Chapter 5 4. Involved in a Murder Case
Khan Golden Account.

The leaders of all the tribes came to congratulate Yili Khan. The people in Khan's position were around forty, with strong bodies and majestic faces.

"Princess Yongping has arrived—"

After waiting for a while, someone outside the account reported.

Chu Qingyan followed Pei Wei into the account, feeling all kinds of gazes, and everyone was curious about who the Huyan Tribe personally proposed to marry Princess Dasheng.

"On behalf of Dasheng, Yongping, I wish Ye Hu a victory and return, and wish Khan good luck and prosperity."

Pei Hua wore a veil, and after saluting according to Dasheng etiquette, she was ushered to a seat. Chu Qingyan followed her silently, silently sizing up everyone present.

As soon as she raised her head, she inadvertently collided with the eyes of the person diagonally opposite her. She was startled, and recalled the scene of fighting and chasing that night...

It's him? !
"Lord Ye Hu is really young and promising, come and sit in my tent some other day, Nalan misses you all day long!"

Someone at the side talked to Huyan Xingchi.

Chu Qingyan lowered her head as if nothing had happened, and Huyan Xingchi didn't seem to notice anything, her expression was indifferent, and she quickly moved her eyes away to talk to someone.

Her heart was in turmoil.

The night was too dark that day, and the lunatic leader chasing her probably didn't see her clearly, but she saw him clearly. She never thought that the other party was actually the grassland leaf guard——

Huyan Star Pool!

But why did Huyan Xingchi kill her?
By the way, he thought she was sent by Huyan Sufeng to kill him.

Looking at his lower abdomen, Chu Qingyan felt the wound on his shoulder start to hurt again.

She was stunned for a moment, and only after Chu Qingyan came back to her senses did she notice another sharp gaze.

Huyan Sufeng's eyes were burning, he was playing with a wine glass, and looked at her without hesitation.

Almost forgot, she just escaped from Huyan Sufeng last night, and she was still dumb in Huyan Sufeng's eyes.

"My brother, Achi, is worthy of being the son of the Prairie Wolf God!"

"Over the years, thanks to Achi's fighting for Ben Khan and eradicating all those who have evil intentions, I, the Huyan clan, can dominate in this northern region!"

Huyan Yili was sitting in the upper seat, listening to everyone complimenting him, he sent someone to give him a glass of wine, and then raised the glass to Huyan Xingchi, smiling secretly:
"However, Ben Khan is old after all. I don't know why recently, and his energy has become more and more weak, and his mind is restless..."

As soon as Khan said that, everyone fell silent, guessing and trying to figure out his intentions in their hearts.

Chu Qingyan sneered in her heart.

Huyan Yili was as suspicious as in the legend, he wanted to imitate the great ancestor who was in court before, and play with a glass of wine to release his military power.

"Khan is in his prime, still brave and fearless!"

After a short while of silence, Prime Minister Qi who had previously talked to Huyan Xingchi spoke first, and everyone followed closely.

"That's right, you hunted in the north a few days ago, but it was Khan who hunted the most prey..."

Huyan Yili didn't make a sound, but stared coldly at the Huyan Star Pool below.

Returning from victory, he would be beaten and even seized power by fear. The ministers felt sorry for the youngest son of the former Khan.

I am afraid that the military power in Lord Ye Hu's hands will not be preserved.

"Two days later, the Kuliltai Conference will be held. Perhaps Khan is worried about it."

Huyan Xingchi drank the strong wine that was brought to his lips in one gulp, and answered his words vaguely, never mentioning the matter of military power.

His words just reminded Huyan Yili that he would still be needed in the Kuliletai meeting two days later when he was allied with the tribes. Huyan Yili seemed to have punched cotton.

He had no choice but to give up for the time being, and found a reason to teach his two sons a lesson.

From the first fight to the current meeting, Chu Qingyan has roughly figured out the situation of the Huyan tribe, as well as the prairie wolf god, Lord Ye Hu.

Huyan Xingchi and Huyan Yili are cousins. It is said that the old Khan planned to pass on the throne to his youngest son, Huyan Xingchi, but because of his young age, Huyan Yili had to be enthroned to protect the stability of the grassland.

