Empress Lin Ance

Chapter 55 Chapter 54

Marriage, is it really a conspiracy? !

Chu Qingyan's face changed slightly.

"Who are you, and why should I believe your words?"

The people behind paused for a moment.

"You can find this place by your own ability, you know very well, don't you, if you didn't suspect the marriage, you wouldn't come here at all."

The man in black looked at her back, his eyes were full of inquiry, but he still refused to go around her.

Chu Qingyan also realized——

He seemed terrified of... seeing her?

"Do you know who you suspect, the dignified Dasheng first-rank official, what right do you have to doubt him?"

The other party sneered, as if amused by her words, "You don't need to provoke me, I have no malice towards you, the person you should beware of is Pei Huaizhi."

"You can't produce evidence, why should I believe you?"

The acupuncture points in Chu Qingyan's body were opened by her.

The man in black looked at her and winked at his subordinates. The fat and thin young man immediately packed his things in the room after receiving the instructions.

"You don't need to believe me, I'm just providing a piece of news. With your ability, you can quickly integrate all the news, and then you will have a truth in your heart."

Chu Qingyan was slightly taken aback. This person seemed to know her very well, and it seemed that he... believed her very much?
The man in black took one last look at her back, and there was a vague darkness in his eyes.

"Your acupuncture points will automatically unlock after an hour."

"You want to go?" Chu Qingyan was surprised when she heard his words, and the internal force in her body circulated even faster.

She couldn't see it, but she could hear it. The man in black seemed to be smiling.

"When the time is right, we will meet again."



In less than a quarter of an hour, Chu Qingyan successfully broke through the acupuncture point, she rushed downstairs, and quickly rushed out of the city on her horse.

The mountains and forests outside the city are vast, and there are no people there.

At this time, in a remote corner of the city.

The fat and thin young man saw Chu Qingyan rushing out with his own eyes, and he was afraid for a while. Fortunately, they didn't go out of the city directly, otherwise they would be caught by this person right now!

"Pavilion Master, this man is too powerful. How long has it been since he broke through the acupuncture point you ordered?" The fat young man was shocked.

The thin young man's face was also pale, and his hands were still dripping with blood. The moment the man's weapon pierced his palm, no one knew better than him how terrifying this man was.

He looked up at the pavilion master, but found that the corner of the other's mouth was slightly raised.

The man in black knew very well that with that man's skill, he couldn't trap her even for an hour.

"Pavilion Master, will this person be our enemy?" The skinny young man was a little scared.

Hearing this, the man in black walked out from the corner, his peach blossom eyes slightly curved.

"No, never."

He looked at the city gate, but it didn't seem to be a city gate.



The night in the prairie is ethereal and quiet.

A flute sounded melodiously, breaking the silence in the grassland night, standing shoulder to shoulder with the stars in the sky.

She was tall and tall, standing quietly by the river alone, with a jade flute sticking to her lips, and the sound was flying far away.

Not far away, Yan Xiaoxuan and the others were whispering.

"The princess hasn't played the flute for a long time."

"What's wrong with the princess, she hasn't said a word to me since she came back today."

"Isn't it normal not to talk to you? The key is... where did the princess go yesterday?"

"I don't know, why did you ask the same question as Huyan Xingchi? He asked me with a dark face yesterday... Hehe, I really want to give him a punch!"

"That's right, the princess is free to go where she wants to go, so what the hell is that about Huyan Xingchi..."

Amidst the sound of the flute, another sound of the piano sounded.

The sound of the flute is clear and the sound of the piano is melodious. In this vast and silent world, it seems that people can see the mountains and flowing water.

Flowing clouds and flowing water are endless.

"This, this is the legendary Qin Se He Ming!"

Yan Xiaobai punched Yan Xiaoxuan with hatred, "Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand, you dare to show off if you know a few idioms, that's a good way to describe the relationship between a couple!"

"Fuck..." Yan Xiaoxuan instantly felt like a crow's mouth, and slapped himself.

"This is the Langtouqin on the prairie. The prairie people like to play it the most, but who played it?"

"...Who knows."

When the song ends, it's getting late.

Chu Qingyan put away the jade flute, looked at the endless nebula in the dark night, and smiled lightly.

In front of heaven and earth, her power may be small, but human power is limited, and she will be stronger than everyone else!

As the man in black said, she roughly sorted out the context of the whole thing——

The whole marriage is indeed a conspiracy.

Pei Shangshu is ruthless, and regards his own daughter as a powerful pawn. In order to draw her out of Chang'an, he does not hesitate to marry Pei Hua into the grassland.

Pei Shangshu succeeded, she was really worried about Pei Hua, and traveled thousands of miles to the grassland.

Since Pei Shangshu has already sided with Chu Huai'an, then his goal is Prince Chu Qingyuan, what's more - his goal is her.

Pei Shangshu is cruel, but Pei Hua is innocent.

Since the marriage is a conspiracy, she will never let it continue.

To be bolder, she might as well make a further conjecture. Since Pei Shangshu dared to target Yun Yudai while hunting, and did not hesitate to risk offending Yun Zhao, could it explain——

The whole Dasheng is also on his chessboard?

Chu Qingyan regained consciousness.

Bringing Pei Wei back is only one step, and Pei Shangshu's ambition is probably not just to support Chu Huai'an in the upper echelon.

If the world is going to be chaotic, you have to ask the sword in her hand.


The Beihu tribe was hunting in the west of the Huyan tribe, and the spies from Huyan Xingchi had already found out.

At this time, at the turn of summer and autumn, the dryness caused the fire to grow wildly, so when they attacked with fire, they almost burned all the tents and supplies of the Beihu people.

The materials on the grassland are different from those in the Central Plains.

The supplies they had stored in winter were very precious. Huyan Star Lake almost burned their tents and supplies. Although they did not directly hurt their lives, it made them suffer throughout the winter.

"Haha, it's so cool! Seeing their desperate death, I'm so happy!"

Mu Dan couldn't bear to gallop his horse across the grassland.

Behind them, only Chu Qingyan and Huyan Xingchi rode horses, swaying slowly.

"Last night, were you playing the piano?"

Chu Qingyan looked at Huyan Xingchi and asked.

Huyan Xingchi chuckled, "Your flute sound is different from what I thought. It's a bit pretentious, not like a man."

Chu Qingyan couldn't help laughing angrily.

"I didn't expect that you are so big and so thick, and you look clumsy, but you can actually play the piano!"

How about a personal attack?

Huyan Xingchi smiled.

"That's because you don't understand. If a man on the grassland doesn't know how to play the piano, he won't be able to get a wife."

"The sound of the piano is the meaning of wishing to sing in harmony with your lover."

The sound of the piano is repeated, and the piano and the cymbal are singing in harmony.

Good night~

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