Empress Lin Ance

Chapter 57 56 Put Huyan Xingchi in prison!

"What, private communication with the enemy country?!"

"Prime Minister, don't be joking, how could Ye Hu-sama collude with the enemy country?"

Qi Rong sneered, and said to the ministers who questioned him: "Everyone, be safe and don't be impatient. If you want to know the truth, why don't you ask Chi Yehu to answer it yourself."

"Answer what, you are simply slandering us, and you want us to admit that we can't do it?" Mu Dan couldn't help it, faced Qi Rong directly, and said angrily: "Since you said that we are private If you are collaborating with an enemy country, then why not tell me which country you are collaborating with? Where is the evidence?!"

"Yes, there must be evidence, right?"

"Lord Ye Hu is one of the heirs, how could he go to the enemy's country..."

Chu Qingyan looked at Qi Rong on the opposite side, always felt that something was wrong, he could never slander Huyan Xingchi for no reason without evidence.

Opposite, Qi Rong sneered, got up and walked to Huyan Xingchi.

"Master Ye Hu, I heard that you brought back a woman named Mingxiang from your mission to Dasheng this time. Is there such a thing?"

"That's true."

Huyan Xingchi raised his eyes, and replied to him indifferently.

"Then, Lord Ye Hu, do you know the true identity of this woman?"

"What does the Prime Minister mean by this?"

"It seems that I know." The prime minister laughed twice, as if he had got a satisfactory answer, he raised his hand and ordered two people to come over.

"Go, invite that person up."

Although Chu Qingyan didn't understand what medicine was in his gourd, she could clearly see the gaze between Qi Rong and Yili Khan.

Huyan Xingchi had just returned from Dasheng, and brought back another woman. If he wanted to slander him for collaborating with the enemy, it could only be Dasheng.

But Qi Rong specially emphasized Ming Xiang's identity, what is his intention?
With a flash of inspiration, she suddenly lowered her head and whispered a few words in Huyan Xingchi's ear.

The soft blue hair brushed by, and he felt a little itchy around his ears.

Huyan Xingchi lowered his eyes and touched his earlobe.

But after a while, the person Qi Rong wanted to invite stepped into the big tent, and everyone was astonished one by one:

"Who is this person, have you never seen him before?"

"I've seen this woman before. It's exactly what the Prime Minister said, the woman Ye Hu brought back from the Central Plains is called Ming Xiang."

Ming Xiang had just stepped into the battle, but saw a group of people staring at her full of scrutiny. These people are all civil servants and generals on the grassland. Where has she seen such a formation?

Qi Rong smiled, stepped forward, saluted Ming Xiang, and said slowly:
"Princess Lin'an, I didn't know you were here, and I really feel disappointed."

The crowd was astonished.

Chu Qingyan frowned, showing surprise.

She thought that Qi Rong would fabricate a lie, at most it would be to find someone to pretend to be an official of Dasheng to blame Huyan Xingchi, but she never expected that Qi Rong would dare to find someone to pretend to be her? !

Isn't he afraid of his lies being exposed?

Qi Rong watched Huyan Xingchi and the others' complexion change drastically, and felt even more confident, "Khan, I have received a definite secret report that Princess Lin'an has come to the grassland in a low-key manner."

"It took me many days to find out that Princess Lin'an is the girl in front of me. She didn't hide her identity on purpose, but she was directly kidnapped by Huyan Xingchi and came here!"

In an instant, Chu Qingyan felt cold all over her body.

It's not because Qi Rong asked someone to pretend to be him, but because he actually got a secret report that he had entered the grassland!

She travels abroad to study all the year round, even if she is not in Chang'an for a long time, not many people will doubt her.

And after she made a scene in Chang'an, the only ones who knew for certain that she had come to the grassland were her father, the crown prince, Shen Yu, and Song Luan.

None of these people could disclose her whereabouts.

No... She also ignored one person.

Pei Shangshu.

Chu Qingyan's complexion instantly became ugly.

Above, Huyan Yili was looking at the woman below, he frowned and said, "You really are Princess Dasheng Lin'an, Chu Qingyan?"

Ming Xiang pinched the handkerchief, subconsciously looked at Qi Rong, and after getting the other party's affirmation, she took a deep breath and said suddenly——

"That's right, I am Princess Lin'an!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the hall was shocked.

"What, she is really Princess Lin'an, is she really the famous Princess Lin'an in Chang'an?"

"It is said that Princess Lin'an's swordsmanship is superb. This girl looks soft and weak, but she really doesn't look like..."

Among them, Mu Dan was the most surprised. He personally rescued this woman from Yangzhou. No one knew the identity of this woman better than him!

Chu Qingyan felt strange.

Qi Rong and Ming Xiang had obviously colluded, but if Qi Rong was not sure that she was a princess, how could he take such a big risk?

Unless, the two had contacted beforehand, and Ming Xiang admitted, and the prime minister also confirmed that she was Princess Lin'an!

But even if Mingxiang admits that she is a princess, how does the Prime Minister confirm it...

"There is no proof, how can the Prime Minister prove that she is Princess Lin'an?" Most people still didn't believe it, and finally someone raised a key question.

The prime minister did not rush, and looked at Ming Xiang, "Princess, please show me something to prove your identity."

Chu Qingyan was also curious about what things Mingxiang could produce to prove her identity.

However, Ming Xiang glanced at her inadvertently, Chu Qingyan felt bad for an instant, and sure enough, Ming Xiang took out a waist card from her bosom——

The jade surface is gilded, with two words clearly printed:

Chu Qingyan touched her waist subconsciously, but it was empty, she secretly scolded herself for being confused, the grassland was turbulent, and she usually hid her waist badge in the tent.

Mingxiang actually stole this waist card... So, she guessed her identity!
She should have thought of it earlier, Ming Xiang knew that she was a woman, once Qi Rong was honest with her, Ming Xiang would definitely guess her identity.

Just now, Mingxiang's glance implied complacency, but it was full of threats.

Ming Xiang knew very well that she didn't want to reveal her identity, so she dared to show her waist badge in front of her openly.

"She really is Princess Lin'an!"

The waist plate was inspected and found to be genuine. Yili Khan was also really surprised and gave her the seat himself.

Mingxiang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Now my treatment is much better than when I was in Ye Hu's big tent. Since Huyan Xingchi is not interested in her no matter how she seduces her, then don't blame her for thinking about herself.

As it turns out, she was right!
She was very fortunate that when the prime minister found her, she did not show her feet, and she was even more fortunate that Yan Qing existed, allowing her to confirm her identity as a princess.

But she really didn't expect that Yan Qing was that Princess Lin'an of Dasheng, Chu Qingyan!

Yan Qing, Chu Qingyan...

I really didn't expect it!It's all hers!

"Lord Ye Hu kidnapped the princess with the intention of rebelling against her with troops. Princess Lin'an has already admitted it herself. Now that the evidence is convincing, I ask Khan to send her down!"

When the prime minister said this, his eyes were full of light.

Not to mention Huyan Yili, he was so excited that his hands and feet were shaking, and finally he was able to get rid of this scourge.

"Come on!"

"Put Huyan Star Pool in prison!!"

good night good night~

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