Empress Lin Ance

Chapter 40 Chapter 39

Jiangnan, Yangzhou.

The four states in the south of the Yangtze River can be said to be the places where Dasheng has the best experience. The silk, food and playthings here are all novelties for them.

Of course, in terms of luxury consumption, one of the most representative ones is Yangzhou Shouma.

On the second day after arriving in Yangzhou, while everyone was shopping, Chu Qingyan was pulled out by Mu Dan.

"You must not tell A Chi about the fact that I brought you here."

"Where are you taking me?"

Chu Qingyan didn't realize it until she saw the three resplendent characters above her head, her expression changed, she turned around and was about to leave, but was held back by Mu Dan.

"What are you doing? We've just arrived. I heard it's fun here. Just go in with me. Let's go after a while?"

Mu Dan stalks her sternly.

Chu Qingyan's expression was not very good, she turned around and asked, "Do you know where this is?"

"Xianyun Tea House!" Mu Dan pointed to the words above his head, and told her word by word.

"So you know what's going on here?"

Mu Dan nodded as a matter of course, "I've made inquiries, this Xianyun Tea House is the most interesting place in Yangzhou, and there are many beauties in it!"

He winked at Chu Qingyan, "And tonight in the teahouse, I heard that there will be a group of beautiful beauties!"

When Mu Dan was on the grassland, he wanted to visit the brothels in Chang'an, but when he arrived in Chang'an, Huyan Xingchi regarded him as tighter than his belt, so he had no chance to go!

Thanks to the fact that he is going to visit Yangzhou Mansion today, otherwise he would not dare to come!

Chu Qingyan shook her head, it seemed that Mu Dan didn't know much about the business here, "Okay, since you want to see it, let's go in and have a look."

Xianyun Tea House is located on a lotus lake. After entering the door, people are led to a whole piece of pavilions surrounded by the lake.

In the center of the lake is a huge lotus platform.

Mu Dan paid a lot of money, so Chu Qingyan followed him and sat closer to the lotus platform.

"Everyone, don't worry, thank you for coming to join us, our goods will be available soon!"

A middle-aged man yelled a few times on the lotus platform, and then three women covered with red hijabs were carried all the way up to the lotus platform.

Before entering the lotus platform, the feet do not touch the ground.

"What is this for?" Mu Dan frowned, feeling a little weird.

Chu Qingyan didn't speak, and let him guess.

As soon as the person landed, still covered with a red hijab, people around the lotus platform began to comment.

"The one on the left, this figure is really strong! I like it, tsk tsk!"

"The one on the right is also good, it's a little plumper, it's used to warm my feet..."

"I still have to wait a while to see the face. A good face is the best appearance, otherwise it's hard to pick if it's true."

Mu Dan felt a little uncomfortable, and he quietly approached Chu Qingyan, "Ah Qing, isn't this a brothel? Why do these people look like pickers?"

Chu Qingyan sneered.

Isn't it just picking goods, otherwise where is this?

"It's not bad to talk about the brothel, but these girls are not as free as the girls in the brothel. They are all treated as livestock."

Mu Dan's expression changed.

Ignoring his expression, Chu Qingyan continued, "But they still have a nicer name, Yangzhou Shouma."

Yangzhou Shouma, a dirty and profiteering industrial chain, these girls have been reduced to commodities since they were young, and some girls have even been booked since they were young. What kind of method should be used to train them, just to win the favor of dignitaries in the future? pity.

They no longer have human rights in a complete sense, but are just goods for high-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen to relieve loneliness and satisfy desires.

Worse than a concubine's room, the master can humiliate them at will.

This is an industry that completely dehumanizes and humiliates women.

After finishing speaking, Chu Qingyan finished explaining to Mu Dan, his expression changed completely.

This is different from what he thought, the free and voluntary way of those girls, but he can't tell why it is different, he just thinks this so-called "Yangzhou skinny horse" is very anti-human.

He feels very uncomfortable.

"Everyone, everyone should have noticed the appearance, these three are all high-quality goods!"

"Next, let's see how this face looks?"

After the man finished speaking, a row of maids came up from the stage, holding a silver stick in their hand, and slowly lifted the hijabs of the three women——

This Yangzhou skinny horse must have picked beautiful women, and under the special training of the old bustard, it must have all kinds of attractive postures such as charming and soft.

Even Chu Qingyan couldn't help sighing when she saw it.

"Boss! I want the one on the left! Mingxiang! I want her!!"

"It's really beautiful. This kind of skinny horse will be more face-saving when you take it out. I want Ruowan in the middle!"

"I want Biore!!"

The women were all covered with signs, and each of them was so beautiful that the wealthy businessmen waiting below couldn't help but burst into anger.

Mu Dan hammered his thigh hard, turned to look at her, "Ah Qing, how much money did you bring?"

Chu Qingyan frowned, this guy doesn't think he can save people from fire and water, he doesn't know how many industries like this exist in Yangzhou, can he save them all?
"Even if you want to save, everyone can only buy one today."

When entering the door, it was clearly written on the sign.

"Damn, it's really disgusting!"

Mu Dan felt a little regretful, he shouldn't have come in today.

Chu Qingyan didn't tell him that even in brothels, there are many women who are not free and willing, many of them are forced into prostitution, and they are not even allowed to redeem themselves.

The other two girls were quickly bought, and only the girl named "Mingxiang" was left. The market was so good that an old man who was about to be bald and a fat man with a thick body competed for it.

The woman's face, which should have been as immobile as a mountain, faintly revealed a little unwillingness, disgust, and humiliation.

"1000 taels!!"

Chu Qingyan was taken aback, and it was Mu Dan who stood beside him, with a look of resentment on his face, "I'll pay you 1000 taels! This girl will follow me!"

The 800 taels just now was already the limit that those two people could pull back and forth. Now that Mu Dan directly increased the price by 200 taels, they had to give up while cursing!
The bald rich businessman directly yelled at Mu Dan: "Where did you come from, you dare to call me, do you know who I am?!"

Mu Dan ignored it.

The boss was very pleasantly surprised, the price of this skinny horse today has exceeded his expectations by a lot, and he immediately announced that the woman had belonged to Mu Dan!

On the lotus platform, Ming Xiang looked at Mu Dan, and finally heaved a sigh of relief and was sent down.

Chu Qingyan was confused, and pulled Mu Dan away, "Where did you get so much money?!"

His expression was a little depressed, "Don't worry about it, my mother left me a bracelet before she left, anyway, she kept it for a wife..."

In fact, he never thought of letting the girl follow him. He bought her in the hope that she would be free.

Chu Qingyan looked at him and said nothing.

When handing over, she took off the jade pendant on her waist and handed it to Mu Dan.

"Put away your bracelet and take this."

This Mingxiang is a character.

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