Empress Lin Ance

Chapter 39 38 He doesn't like men, does he?

Hu Yan and Yun Zhao stayed in Dasheng for another seven or eight days.

The Huyan tribe took the lead to say goodbye and left Chang'an.

Yun Zhao paused for an unknown reason.

However, others don't understand, but Chu Qingyan is very clear, the reason why Yun Qingchen is not in a hurry to leave, proves that the matter of trade - some people talk about it.

However, the time should not be very fast, just because of Wang Taifu's famous mouth, coupled with the old men who occupy half of the country in the court, Yun Qingchen has to stay for a while.

But it's also good, Dasheng should exploit more conditions for Yunzhao.

But all this has nothing to do with her.

At this moment, Chu Qingyan was already on her way back to the grassland.

"Master Mu Dan, who is behind us is chasing our horses and chariots!"

Mu Dan's eyes widened, he exchanged a glance with Chu Qingyan, pulled his horse and prepared to walk backwards, "Let me see, what's going on?"

But before he could go to the back, the people behind had already caught up, and after a closer look, it was Shen Yu who rode his horse and whipped his whip!


Chu Qingyan was really surprised to see it was him.

"Shen Yu, why are you here?"

"You're still talking about me, why didn't you tell me when you left? Or are you not going to come back right now? Just pretend you're not my brother, right?" Shen Yu's face was extremely pale, and it could even be said to be very stinky.

Mu Dan twitched the corner of his mouth, fierce brother, this is a life-threatening question.

Chu Qingyan was puzzled. It's been dozens of miles away from Chang'an. Is there something Shen Yu has to say, so he has to run over?
"I was in a hurry, and I didn't remember to tell you."

Shen Yu's anger quickly dissipated, mainly because Chu Qingyan was leaving again, and he didn't want to waste his time getting angry.

He took two bundles from the horse and handed them to her, "This is what I brought for you, you take it with you."

His tone was firm, but he also revealed a bit of grievance, which made Mu Dan stunned.

Chu Qingyan took it over without any hassle, "Where's the other burden?"

Shen Yu opened his mouth, but didn't think of any suitable words, so he simply said, "Your love rival."

Oh, Song Luan brought it to Pei Hua.

Chu Qingyan put it away dryly, taking over Song Luan's burden with a blank expression and even a bit of disgust.

There are some things in Chang'an that cannot be bought in the grassland. She thanked Shen Yu, but Shen Yu suddenly said, "Can't you not go?"

"..." Want to rob someone?

Mu Dan looked at him unkindly.

Chu Qingyan didn't speak, but her attitude had already revealed everything, and Shen Yu also knew that it was impossible for him to change her mind.

After silence, he raised his head again, "Ah Qing, wait for me."

This time, as soon as Yunzhao's people leave, he will ask His Majesty to go to the grassland in person, help the princess do what she wants, and bring the princess back from the grassland.

Mu Dan felt that this Shen Yu was really nasty.

Chu Qingyan slightly shook her head at Shen Yu.

Everyone in the Huyan Tribe knew him. He was a high-ranking official of Dasheng and a military commander. No matter how he went to the grassland, he would be crazy.

She didn't take Shen Yu's words too seriously, but told him, "When I'm not around, help me take care of the house, my maidservants and guards, don't let them mess up."

Zhiqi has always been calm and prudent, she is at ease with Zhiqi in Chang'an.

Shen Yu nodded.

"Also, if my uncle comes to Chang'an, please help me entertain him well."

This time when she came back, she made a lot of noise. I don't know if my uncle will send someone to Chang'an to see her.

Shen Yu nodded again.

At the end, the instructions that should be ordered were finished, and seeing that Chu Qingyan stopped talking, Shen Yu said sullenly again: "Ah Qing, do you have anything you want to say to me?"

Chu Qingyan was stunned for a moment, but quickly realized again.

She smiled, "Brother Chen, remember to find a good girl, I hope I can see my sister-in-law next time I come back."

Shen Yu looked at her in disbelief, "Ah Qing..."

Chu Qingyan smiled lightly, patted the burden, and smiled at him again, "Go back, I have received your wish, thank you."

She was rejecting him through the burden...

Shen Yu moved his Adam's apple, feeling that his throat was suddenly a little dry, and after a while, he also smiled at her.

"You go first, I will watch you go."

Chu Qingyan looked at him, nodded with a smile, "Take care."

The group of people drove away in a hurry and set sail again. Shen Yu gradually broke away from the team and watched her go away in a daze, his eyes were a little red.

After liking her for ten years, how to let go of this feeling.

"Ayan, wait for me."


Along the way, Chu Qingyan felt a little blocked.

To her, she just rejected a person she didn't like, but to her, Shen Yu was not just a person she didn't like.

Shen Yu likes her, of course she can tell.

But she couldn't give him a response, she put three years on Huyan Xingchi, there was no reason for Shen Yu to wait for her.

"You are quite generous, bring something to your rival?"

A voice suddenly came from the side. It turned out to be Huyan Xingchi. At some point, it fell from the front of the team to the back.

"I can't help it, all gentlemen do this." Chu Qingyan replied perfunctorily.

Huyan Xingchi was not angry either, and just smiled when he heard this.

Chu Qingyan soon discovered that the route they were taking was not right, it was obviously not going west, but south.

Here to the south, it should be the four states in the south of the Yangtze River.

"You want to go to Jiangnan?"

"Did you find it?" Huyan Xingchi rode beside her on horseback, responding unhurriedly, "I've finished all the things that should be done on this trip, and in the end I was rushed back to the royal court."

"Going to Jiangnan is to buy some things."

Dasheng has always restricted foreign trade, and it is convenient for them to go shopping now.

After Huyan Xingchi explained, Chu Qingyan nodded clearly.

He came to Chang'an just to inquire about Dasheng's reality, but Dasheng is obviously not the one who can be moved by the current Huyan tribe, not to mention that she asked Shen Yu to make preparations in advance.

The result, of course, was that starting a war was not feasible.

"Commerce is the general trend, maybe you should wait a little longer." After all, it would take a lot of time to change the route to the south of the Yangtze River and then return to the grassland.

But it was impossible for her to say that it was nothing more than running two extra laps, Huyan Xingchi deserved to be taken advantage of.

Who made him want to take off her clothes that day, she clearly said that it was Mu Dan's idea...

"Can't wait, autumn is coming soon, if you wait until winter to travel long distances to buy, it will take time and effort." Huyan Xingchi replied to her.

Dasheng has restricted trade for a long time, even if it is trade, it is impossible to make a decision so quickly.

Chu Qingyan nodded, and stopped persuading her.

Coincidentally, she hasn't been to Jiangnan for a while, and this trip happened to visit the four states in the south of the Yangtze River. Pei Hua is protected by Huyan Xingchi and Zhiqin, so she thinks there will be no problem.

Speaking of which, she is in Jiangnan and has a rich friend.

"You two, what are you whispering behind my back?" Just after the inspection, Mu Dan came up from behind the line and stared at the two without batting an eye.

After watching for a while, he sighed at Chu Qingyan again.

"Ah Qing, I really didn't expect your hussars general to be so nasty. If you don't know, you might think he likes men!"

A Yan: He may not like men, but I should like them.

Good night~

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