qingyan's eyes were cold and stern, she dared to do such a thing in her territory of Dasheng, disregarding human life as a trivial matter, what is the difference between surrendering to the enemy and treason? !

The wind was blowing under her feet, and with lightness kung fu, she overtook the person hiding behind the woods in a few breaths.

Seeing her angry, Huyan Xingchi followed behind her.

"Speak! Who sent you here?"

A dozen or so men in black became a little embarrassed when they saw her. They ran away, but Chu Qingyan blocked their retreat with a slash of green silk.


"Princess, please forgive me. We are only following orders, and we don't know who is behind the scenes!"

Chu Qingyan approached them with a sneer, "Okay, it seems that we won't cry when we don't see the coffin."

She raised her hand to intimidate them, and one of them, a man in black, suddenly knelt down and begged her for mercy, "Princess! Princess, I will tell you everything..."

Huyan Xingchi on the side looked a little strange, and always felt that these people were deliberately delaying time.

Chu Qingyan sneered, "I'll count to three, if you can't tell that person's name, then you're going to die."




"Princess! It's His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!!"

Chu Qingyan's eyebrows turned cold.

"Full of nonsense."

As soon as the words fell, a silver thread flashed in the air, and the man who was biting at random just now slowly showed a line of blood on his neck, his eyes widened and he fell down!

They finally didn't expect that she would really kill people, and immediately got up from the ground to fight to the death. Anyway, they were dead, and they absolutely couldn't say that name.

Seeing that the fight was about to start, Huyan Xingchi no longer watched the battle. There were more than a dozen opponents, and they were all masters.

He has the least weapons, but he is superior in martial arts. Everyone sees that he is invincible, and gradually draws the two of them farther and farther...

Suddenly, a man in black touched somewhere.

Huyan Xingchi was instantly dragged towards the ground by a sense of weightlessness, no, it wasn't the ground, it was the ground!
"Huyan Star Pool!"

Chu Qingyan stretched out the silver thread in an attempt to bind his body, Huyan Xingchi also instantly understood what she meant, and grabbed the silver thread with his hand.

But she underestimated the weight of a grown man's body when he fell—

The silver thread was knotted, but his body was tightened because of its extreme slenderness. Huyan Xingchi used his hand as a buffer, but his hand was bloody!

"Princess, you'd better die!"

Someone behind him raised a knife and slashed at her, Chu Qingyan's thoughts were all over, and she jumped into the deep pit at a critical moment!

Fortunately, both of them were good at lightness kung fu, they reached the bottom of the pit safely, and when they looked up again, they found that the top of their heads was already knee-black!
Only the corners of the top of the pit left a glimmer of light.


There was a loud noise, like a boulder hitting an iron plate.

Huyan Xingchi felt bad all of a sudden, he performed lightness kung fu and found that the cave wall was extremely wet and slippery, finally reached the top of the pit, and pushed it down—without moving.

He fell, and because of the narrow bottom of the pit, he almost hit Chu Qingyan.

"They blocked the roof of the pit, and the walls were slippery, and the people below couldn't open it."

Huyan Xingchi didn't expect that he just joined in the fun, so he put himself in it.

He heard Yun Yudai calling for help nearby, and when he rushed over, he realized that Chu Qingyan had arrived first and let Yun Yudai go first.

To be honest, he might not even be able to deal with this fierce tiger, but the opponent was brave and resourceful, made a decisive decision, and directly sent Yun Yudai away with harsh words.

Dasheng, the princess, probably has some skills.

"What’s wrong with you?"

After Huyan Xingchi came down, he realized that Chu Qingyan had never spoken. He thought it was the other party who was cold, but...

She seemed to be shaking.

"Do not talk!"

Chu Qingyan spoke, but her voice was a bit wrong. She seemed to be attached to something, and slowly leaned against the wall behind her, "I heard, there are... there are snakes!"

Her face instantly turned pale, but because she was wearing a mask in the dark, Huyan Xingchi didn't notice it.

But he heard her.

Listening carefully, there really was something making the sound of wandering, Huyan Xingchi followed the sound, and suddenly punched Chu Qingyan with a punch!
A snake fell by Chu Qingyan's ear.

Huyan Xingchi heaved a sigh of relief, and looked at Chu Qingyan in the dark, "Are you still afraid of snakes?"

Chu Qingyan didn't reply to him.

Huyan Xingchi frowned, "The snake is dead, it must have gotten into this hole by accident, are you okay?"

It was Chu Qingyan's slowly falling body that responded to her, and Huyan Xingchi caught her with quick eyesight and quick hands.

"No, no, I'm fine..."

Chu Qingyan wanted to break free from his touch, but Huyan Xingchi frowned slightly, stretched out a hand to her shoulder, and pulled off her clothes!

With the faint light above his head, he saw two blood holes.

"You were bitten."

Huyan Xingchi calmly narrated the facts, looked at her shoulder, beside the two blood holes in her chest, there was a crescent-like red birthmark.

He moved his eyes away, put her on the ground, and looked down to notice the ring on her hand, "Princess's ring looks so familiar, I've seen a similar one."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Qingyan broke out in cold sweat.

Just now I was only focused on killing that animal, but forgot about this black thread cut, Huyan Xingchi has seen it before!
She was still awake, stretched out her hand and gathered her collar, "Really, there are quite a few people who use rings as weapons, where did Master Ye Hu meet?"

This is not bad, just on Chang'an Avenue, there are countless such rings, and there are also weapons shops, and he has seen some of them in the past two days.

It is not surprising that Yan Qing is also from Chang'an.

"On the street, it doesn't matter."

Huyan Xingchi replied casually, "This snake is not very poisonous, and it is not a problem to last for a day or two. Do you need me to help you detoxify?"

To detoxify, isn't it just to suck it out?

Chu Qingyan laughed awkwardly, "No need, hold on."

A Yan: It doesn't matter, if you can't hold it, you will die.

Will Ah Chi let her hold on?
1. Will

2. No

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