Empress Lin Ance

Chapter 56 55 The minister wants to report Chi Yehu for treachery to the enemy country!

Qi Nalan has been running frequently into Ye Hu's big tent recently.

Mu Dan is very strange. In the past, Qi Nalan came here every time for Huyan Xingchi, but recently he seems to be eyeing another person.

"Ah Qing, don't you think that Qi Nalan is particularly interested in Mingxiang?"

Not far away, Qi Nalan was having a heated conversation with Mingxiang, the two talked to each other, not knowing what to say.

Chu Qingyan was holding a wooden stick to guide the formation for Tu Hechi and others, but she didn't raise her head when she heard this, "I don't know."

"I'm serious, she used to come here only for A Chi, but in the past half a month, every time she comes, she must see that Mingxiang!" Mu Dan was thinking about it, when he looked up and saw Qi Nalan walking straight towards the two of them .

"Hey! Qi Nalan is here!"

Mu Dan cried out excitedly, tugged at her sleeve, unable to hide his surprise, "She came towards me, did she come to look for me?"

Chu Qingyan hit Mu Dan's hand with a stick, and he let go of the pain.

Then, Mu Dan looked at Qi Nalan blankly, she walked up to Chu Qingyan, and handed a book with yellowed pages to Chu Qingyan.

Qi Nalan smiled and said:
"Mr. Yan, I heard that you are very knowledgeable about the formation of troops. Nalan was lucky enough to get a military book, but this book is useless to me. I think it should be handed over to someone who understands it."

Chu Qingyan turned her head, her originally casual expression changed slightly when she saw the four words written.

—— "Su Zi's Art of War"

"Miss Qi, can you lend me this book?"

"What did Mr. Yan say, this book is meant for you." Qi Nalan was generous and handed the book to her directly.

Chu Qingyan handed the wooden stick to Mu Dan, raised her hand to take the book, the writing was a bit worn out, there were many traces of being turned, and the dark blue writing was slightly worn and yellowed.

Su Zi, according to legend, on the other side of the mainland, there is a legendary queen regent who is good at leading troops to fight, and is even more proficient in the art of maneuvering. She is invincible and invincible.

However, this book was compiled for her by another enemy prince himself.

Chu Qingyan looked up at her, and thanked her with a bow.

"Miss Qi, this book is really special to me. Thank you Yanqing. If Miss Qi needs any help, I will do my best."

Qi Nalan chuckled, "It's just a book. You are Ah Chi's military adviser, so you are my friend. You don't have to be polite, Mr. Yan..."


A woman's coquettish laughter came from not far away, and everyone turned their heads, only to see that it was Huyan Tuya who had come at some time, and was walking over with a maidservant in a high-profile way.

"What am I supposed to be? Isn't it just a broken book, and dare to use it to buy people's hearts?"

Mu Dan also rushed to Chu Qingyan's side, "It's bad, she's here anyway, A Chi isn't here, these two people meet, and they can't fight!"

Qi Nalan looked back, his eyes fell on Tuya leisurely, and he gave a salute, "Princess Tuya is interested in visiting today, doesn't she need to practice archery on horseback?"

Maybe an ordinary woman would be afraid of Huyan Tuya, but Qi Nalan relied on the powerful Prime Minister behind her, so she didn't need to be afraid of a princess with an empty name.

"What this princess wants to do is none of your business. She suffers from illness all day long. She doesn't know martial arts or riding and shooting. She doesn't look like us grassland children at all."

Huyan Tuya looked down on this combination of grassland people and Central Plains people, the so-called educated lady.

To her, that was affectation.

Qi Nalan narrowed her brows and eyes slightly, and only smiled lightly when she heard the words, "The princess has practiced martial arts since she was a child, and is proficient in riding and archery, but I don't know how she compares with the Lin'an princess in the Central Plains?"

"You know, when Princess Lin'an was young, she became famous all over the world with her sword. Not only that, she also excelled in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. The princess looks down on such literary things as piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Nalan would like to ask, in terms of martial arts attainments, the princess Possibly on a par with him?"


Huyan Tuya's complexion instantly became ugly, who didn't know, what she hates the most is when someone compares her to that annoying Princess Lin'an! !

Qi Nalan hit her weak point completely.

Tuya was also indignant, she raised her hand and was about to slap her——

"Princess, this is Ye Hu's big tent, not a place where you can do whatever you want."

Her slap was blocked by Chu Qingyan.

Tuya brushed her hand away angrily, "I hate you, you damn Central Plains people, just like that hateful Princess Lin'an, no wonder Father Khan wants to destroy you!"

Chu Qingyan was helpless.

She didn't mess with this savage princess, and the two of them didn't even meet each other before, why do they hate her so much... No!
What does Huyan Tuya mean? Yili Khan actually wants to attack the Central Plains?

Everyone broke up unhappy.

However, Chu Qingyan was taken by Huyan Tuya's words, and while sending Qi Nalan back, she contacted Zhiqin who was in the royal court.

Zhiqin is currently protecting Pei Wei in the royal court, and she can hear more news. When the sun was setting, Zhiqin arrived at the agreed place on time.

"You mean, Yili hasn't given up on his plan to attack Dasheng?"

Zhiqin nodded heavily, "Recently, the information I have been able to obtain is limited. Fortunately, the eldest prince has no brains, and my information basically comes from him."

"Huyan Gujin?" Chu Qingyan frowned, the eldest prince was brave and good at fighting, although he was inferior to the second prince Su Feng in terms of strategy, he was not without brains.

Zhiqin continued: "Not only that, Prime Minister Qi has been running to Wang Ting very frequently recently, but every time Khan would back away from the left and right sides, although I didn't find out anything, but I heard the servant next to Khan chatting... Ye Hu grown ups."

After Zhiqin's words fell, Chu Qingyan's mind flashed.

She already felt strange about the sudden attack on Ye Hu's tent by the Beihu tribe before, but now it seems that Yili Khan is likely to wear the same pair of pants as Prime Minister Qi.

It is further speculated that perhaps the attack by the Beihu people was their conspiracy.

Now, I don't know what to calculate again.


What she didn't expect was that Huyan Xingchi was formally summoned to the royal court the next day.

As usual, Huyan Xingchi only brought her and Mu Dan along.

When stepping into the king's tent, Chu Qingyan immediately frowned.

"What's going on, I haven't seen these ministers come so neatly before, what does Khan mean?" Mu Dan whispered behind him.

Huyan Xingchi sat down, raised his cold eyes, and glanced at everyone present, his brows and eyes were lazy, "What's the matter with Khan making such a fuss today?"

Up front, Huyan Yili's expression darkened.

"What's going on today, Ah Chi really doesn't understand?"

Huyan Xingchi hooked his lips, and stroked the wrench on his hand.

"Brother Khan, Ah Chi is clumsy and ignorant, and can't understand the meaning behind your words. If you have something to say, just say it."

Hearing this, Huyan Yili snorted coldly, "Prime Minister, it's better for you to tell, let him see what good things he has done!"

Now, everyone's eyes were focused on Prime Minister Qi, who stood up unhurriedly, with a faint smile as his eyes glanced over Huyan Xingchi, "Yes, Khan."

"Chen, I want to report Chi Yehu's treachery to the enemy country!"

Su Zi's art of war, everyone knows it, hehe~

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