Over the years, Huyan Xingchi became more and more outstanding, so he naturally feared Huyan Xingchi more.

As soon as Huyan Xingchi won, he couldn't wait to take over the power.

"Father Khan, Father Khan—"

There was a commotion outside, accompanied by the voice of communication: "Princess Tuya is here——"

A girl dressed in noble style and with a lovely appearance stepped into the golden tent accompanied by the sound of silver bells. The girl was still dressed in strong clothes, her face was full of anger, but when she saw the Huyan Star Pool, she felt shy.

"Tuya, you don't feel at ease to ride your horse and shoot arrows, what's the matter?"

Huyan Yili has always been very fond of his little daughter, seeing her staring at Huyan Xingchi with spring in her eyes, he couldn't help but feel displeased.

"Brother Xingchi, you're back, Tuya misses you so much, why don't you come back and look for me..."

Huyan Yili stroked her forehead depressedly, this girl always stubbornly calls Huyan Xingchi her elder brother, that's clearly her uncle!
Huyan Xingchi didn't pay attention, but was interrupted by Yili's voice. Tuya remembered the business angrily, turned around and pointed at Pei Hua!

"The princess of Dasheng killed my maid!"


The eyes of everyone followed Huyan Tuya's fingers and looked straight over.

Pei Hua was startled, and Chu Qingyan secretly helped Zhi Hua who was about to fall.

Everyone looked serious and weird.

"Princess, why did you say such a thing? I'm new here and I'm not special to anyone. Why did you kill your maid? Does Princess Tuya have proof?"

Tuya snorted coldly, her face full of arrogance, "Someone saw it. Your maid had a conflict with mine this morning, and she died at noon. You must have deliberately retaliated!"

"Father Khan, those are my favorite maids, you must not let them go!"

Pei Hua was full of humiliation, and she said firmly: "Khan, Princess Tuya has falsely accused me for no reason. I am also the princess personally appointed by His Majesty, and I want to save Dasheng's face. Please forgive me for this matter." Find out the truth, otherwise I will never suffer such humiliation!"

Up to now, the only thing that can hold Huyan Yili in check is his fear of Dasheng.

As soon as these words came out, Huyan Yili really fell silent. Tuya wanted to argue, but was stopped by Prime Minister Qi:
"Wang Ting is dead, so it is natural to find out. As for Princess Yongping, she has a clear conscience. Please help find out the truth. I wonder what Khan thinks?"

A slave died in the royal court, Huyan Yili didn't care at all, since someone proposed a solution, he had no reason not to agree, so he immediately said, "Everyone, who is willing to investigate?"

Princess Tuya and Princess Dasheng might offend both of them at once, so no one would accept this hot potato.

Even Prime Minister Qi, who had just opened his mouth, took the initiative to keep silent.

Huyan Yili's face gradually darkened.

At this moment, Huyan Sufeng, who had been watching the play from the sidelines, slightly curled his lips, and suddenly said:
"Since you all find it troublesome, Father Khan, I am willing to share your worries."

Everyone was amazed that the second prince, who never cared about other people's business, took the initiative to seek trouble.

"That won't work!"

Tuya was the first to stand up to object, "Second brother, how can you investigate the case? You won't be able to find out at the time. Don't just help outsiders."

Tuya is from Ke Dun, while Su Feng is from the Yan family, not an Ana, and Tuya and him are not close on a daily basis.

"Let brother Xingchi go, he has always been the most fair, and he will definitely get justice for me!" Tuya thought it over, and by investigating the case, she would be able to get in touch with brother Xingchi more.

Huyan Yili waved his hand, "Forget it, you two go together, solve the case as soon as possible, don't delay the meeting in two days."

Huyan Sufeng responded with a smile.

Huyan Xingchi didn't object either. After everything was arranged, he raised the wine glass and brought it to his lips.

The wine glass was raised above the bridge of his nose, covering only a pair of eyes on the opposite person.

 Ke Dun: Khan's wife.

  Yan's: Khan's concubine room is collectively referred to.

(End of this chapter)

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