Empress Lin Ance

Chapter 34 Chapter 33

"To shut up!"

Huyan Xingchi stopped drinking directly, his eyes were cold as if he wanted to kill someone.

Then, she reached out and lifted the snake, threw the snake on Chu Qingyan's body and left. She was in a daze, and Shen Yu who was beside her quickly grabbed the snake he threw over with her hands.

How could Mu Dan give up so easily, Huyan Xingchi left, and he immediately chased after him.

Chu Qingyan breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little dizzy for a moment. Fortunately, Shen Yu who was beside her gave her a hand.

"This snake...Princess, are you alright?"

Chu Qingyan is afraid of snakes, he knows this.

She shook her head, her eyes gradually turned cold, "Someone is behind this matter."

Shen Yu's eyes were heavy, "Don't worry, the man has been caught, and now Song Luan is on trial."

When Huyan Xingchi left, he was nearby, so after seeing Yun Yudai, he quickly found a place to save her.

"By the way, thanks to Princess Yudai, otherwise I wouldn't have found you so quickly."

After Shen Yu finished speaking, Chu Qingyan noticed Yun Yudai beside her.

When Yun Yudai noticed that the two of them were looking over, their eyes instantly became a little unnatural, but the next moment, as if she had made up her mind, she looked at Chu Qingyan without hesitation.

"Thank you, thank you! Thank you for saving me!"

After saying that, Yun Yudai's face turned red, and she immediately turned around and ran away, as if a wolf was chasing her.


When they returned to the western suburbs camp, they found that the tiger she killed earlier had also been dragged back.

The men in black who were caught by Shen Yu, a total of eight people, were all tied up at this moment, and they knelt down on the open space in front.

Everyone gathered on both sides tremblingly, Emperor Chu's face was very ugly, he was relieved to see her back, and hurriedly sent her back to the tent for treatment.

Chu Qingyan raised her hand to stop it, but everyone didn't understand what she wanted to do.

Seeing her expression was cold and serious, she raised her foot and walked to the group of men in black, "Say, who sent you here?"

A group of men in black didn't even look at her.

Chu Qingyan sneered, "Very good."

She turned around, walked beside Shen Yu, raised her hand and pulled out the saber from his waist. Shen Yu was startled, she had already returned to the group of people.


The sound of the sword piercing the flesh sounded, and she hacked one of them to death without blinking an eye!

It was inevitable that some of the officials were present with their family members, and the timid woman screamed out loud, the point of the sword cut open her neck, and blood splashed all over the ground!
Chu Qingyan didn't even look at the sides, the tip of the sword circled on the ground, circling in front of the second person.

The man was obviously afraid, but he remained silent.

He can die, but he still has family...

"You didn't seek death, it seems that you are not dead men, so you should have family members?"

Chu Qingyan's voice sounded like a demon in the ears of the man in black, and his body shook suddenly!
Impossible, the adults promised to protect his family, he must not be deceived.

Not only him, several people around him felt fear.

"Assassinating the princess, the crime is enough to kill you all over the house! You think that if you die, we won't be able to find your family. Are you questioning Dasheng's search ability?"

Chu Qingyan sneered, and gradually slid onto the neck of the second person.

"Or do you think that the people behind you are enough to compete with the entire Dasheng?"

"You are dead, what about your family? Why don't you guess what will happen to them?"

Every time she said a word, the group of people showed a little timidity.

But still no one answered, they were weighing, weighing the truth and falsehood of his words, weighing the power of the people in front of them and the people behind them.

Chu Qingyan was not in a hurry, she turned around and glanced around at the crowd. Everyone had different expressions, but they were all afraid of her.

She dared to use a sword and a gun in front of His Majesty, and even killed someone, the blood spattered on the spot!
Inserting the saber back into Shen Yu's scabbard, she ordered people to take those men in black down, "Remember, you only have three days."

Her eyes turned cold for an instant.

The man in black looked ashen and was pulled down.

The crown prince finally stood up, "Everyone, Princess Lin'an should be the first to kill a tiger. Do you have any objections?"

objection? !
Do they dare, huh? !
Regardless of other things, Princess Lin'an can kill a fierce tiger with her bare hands, and this prey is not comparable to their wild deer and hares.

"Princess Lin'an lived up to the rumors, this competition even saved my little sister's life, I admire Yun Zhao."

Yun Qingchen took the lead in expressing his attitude, and Chu Huang's face instantly became better.

"Prince Yun, you are being polite. I, Dasheng, failed to protect Princess Yudai by surprise. Don't worry, Prince, I, Dasheng, will definitely give you an explanation!"

The Emperor of Chu swore an oath.

Now, the pressure came to the Huyan tribe.

Huyan Xingchi's complexion didn't seem very good, and he secretly smiled when he didn't like the person.

Just half an hour ago, the deputy general beside him was still asking about his injury. It was nothing at all, but it seems that he injured a key part...

"What? How could this be..."

Many female relatives showed regret.

Huyan Xingchi ignored the words beside him, and cast his eyes on the Emperor Chu, who was above him, "Your Majesty, I have another question, and I would like to take the liberty to ask you."

"Oh?" Chu Huang seemed quite interested, "Ye Hu might as well speak up."

"Wu Neng builds a country, and Wen Ke prospers the country. It is said that Emperor Dasheng values ​​literature over martial arts. I wonder what Emperor Chu thinks about this?"

The battle between civil and military has never stopped for hundreds of thousands of years.

The impression given by Dasheng now is that civil servants are rampant and military officials are weak, but no one would have thought that Huyan Xingchi would actually ask this question.

What is his plan?

If he is so bold, isn't he afraid that His Majesty the Chu Emperor will blame him?
First up, Emperor Chu was unexpected, not only did not get angry at all, but instead looked at Huyan Xingchi with a deepening smile.

"What is strong and what is weak?"

"There is always a comparison between the strengths and weaknesses you see. You think that the military officer Dasheng is weak, but it is against the civil servants. If there is no comparison between the civil servants, do you think...they are still weak?"

Chu Huang's eyes swept across Chu Qingyan, Shen Yu and others.

Everyone instantly understood what he meant, Dasheng and even the princess are among the best masters, how can it be said that he puts more emphasis on literature than martial arts?

If there is no comparison between civil servants and military officials, looking at this continent, there are probably very few who can win.

"I have always felt that the civil servants stand up and the military officials can rest and recuperate, which is a manifestation of prosperity and stability of the country's fortune."

"What do you think Ye Hu thinks?"

Emperor Chu looked at him impartially, without the slightest sign of fear in his eyes, standing behind him was the entire Dasheng.

Suddenly, Huyan Xingchi smiled.

He bowed to Emperor Chu, then turned to look at Chu Qingyan, "Congratulations princess, you have won a complete victory."

Hearing this, Emperor Chu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that no matter what intentions Huyan Xingchi had, most of them had already been dispelled.

Chu Qingyan also smiled, and said politely: "Ye Hu is polite, let's go to the wound quickly, don't delay."



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