Empress Lin Ance

Chapter 52: Pei Shangshu's Conspiracy Revealed!

"A yellow-haired girl, what on earth is she supposed to do!!"

Qi Rong finally let it out, he is not reconciled, what others can do that he has not done for several years?
"I thought that only Huyan Xingchi was my current opponent. Unexpectedly, another one came."

Qi Rong's eyes were fierce, but with a weird smile, his eyes made the housekeeper shudder.

"But it doesn't matter, Huyan Xingchi is not willing to cooperate with us, there will always be someone who is willing."

There was a lot of deep meaning in his eyes, and he raised his hand to pull out the letter from his sleeve, and burned it into the flames.

His old friend really brought him good news.

"Go and check, there is no strange woman on the grassland recently."

"We have a newcomer in our prairie, maybe it's going to be lively."

The butler was taken aback, and ordered to leave immediately.



The troops of the Heavenly Wolf Master returned, and Ye Hu's big tent began to be lively again.

The hundreds of soldiers who fought against the Beihu tribe praised Yan Xiaobai and the dozen of them so much that most of the Heavenly Wolf Division didn't believe it, and forced the Qingwuwei to show their skills again.

However, the people of the Heavenly Wolf Division circled the entire tent two or three times, but they couldn't find Yan Xiaobai and the others.

Because everyone was brought to be trained by Chu Qingyan.


"Princess... No, my lord, I was wrong!"

"The gunpowder is made by Xiaobai, it has nothing to do with us!"

"You bastard, didn't you just get beaten up by the young master a few times, you actually betrayed your brother, no way, I'm a little boy—oh!!"

Sweating all over from the torment, Chu Qingyan twisted her neck, and hooked her fingers at the twelve people, "Isn't it quite capable of tossing, continue."

Yan Xiaoxuan couldn't bear it at first, kicked his legs and lay down on the grass, "No more, no more, son, you are not fair at all, I didn't participate at all, why should I be beaten by you? !"

He followed the princess all the way!

Chu Qingyan sneered: "Isn't it an honor not to participate? Why don't you think about why you followed me? Do you think I took you away because you were obedient?"

Yan Xiaoxuan stopped talking, lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead.

Yan Xiaobai was honest, he limped up to Chu Qingyan, and said honestly: "My lord, I can still do it, you can punish me."

He made the gunpowder, and he also let people set it off.

Chu Qingyan hit him on the head with a stick, and his legs were crossed like a bandit.

"It's useless to be miserable, don't pretend to be pitiful for me."



An eagle chirp.

Shocking the sky and suppressing the clouds, the stone broke the sky!

"My lord, it's Taotie who's back!"

Chu Qingyan sat up from the chair in an instant, raised her eyes to the sky, and raised her left hand.

There were several roars in the sky, Taotie swooped down, and when it was about to hit the ground, it suddenly slowed down and stopped on Chu Qingyan's arm!

"Gaotie, where have you been? Why are you so hungry and skinny...have you gained weight?" Yan Xiaoxuan and the others gathered together.

Xu Taotie understood and got angry, he pecked Yan Xiaoxuan violently.

"Oh, you little bastard!"

Yan Xiaoxuan made a gesture to pinch it, Taotie immediately moved closer to Chu Qingyan in aggrieved manner, rubbed against it, and groaned softly a few times.

Chu Qingyan stroked it with a light smile, and Taotie lifted her foot, indicating that there was something in the small bamboo tube, she was slightly stunned, and took the note out of the bamboo tube.

She just came back from Dasheng, but Taotie never showed up. Where did the news come from?

Letterhead expands:

[Hunting in the western suburbs, the tiger descends the mountain]

[Beware of Pei Huaizhi. 】

There were only two short lines in the letter, there was no source, and the handwriting was unfamiliar, but Taotie brought this person's words here.

This person, let him be careful of Pei Shangshu?
When hunting in the western suburbs, the tiger she encountered was actually done by Pei Shangshu?
At this time, she noticed that there was some red mud on Taotie's paws, it seemed that he had been working for a while.

Chu Qingyan folded the letter, her thoughts drifting away.

When she returned from hunting in Chang'an, she had personally seen Pei Shangshu and Chu Huai'an go in and out together. Obviously, he had already joined King An's command.

Everyone knows that she has a close relationship with the prince.

If this is the case, it makes perfect sense that Pei Shangshu would have someone design a trap to harm her.

But releasing a fierce tiger to bite Yun Yudai is putting the whole Dasheng in danger!

She was just skeptical before that this person actually found out... Should the words in this letter be believed.

Is Pei Huaizhi, a person who can send his own daughter to the grassland, just ruthless?

When the Huyan Tribe proposed a marriage, there were so many clan women to choose from, but in the end it was Pei Shangshu himself who proposed—let Pei Hua marry!

Because he knew very well that as long as Pei Wei was sent to the grassland, it would be equivalent to sending Princess Lin'an out of Chang'an.

What is the purpose of sending her to Chang'an...

Chu Qingyan didn't dare to think about it anymore, if all this is true, this is a huge conspiracy circle!
Aiming at the crown prince, at the position of the crown prince, maybe...even at Dasheng!


Prime Minister Qi has a big account.

"Master Xiang, we found it!"

The housekeeper came in to report in a hurry, and Qi Rong suddenly became excited, "Who is it, tell me!"

"It's under Ye Hu's tent."

"When he came back this time, he actually brought a woman with him. That woman's name is Ming Xiang. She followed the mission team all the way back, and she is living in Ye Hu's tent at the moment."

Qi Rong laughed loudly, his eyebrows twitched, and he walked out of the big tent quickly, "Quick, get your horse ready! I want to meet this man in person..."

"Master, Ye Hu is suspicious of you now. If there is a problem with that woman's identity, he probably won't let you see her." The butler persuaded.

Qi Rong really nodded, "It makes sense, I can't go there in person, lest I startle the snake..."

The housekeeper said at this time: "Master Xiang, this is a good opportunity, why not let the young lady go?"

The eldest lady's intentions for Chi Yehu were already there. Even if she went to see that woman this time, it would only be considered as jealousy, and she had a legitimate reason!

Qi Rong hardly hesitated, let Qi Nalan tidy up, and went to the big tent in Huyan Xingchi.



A certain city in the northwest.

In a small inn, a man in black was sitting by the window, drinking lightly.

He has an extraordinary appearance, handsome facial features, and a pair of peach blossom eyes that are so soul-stirring. When you look closely, you find that you are somewhat similar to someone.

Soon, two young people came in from the inn, one fat and one thin, one of them was the fat young man who bumped into Chu Qingyan in Chang'an!
"Pavilion Master, the things have been delivered." The skinny young man said.

The man in black called the Pavilion Master raised his head and glanced at the two of them upon hearing this.

"Are hands and feet clean?"

"Don't worry, Pavilion Master, our hands and feet are very clean, we will never leave any lies, and we will never be discovered by that person!" The fat young man said confidently.

The pavilion master frowned and put down the tea bowl.

"Who asked you, that bird's hands and feet are also clean?"

Hahaha, Taotie's hands and feet are not clean~
Next episode preview: Chu Qingyan follows the messenger!

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