Empress Lin Ance

Chapter 35 34 Night Tour

Chu Qingyan won the leader of the hunting contest.

The Yunzhao and Huyan tribes each took out a rare treasure as the prize for the leader of the competition.


Chu Qingyan's injuries were not serious. After changing her medicine, the imperial physician told her to rest well.

Zhiqi was also urgently transferred to serve her food, clothing, housing and transportation.

The next morning, I had to pack up and go back to the city.

Shen Yu came to tell her, "Last night, those people all died."

"what happened?"

He shook his head, "I sent people to strictly guard against it, and no one approached it at all. These people died strangely."

Chu Qingyan sighed speechlessly.

She took precautions against everything, but in the end she was unable to guard against the murderer.

"Ayan, could this matter be... Grand Tutor?" Shen Yu thought that Wang Taifu had conflicts with Chu Qingyan in court before.

It can be said that he also made great efforts to facilitate Pei Hua's marriage.

Chu Qingyan frowned, that old stereotype?
"Probably not, his daughter is the princess, even if he wants to get rid of me, he should still think about the prince."

Shen Yu nodded, that's right, if something happened to Chu Qingyan, the crown prince would lose a lot of help.

Then there is only one person left.

Chu Qingyan sneered, she still couldn't believe that in order to compete for that position, Chu Huaian was so ruthless as to kill her own sister.


When returning to Chang'an, I passed by Prince An's Mansion.

Chu Qingyan lifted the sedan chair curtain, only to find that Pei Shangshu had followed Chu Huaian into Prince An's mansion.

"The two of them, have you known each other for a long time?"

Zhiqi looked at it knowingly, and she shook her head, "Not before, it seems that after the princess left Chang'an, Pei Shangshu and King An became warm."

After she left Chang'an?
She remembered that Chu Huai'an was in favor of the marriage, and when he proposed that Pei Hua be appointed princess to marry her, he also strongly agreed.

Pei Shangshu is actually... prepared to stand in Chu Huaian's camp?

Chu Qingyan sneered, "It's really nothing to gain."

No, since that's the case, maybe she should reconsider, the mastermind behind the tiger's descent.

After she put down the car curtain and sealed the doors and windows, she took off the clothes on her body and put on another man's clothes.

"I'll write a letter later, and you bring it to Shen Yu."

Zhiqi was quiet, saw her undressing, and realized where she was going, "Princess, you haven't recovered from your injury, why don't you go back to the Sifang Pavilion?"

"No, if I don't go back, Huyan Xingchi will definitely be suspicious."

Chu Qingyan's gaze was fixed.

As early as in the woods, the moment he saw his ring, he should have suspected her.

However, according to the brain circuit of the prairie people, at most they think whether Yan Qing has anything to do with her, and never think that they are the same person.

She must go back now to completely dispel the last trace of doubt in Huyan Xingchi.


Sifang Pavilion.

"Ah Qing! Ah Qing—come out!"

As soon as Mu Dan entered their own courtyard, he started yelling.

Huyan Xingchi walked in front, his expression condensed, but he didn't stop Mu Dan from yelling.

"Eh? Why haven't you come out yet, could it be that you slept late?" Mu Dan was suspiciously going to look for her in the courtyard.

Turning his head, Huyan Xingchi unexpectedly followed up.

"A Chi, what are you doing with me, you should lie down in your room immediately, and I will find you a doctor in a while!"

Mu Dan wanted to push him away, but Huyan Xingchi passed him directly, with scorching eyes, and walked towards Yan Qing's room swiftly.

When he came to the door, Huyan Xingchi had a cold face, and was about to push it away——


The door was opened from the inside, Chu Qingyan yawned and walked out, she was not fully dressed, she seemed to have just gotten out of bed.

Huyan Xingchi stared at her chest without blinking.

There, she didn't have time to pull up her clothes, and the exposed half of the shoulder was flawless.

No wound, no crescent birthmark.

Looking down, the ring on his hand is also different.

He, not her.

"What are you guys doing? Didn't I say that I'm not feeling well and I want to sleep in late? Don't the two elder brothers understand human language?" Chu Qingyan complained with a displeased expression on her face.

Only then did Mu Dan get out from behind Huyan Xingchi, "No, it's Achi who has a health problem now... Oops!"

He just showed his head when Huyan Xingchi slapped him back.

Mu Dan was almost thrown to the ground.

Before he had time to howl, Huyan Xingchi said coldly: "Put on your clothes, what do you look like when you're disheveled?"

Only then did Chu Qingyan close her eyes sleepily, and straightened her clothes.

She rubbed her eyes, "What's the matter with you, didn't Mu Dan just say that you have a physical problem, you were injured?"


Huyan Xingchi lifted his foot and prepared to leave.

Mu Dan was left behind by him, and he immediately added fuel to Chu Qingyan's words, and Chu Qingyan responded very forcefully.


"Then we have to find the imperial doctor quickly, this can't be delayed!"

Mu Dan patted her on the shoulder, "It's still Ah Qing who understands me, so I'll find him a doctor!"

After saying that, he ran away directly, and Chu Qingyan couldn't help laughing at the sight.

Mu Dan is really a bit stupid, not to mention that Huyan Xingchi is not a problem at all, even if there is... a problem in that respect, he can't shout all over the street, right?

"Fortunately, Zhiqi's disguise skills are really getting better and better." Chu Qingyan touched her shoulder and laughed unconsciously.

But soon, she stopped laughing.


Yun Qingchen, that black-bellied guy, actually invited her to visit Lingxiao Temple at night.

Zhiqi wanted to help her and refused on the spot, but Chu Qingyan agreed. She wanted to see what the intentions of the prince who had been keeping a low profile since coming to Dasheng.

The Huyan Tribe has just made peace with Dasheng, and they still have delusions of going to war.

Yun Zhao has always been at odds with Dasheng, and has been harassing him for a long time around the two borders. It is impossible that this trip is without purpose.

The next day, night.

With the bright moon in the sky, Chang'an's reunion night lasted for several days, and it is still lively today.

Chu Qingyan wore casual clothes, put on some makeup, and when she and Zhiqi came to Lingxiao Temple to attend the appointment, Yun Qingchen had already been waiting there.

"Prince Yun is well."

Yun Qingchen turned around, and when he saw the person coming, his eyes were clear, showing a little surprise.

"If it's true, as the rumors spread, Princess Lin'an is worthy of the beauty of a country and a city."

Don't come to praise and kill that set.

Chu Qingyan smiled innocently, and he stepped up the steps first, "The prince is absurd, Lin'an can't afford it."

The two made an appointment at the moon-watching platform, which is an excellent place to watch the moon. When she passed by, she found that someone had already prepared drinks and meals.

Still distracted?

This guy is not interested in her, is he?

It wasn't that Chu Qingyan was narcissistic, it was mainly because she was used to such scenes, but Yun Qingchen didn't say anything, and led her to a seat.

Chu Qingyan was already vigilant.

Don't leave the Huyan tribe, but come to the Yunzhao Empire again.

"Prince, you are welcome, just treat it as your own home!"

"Come on, eat a chicken drumstick!"

She deliberately stretched her legs and put her feet on the seat next door, even the wood shook three times!

Soaring to the sky!
Hahaha, Ah Yan is awesome!

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