Empress Lin Ance

Chapter 33 32 This is the symbol of your man!


Huyan Xingchi really put her aside and ignored her.

Chu Qingyan was silent to herself, no wonder he didn't like Huyan Tuya or Qi Nalan either, this guy isn't interested in women at all, right?

This is going to be a different person, so I have to save her first, right?


Chu Qingyan pressed the wound on her chest, grinning from the pain, but she also became sober a lot, the poison of this snake is really not strong.

She fainted just now, it was purely frightened...

"Princess Lin'an is not even afraid of a tiger, but she is afraid of a small snake?"

Huyan Xingchi sat next to her, and spoke a little bored, but no matter how he listened, it sounded like a bit of ridicule.

Chu Qingyan gave him a dark look.

"It's not that I'm afraid of snakes, it's just that I'm not used to being too dark."


Huyan Xingchi smiled when he heard the words, and changed the subject again, "I heard that the princess ran thousands of miles and took back the disaster relief money that was robbed in Xizhou?"

Chu Qingyan lazily replied, not knowing what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd.

"We also came from Xizhou, so if we say that, we might have almost bumped into each other."

"Oh." Boring.

Huyan Xingchi looked up at her suddenly, "Isn't the princess very interested in what I said?"

Chu Qingyan smiled slightly, "Are you sure you want me to be interested in you?"


Huyan Xingchi successfully shut up.

Yan Qing and Princess Lin'an are obviously two people who have nothing to do with each other, how could he get involved, these two people don't seem to know each other.

He was really out of his mind, thinking too much.

"By the way, didn't you beat the snake to death? What about the snake?" She had to save the snake gall, maybe she needed it for detoxification.

Huyan Xingchi suddenly said jokingly: "Isn't it right beside you?"

"What?" Chu Qingyan was puzzled, and subconsciously put her hand on her leg...


Like a frightened bird, she jumped up and threw herself directly on the opposite Huyan Xingchi.

She couldn't help rubbing her hands on his body, trying to wipe off all the nausea from the snake she just touched!

Huyan Xingchi purely lifted a rock and shot himself in the foot, he didn't react for a moment, and he caught Chu Qingyan who rushed towards him with a dazed expression.

"Don't, stop rubbing!"

A girl's fragrance penetrated into his nose forcefully, but the person was still on him, and he didn't know where to put his hands!

In the end, he could only stop her twitching hands and hold her in his arms.

"Hurry up, take the snake away, it's so, so disgusting..."

Huyan Xingchi was helpless.

The inside of the hole is sealed, and the top cannot be opened. How could he take the snake away?
Chu Qingyan was sweating from shock, but she also calmed down a little at the moment, turned around and squeezed beside Huyan Xingchi, hugging his arm, and refused to go past even if she was beaten to death.

"You also said that you are not afraid of snakes, so why are you stuttering?"

"..." Don't worry about it.

Huyan Xingchi was also sweated by her, and she couldn't move her arm even if she tried to pull it out, "Relax, I'll go to the opposite side."

As soon as she heard that he was going to the opposite side, Chu Qingyan only felt chills in her back, and she grabbed him.

"No, since there are snakes here, there may be more than one... I have observed it, and it seems to be a snake den over there. For your safety, you should stay here and I will protect you."

She really speaks righteously, if the eyes under the mask are not rolling around, maybe there is still a little persuasion.

Huyan Xingchi frowned.

"Princess, whether a man or a woman can kiss each other."

"Our Dasheng doesn't have this rule."

"But there are grasslands."

"Be obedient, don't be so hypocritical."


Huyan Xingchi took a deep breath, and he still pulled out his arm, but he didn't go to the opposite side, and sat quietly beside her.

Chu Qingyan breathed a sigh of relief.

She couldn't say much when she was dependent on others before, but now she has nothing to be afraid of.

Huyan Xingchi was hypocritical to death.

As a military adviser, she had to tell him personally when she asked for sick leave... In the future, she would have to go to the grassland with him again, so she probably wouldn't have the chance to act like a boss.

Thinking of this, Chu Qingyan couldn't help going too far, for example——

The sky was getting dark and it was cold at the bottom of the cave, she took off Huyan Xingchi's outer robe without even asking!
"what are you doing?"

"I'm a bit cold, since you won't let me hug you, donating a piece of clothing shouldn't be a big deal, right?"

Huyan Xingchi's face darkened, regretting for the fifth time that he came to save people!

He had never seen such an arrogant girl, but what are those people outside preaching - generous and decent?Noble and glamorous?

"You are so barbaric, I'm afraid you won't be able to find a son-in-law in the future."

"If you really can't find it, why don't Ye Hu try it?"



The sky was completely dark, but there was movement above her head. Chu Qingyan didn't speak immediately, but listened carefully for a while.

"Where are you, princess..."

After confirming that it was her own person, she slapped the person beside her, "Someone is here, call quickly."

Huyan Xingchi looked at her incredulously, and almost smiled angrily, "This is here to look for you, don't you want me to?"

"This palace is a princess, what does it look like to yell openly?" Chu Qingyan pushed him again, "Hurry up, everyone will leave in a while."

"Then die here together."

Anyway, he was not the one who was poisoned by the snake.

Huyan Xingchi raised his eyes to look at her, suddenly smiled lightly, and warned her in a very firm tone.

Chu Qingyan also smiled, okay, since that's the case... don't blame her for not being sympathetic after a while.

After burning incense, Shen Yu removed the stone and iron plate on the roof of the cave, and Huyan Xingchi flew out from the cave holding Chu Qingyan in his arms. He also carried a snake in his other hand.

As soon as Chu Qingyan came out, she was about to turn her back and let him go, when Shen Yu snatched her away.

By the way, he threw Chu Qingyan's clothes to Huyan Xingchi, took off his own and put them on her.

Huyan Star Pool:?
"Princess, are you alright? Are you injured?" Shen Yu sized her up, while Yun Yudai stood beside her with a bewildered expression.

"A Chi!" Mu Dan actually came, and was booing around Huyan Xingchi to ask for warmth.

Chu Qingyan made up her mind, and suddenly walked towards Huyan Xingchi, Huyan Xingchi instantly had a premonition that something was wrong.

"Thank you Lord Ye Hu. If it wasn't for protecting me, I wouldn't have been bitten there by the snake...Master Ye Hu should be treated properly, and don't shy away from medical treatment."

Mu Dan's heart was full of alarms, and happened to see the snake in Huyan Xingchi's hand again, and he was shocked, "Where? Where? A Chi, where did you get bitten by the snake?!"

Huyan Xingchi felt the familiar suffocation, he pushed Mu Dan away, "I didn't..."

"Master Ye Hu, don't be shy, it's a good treatment, and you can still keep it if you think about it." Chu Qingyan glanced at his lower body inexplicably.

Huyan Xingchi immediately turned cold.


Mu Dan screamed directly, noticing where her eyes fell, he pulled up Huyan Xingchi and was about to leave.

"Key parts... Hurry up, don't delay! This is the symbol of your man!!"

A Chi: This damn, familiar, suffocating feeling.

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