Empress Lin Ance

Chapter 70 69 Take down Master Shangshu!

Chapter 70 69. Take Master Shang Shu down!
Chu Huaian returned to his senses.

Looking at the carved wooden door that he was kicked flying, he raised his head and saw Chu Qingyan standing outside the door, he was so angry that his teeth itched——

It's her again!Why is it her again? !

"Chu Qingyan! Who said you broke into my Prince An's mansion?!"

Chu Qingyan folded her arms and kicked away the broken wood next to her, her arrogance could be called arrogant.

Pei Shangshu couldn't help frowning.

How much have they heard just now?

It's okay for others to say that Princess Lin'an is really troublesome.

Pei Shangshu hastily straightened his sleeves, bowed to Chu Qingyan, and said with a smile, "Why is Princess Lin'an so angry, but His Royal Highness Prince An has offended you?"

"Yo." Chu Qingyan did not look at Chu Huaian, but looked at Pei Huaizhi with interest.

"Master Shang Shu is also there, what are the two of you plotting, why don't you come and listen to me?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Chu Huai'an's face immediately turned pale, but Pei Shangshu didn't react much, instead he smiled back at her: "Princess Lin'an really knows how to joke, Your Highness has a deep relationship with your brothers and sisters, how can I say anything as an outsider."

Chu Qingyan chuckled, if she could have a deep affection with Chu Huaian brothers and sisters, Mrs. Wang would be able to go down the river, fish for fish, climb walls and climb trees.

As soon as Pei Huaizhi finished speaking, Chu Huai'an put his hands on his hips, walked boldly to the door, pointed at the broken door frame and said angrily:

"Chu Qingyan, you broke into the palace for no reason, and even knocked down my door. You'd better explain to me today, why are you so crazy?"

"Brother Sanhuang, why do you say that? I haven't seen Brother Huang in Lin'an for a long time, and I'm thinking about it. I was just a little anxious just now." The corners of Chu Qingyan's lips curled up, but there was no smile in his eyes.

"Heh, do you think I believe it?"

Chu Qingyan looked up to the sky and sighed, her face turned cold as soon as she lowered her eyes, "It's just right if you don't believe me, I didn't gossip with you in the first place, so just stay there!"

"How dare you say that..."

"Come here, take Master Shangshu down!"

Chu Huaian was pulled away by the palm of the person rushing in from the door, and when he recovered, Pei Huaizhi had already been captured by the person wearing the guard uniform of Dali Temple!

There were footsteps outside the door, Pei Huaizhi raised his head, and saw Song Luan, the Shaoqing of Dali Temple, stepping in the door.

He struggled for a while, but the people next to him strangled him tightly. He secretly looked at Chu Qingyan, "Princess, what do you mean? This old man is a first-rank official in the court. How can you take it as you please?!"

His eyes were stern, but he spoke righteously.

Chu Huai'an was dumbfounded for a moment, and then he realized that he quickly walked up to Chu Qingyan, pointed at her condescendingly and said, "Don't go too far, what is Mr. Pei's identity, you dare to act presumptuously in my Prince An's Mansion, don't blame me for being rude to you..."

"Get out of the way."

Chu Qingyan was very impatient, and pulled him to the other side with one palm.

This time, Chu Huai'an was pulled twice in a row, and he was not polite anymore. He snorted coldly, and directly raised his hand to summon all the guards of the palace, "Princess Lin'an is planning to do something wrong, trying to abuse lynching, and taking her to this king—"


Chu Qingyan threw an imperial edict in front of him!
Impressively written on it, arrest Pei Huaizhi!
Chu Huaian's face was stiff, but Chu Qingyan had already placed the edict in front of Pei Huaizhi, "Master Shangshu, do you have anything else to say?"

"Hmph, the old man has nothing to say. Since His Majesty suspects that the riots on the border are related to me, please show evidence!"

Pei Huaizhi was stubborn, but Chu Qingyan suddenly laughed.

Song Luan on the side stepped forward and explained: "Lord Pei, this edict is aimed at hunting in the western suburbs, so you don't need to rush to admit the crime."

Hearing this, Pei Huaizhi's face changed slightly.

It has been so long since the hunting incident in the western suburbs, did they find any evidence...

What a Princess Lin'an, in order to deceive him, she actually revealed all the previous things.

"Relax, the old man will go by himself!"

Pei Huaizhi was cooperative, so Song Luan directly ordered Pei Huaizhi to be invited back to Dali Temple.

No matter what, Pei Huaizhi was also a senior member of the court. For the sake of the royal family and the clan's face, and in order not to cause trouble, Song Luan didn't let anyone put him in shackles.

After the people from Dali Temple left, Chu Qingyan came back to her senses and noticed Chu Huai'an beside her.

"Brother Three Emperors."

"I call you Brother Huang to remind you not to be played around like a fool."

Chu Qingyan sneered.

Perhaps others would think that the border war had nothing to do with Chu Huai'an, but she knew very well that Chu Huai'an still didn't have that city.

He didn't even know, maybe not at all, that the edict would make Dasheng and Grassland fight each other.

"What do you mean? Do you think you're the only one with a brain, so I'll be played around with?" Chu Huai'an was annoyed, and shouted at her with his hands on his hips.

"Yes, I'm not like the prince. With the queen backing him and you giving him advice, I deserve what I deserve. I can't even fight, right?"

The more he spoke, the angrier he became. Chu Huai'an's words could not help but express a sense of grievance.

They are all her imperial brothers, so why is it that Chu Qingyan only treats the crown prince well just because he smacked her face when she was a child? !
It's ridiculous, hum.

Chu Qingyan held back the thought of rolling her eyes a few times, and said something human, why couldn't he understand it?

"If you're really stupid, then I'll tell you straight. I don't want to find out about the war on the border in the end."

"Also, some things can be contested, but you must be upright."

After saying that, she didn't want to hear Huai'an's voice again, so she walked out.

Chu Huai'an was left alone standing in the room with a somewhat astonished expression.

Chu Qingyan's words just now didn't seem to prevent him from seizing the crown prince, right?

So, she doesn't agree with herself at all?

But regarding the border war... Pei Shangshu clearly told him that this war cannot be fought.

Could it be that he was really being used by others?

He sighed, looked down and saw the mess on the ground, and rolled his eyes, "Come here! Why don't you clean this place quickly, and wait for the king to clean it up in person?!"


Pei Huaizhi was only taken to Dali Temple, he still did not take off his official uniform, he was summoned into the palace by news from the palace just after being asked a few words.

On the Hall of Tai Chi.

All civil and military officials are among them.

In the face of Emperor Chu's inquiry, even with substantive evidence, Pei Huaizhi was still able to argue, "Your Majesty, I am devoted to Dasheng, so the hunting in the western suburbs must have been deliberately framed!"

"The tiger was released by you, and the assassin is related to you, but you tell me, who can frame you?!"

The Emperor Chu was furious, threw down the evidence in his hand, and threw it directly in front of him.

But Pei Huaizhi only took a glance at the testimony on the evidence, and took it to heart.

"Your Majesty, I did all this for the sake of Dasheng's national reputation!"

(End of this chapter)

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