Empress Lin Ance

51 Chapter 50

After seeing Pei Wei, Chu Qingyan went to wait for Huyan Xingchi not far from Wang Zhang.

After waiting for a long time, the people inside came out.

It wasn't alone, Huyan Xingchi and Huyan Sufeng seemed to be talking about something, Chu Qingyan's fists clenched tightly.


With scorching eyes, Huyan Sufeng saw Chu Qingyan in front of him, and he licked the corners of his mouth.

"The relationship between Princess Yongping and him is not ordinary. The little uncle insisted on disturbing my marriage. Could it be because of him?"

Huyan Xingchi also laughed, "So, what you are looking for in this marriage should not be Princess Yongping, right?"

Huyan Sufeng was still eyeing Yan Qing covetously, he asked to marry Princess Yongping on the pretext, probably in order to make Yan Qing bow his head to him.

When she got closer, Su Feng stepped forward to provoke her.

"Little dumb..."

Before she finished speaking, Chu Qingyan's movement was extremely fast, she forced her in front of him, drew out the sharp knife from his waist, and pressed it against his throat.

Her brows and eyes were cold, even with a hint of a smile, her words were cold.

"Second prince, if you want to play, I can accompany you to the end, don't get involved with Pei Hua."

Huyan Xingchi didn't move, just watched quietly, Su Feng touched Pei Hua, and Pei Hua was Yan Qing's bottom line.

Huyan Sufeng snorted and laughed, feeling the death blade in his throat, and looked directly at her faintly.

"Do you want to rebel? Coercing the prince is a capital offense..."

"Who saw it?" Chu Qingyan sneered at him.

"..." Su Feng was stunned speechless.

For some reason, he looked at Huyan Xingchi with a little hope... The other party slowly turned his head away.

Su Feng sighed resignedly, "Okay, I'm looking for you, my prince will remember it!"

He was not interested in the Princess Yongping in the first place, but it was always this Yan Qing who lied to him that aroused his interest!

He glanced at the blade with a hint, and the other party finally let go of his hand, and with a random shot, the short blade bounced back into the scabbard around his waist.

Chu Qingyan glanced at Huyan Xingchi, the two looked at each other speechlessly, and left at the same time.

Huyan Sufeng looked annoyed.

"Hey, little mute, remember, you begged me to find you!"

Chu Qingyan didn't bother to turn her head, Huyan Xingchi told her about the situation in the big tent.

"Khan killed him in one bite, just to practice the army, and he never received a signal for help from the Sirian Wolf Division at all. What he said should be true."

"Although he is afraid of me, he will not attack the people in the tent, let alone encourage the arrogance of the Beihu tribe."

Hearing this, Chu Qingyan looked at him meaningfully, "So the real culprit...you have already guessed it."

Huyan Xingchi sneered, "You also know this person."

There were thousands of thoughts in her mind, and one of them was drawn out, Chu Qingyan understood it clearly, and the two of them looked at each other, everything was in silence.

This person's behavior is quite vindictive, more like wanting to teach Huyan Xingchi a lesson.

Then it is not difficult to guess.

"That's right." Huyan Xingchi said: "The marriage marriage should not happen. Princess Yongping is safe for the time being, and Su Feng didn't insist much. It probably wasn't his original intention."

When he said that, Chu Qingyan felt a little strange, "Doesn't he like men, it's normal if he doesn't insist."

Originally, his goal should not be Pei Hua, but her.

Huyan Xingchi glanced at her, and a faint smile curled up on the corner of his mouth, "You are also innocent."

"The fact that he likes men can be true or not, but he was able to use this excuse to get rid of all the female slaves that Khan gave him."

Sometimes Huyan Xingchi even wondered if he should follow Su Feng's example, so that Khan could stuff fewer people into their tents.

But it should not be feasible, this idea has been taken up by Su Feng... It's a pity.

"Su Feng has a lot of eyes, what you said is not impossible." Chu Qingyan nodded clearly.

Suddenly, Huyan Xingchi stopped and approached Chu Qingyan, she was startled.

"Sneaky, what are you doing?"

Huyan Xingchi put her shoulders on her shoulders, "I heard that when a man in the Central Plains is thirteen or fourteen years old, there will be a nun who will teach him how to start sexual intercourse. Ah Qing, you..."


Chu Qingyan rolled her eyes in her heart, and walked away.

She really didn't understand what kind of books Huyan Xingchi had read. He hadn't seen many serious military books, but he had read a lot of these romantic unofficial histories!

"Hey, no, no, why are you running?"

"Ah, the little virgin is shy..."


It's night, Prime Minister Qi's big tent.



Qi Rong sat at the top with an angry face, next to him was a pile of broken porcelain slag.

The housekeeper winked and ordered people to clean up the ground. After the people left, he stepped forward and spoke carefully.

"Master Xiang, those reckless men in Beihu lost their hands because they were incompetent, and Huyan Xingchi couldn't find us, so you don't need to be bothered by this."

"Hmph, who cares about those trash!" Qi Rong said coldly.

Obviously, he has already disclosed the news of Huyan Xingchi's mission to the Beihu tribe, and even the Sirian Wolf Division was managed by him. Due to the large number of people, he failed to make a surprise attack...

What a waste!

"However, it is said that the new military adviser in Ye Hu's tent taught them a lot of formations and made them wait for reinforcements." The housekeeper inquired about some news.

"Hmph." Qi Rong sneered, "He's just a reckless man, nothing to worry about."

In Ye Hu's big tent, it is all supported by Huyan Xingchi, if he is gone...

Qi Rong suddenly took a deep breath, closed his eyes and fell asleep, "Ah Quan, do you know why I was annoyed just now?"

The housekeeper was a little confused, but after all, he had been with him for a long time, so he guessed: "Could it be because of the Dasheng commercial edict?"

After the words fell, Qi Rong suddenly became silent.

After a long time, he suddenly opened his eyes, and stared at the housekeeper sharply, "In my life, I think I only did two things right."

"First, when I was a citizen of Dasheng, I devoted myself to business and became an imperial merchant over there, leading the people of one side to prosperity."

"Second, I came to the grassland, married my wife, and helped me aspire to the position of prime minister."

Of course the steward had heard of his deeds, and just about to compliment him, Qi Rong shouted loudly: "But what I regret the most is that I tried my best to promote trade, but in the end it failed. Zhao’s cargo ship, I emptied my family’s wealth and failed to restore it! In the end, all the money was gone! The family was destroyed!”

Nearly 20 years ago, there was indeed a huge flood in Dasheng, which occurred in the southeast and flooded several cities.

The butler remembered that Master Xiang had come to the grassland at that time, so perhaps he was disheartened by Dasheng.

The butler tried to speak: "It's all right now, Emperor Chu has let go of the trade..."

"What's so good! What I failed to achieve after years of hard work, is now easily facilitated by a yellow-haired girl!"

That Princess Lin'an, she really was a sharp knife that Dasheng stuck in his heart!


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