Empress Lin Ance

Chapter 4 3 Princess Lin'an

Chapter 4 3. Princess Lin'an
early the next day.

Someone took them to the king's court and divided them into different tents. Chu Qingyan was easily assigned to Pei Hua's tent and became a low-level slave outside the tent.

The reason was that the people who were assigned to Princess Yongping felt that they had no way out, and they bribed the manager, so that she didn't bother much.

But she didn't know that as soon as she left, Huyan Sufeng's people went to the slave camp.

Knowing that she was assigned to another account, the visitor went back in panic to report to her.

But all of this has nothing to do with her. At this moment, she had just been sent near Pei Hua's big tent when she witnessed a murder.

"Bitch! How dare you snatch Princess Tuya's hairpin?!"

With a "slap", she slapped Zhi Hua's face, she covered her face with red eyes, and watched helplessly as the hairpin was snatched away by Princess Tuya's maid.

"This clearly belongs to our Princess! Princess Lin'an gave it to the Princess!"

"Return to Princess Lin'an?" The maid rolled her eyes in disdain, pinched her chin, "Where is she, let her get it!"

"Dare to snatch things from the princess, go to hell!"

The maid kicked Zhihua away, and was about to do violence again, when there was a commotion not far away, someone shouted "Xingchi Yehu is here", the maid stopped suddenly, and then left with her companion.

The companion sighed: "Unfortunately, I thought I could meet the legendary Princess Lin'an. I heard that she is the most beautiful woman in Dasheng, and her swordsmanship is superb..."

Zhi Hua got up, wiped away her tears, and limped back to the tent.

Not far away, Chu Qingyan was watching all this, following the distant figure of the maid, her eyes became colder.

The hairpin was a gift from her to Pei Hua, and she entrusted someone with a lot of money to find all the materials, and she made it herself.

court death.


Zhi Hua limped back, her eyes were red and her face was swollen up.

"Miss, it's all my fault. I failed to protect the hairpin that the princess gave you, and was snatched away by Princess Tuya..."

Pei Hua put a towel on her face with a distressed expression, and Liu Mei frowned slightly when she heard this, "Forget it, I'm powerless, I can't protect you, and I can't protect that hairpin either."

It is inevitable that Zhihua is worthless for her.

As a well-informed and well-informed lady of the Shangshu family, for the sake of the princess, she invited herself to be married, and left her hometown to come to this rough place, where she was even teased and bullied.

"Miss, it's too hard here, let's write to Master Shangshu, all this is not the fate you should bear!"

Zhihua knelt at her feet, but Pei Hua brushed away the maid she had always trusted most, her words were gentle but firm, "You know that there are many intrigues here, I'm just glad it wasn't her who came here, and Ayan deserves to bear it ?”

"Don't let me hear this a second time."

After being awakened by Pei Hua, Zhi Hua calmed down, feeling ashamed and terrified.

"Yes, I understand, the princess and the lady are good people... It would be great if the princess was here, no one dares to bully you."

Hearing this, Pei Hua also fell into memories.

Most of the women in Chang'an are good at piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but few of them are as good at both civil and martial arts as Ayan.

The first time she met A Yan was when she drew her long sword out of its sheath and cut off the trafficker who wanted to bully and sell her.She protects people not by virtue of her status, but with real swords.

That year when the envoys from all nations came, she became famous with one sword, and the world commented on her sword skills:

There are three thousand guests in the house, and fourteen states with one sword in frost and cold.

"Yeah, if I have half of Ayan's ability, it's fine, but unfortunately the mountains are high and the rivers are far away, I don't know if we can meet again in this life..."

While the master and servant were talking, there was a strange movement outside the tent, Zhihua could only approach boldly.

"Who's outside?"

There was silence outside for a while.

It has been so long that Zhihua thought no one was there, and just when he was about to open the tent door, a figure suddenly flashed in from outside, and Zhihua immediately yelled in fright: "Ah——"

Fortunately, she was covered by the visitor, and Zhihua blinked her eyes. The moment she saw the visitor, she thought she was dreaming, but Chu Qingyan let go of her, and she shouted in shock——

"Princess Lin'an!!"

She curled her lips into a smile, looked back, and saw Pei Hua, whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

Pei Wei stood up in shock, and the two looked at each other from a distance. They thought that someone had something to say, but now they couldn't say anything.


Pei Hua flew over, hugged her, traveled long distances, was far away from her homeland, was bullied by others, and all the grievances of the past few days broke out at this moment.

A drop of tear fell on Chu Qingyan's shoulder. She didn't speak, but just patted her back repeatedly.

Zhihua didn't speak, turned her head and wiped away her tears, and went out to watch the door for the two of them.

Pei Wei hugged her for a long time, until Chu Qingyan's coarse clothes were mostly wet by her, and she suddenly remembered that Chu Qingyan shouldn't be here.

She wiped away her tears, and went to check on Chu Qingyan, "Why are you here, still dressed like this, and Zhiqin and the others, are you injured?"

Chu Qingyan just pushed her down and sat down, turned around and put on the hairpin for her, "Sister, you have a lot of questions."

Pei Hua touched the hairpin on her head that should have been snatched away, feeling puzzled, "This hairpin was robbed earlier, why is it here with you, where is the person who snatched the hairpin?"

Chu Qingyan looked indifferent, even a little proud.

"Send her soul back to her hometown."

Hearing this, Pei Hua's expression was complicated.

She said "Sister", but it was Ayan who protected her a lot.


Walking in front of her, Chu Qingyan reassured her, "I'm kidding you, she's not dead."

"I just arrived yesterday and encountered some troubles. Zhiqin and the others have separated from me temporarily, don't worry."

Pei Hua became anxious when she heard that, and after questioning, she learned that she was injured, and she was busy with work again when she felt distressed.

When she wanted to talk to Chu Qingyan again, Zhi Hua hurried in from outside the tent, "Miss, someone from the golden tent said that Ye Hu came back after winning the battle, let's go see him too."

Pei Hua was a little flustered, she had just met A Yan, and she hadn't even been able to say a few words yet, why did Khan want to see her at this time, could it be that he found A Yan...

Chu Qingyan could see her panic, so she calmed down, "Just go, I'll accompany you."

When the former sisters were reunited, Zhihua was so moved that she wanted to cry. For some reason, no matter how difficult the situation was, as long as Princess Lin'an was there, people felt at ease.

Chu Qingyan changed her attire, bandaged the wound again, her long hair fell down, and her face was painted black, so she finally looked less eye-catching.

The grassland is vast, with lush water and grass, and cattle and sheep everywhere. Even in the royal court, slaves are relatively free.

When the Prairie Wolf God returned, Chu Qingyan talked about this Prairie Wolf God everywhere on the way to the Golden Tent. When she used to study the wars of various tribes, this was the name she heard the most.

Huyan Star Pool.

 Two kings meet!
  It's coming! It's coming!

(End of this chapter)

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