Empress Lin Ance

Chapter 71 Chapter 70 General Xiahou chapter is here!

Chapter 71 70. General Xiahou is back!
"Hugh is babbling nonsense!"

The Emperor Chu was furious and stood up directly from the throne. The courtiers below were all startled, and they all kowtowed in response, shouting "Your Majesty, appease your anger".

Naturally, Pei Huaizhi also knelt down, but he straightened his back and said firmly, "Your Majesty, calm down, if you don't believe me, just listen to the old minister and make a decision before it's too late!"

Emperor Chu snorted coldly, but also sat back, "I want to hear what you have to say."

Pei Huaizhi called out to thank His Majesty loudly, stood up and faced the officials.

"Everyone knows that Yun Zhao has always been disrespectful to me, Da Sheng, and that Princess Yun Zhao has even provoked Princess Lin'an repeatedly. The reason why I let go of that tiger is to teach Princess Yun Zhao a lesson!"

"But I didn't expect Princess Lin'an to defuse the tiger's attack and save Princess Yunzhao..."

Everyone was a little surprised, when did Lord Shang Shu have such a good relationship with Princess Lin'an, and would he stand up for the princess?
But if so, the reason seems to be passable.

Emperor Chu frowned, and pondered for a moment, "What about those assassins, is it true that they assassinated Princess Lin'an?"

Pei Huaizhi yelled that he was wronged, and knelt down with a plop, the corners of his eyes and the tip of his nose were moist, which could be called tears.

"Those are not assassins, they are all my bodyguards. I am also afraid that something will happen to Princess Yunzhao in Dasheng. I just want to teach Princess Yunzhao a little lesson before letting those people save her!"

"Unexpectedly, Princess Lin'an found them and regarded them as assassins. They are afraid of dragging me down, so naturally they dare not reveal their identities..."

Everyone sighed for a while, and naturally not all believed him, but Pei Huaizhi's rhetoric was really high-sounding.

"What's the matter with the trap?" Chu Huang is not a fool, of course he thought of the trap that should not have appeared there.

Pei Huaizhi didn't admit it this time, he directly denied that he did the trap.

"There are hunters in the mountains, maybe they set a trap, how did the old minister know about this!"

Sincerely, for the right reasons.

Even the old Mrs. Wang, who has always been upright in public and private, couldn't help but stand up and speak for him.

"I think Mr. Pei is dedicated to serving the country. Although what he did was inappropriate, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it."

"That's right, Master Shang Shu just wanted to teach Yun Zhao's people a lesson..."

"After all, nothing bad happened..."

As soon as Wang Taifu spoke, the civil servants and military generals in the court, including Pei Shangshu's disciples, even followed suit.

"Master Shangshu even sent his own daughter to marry him, so he is naturally loyal to Dasheng!"

Pei Huaizhi sneered in his heart, a group of fools can handle them with just a few words.

"You really are a bunch of fools, you can be dealt with in a few words!"

Pei Huaizhi was taken aback.

Who is so bold?He almost thought that he had spoken the truth in his heart!

But it really made him hear the voice of the person in the future, but he was shocked, it was her, she came back!
"It's General Xiahou!"

"General Xiahou is back from guarding the border!"

"General Xiahou and Mr. Pei have never dealt with each other. Now that something happened to Mr. Pei, General Xiahou won't make trouble, will he?"

"I'm wrong, it's not that General Xiahou is against Master Pei, she clearly dislikes all of us..."

Outside the hall, a woman who looked about forty came up to the hall in high spirits. She was wearing a purple official robe, showing her identity as a general!
Moreover, she can carry a knife with her when she goes to the temple!

Xia Houling went to the hall, first saluted the Emperor Chu, and glanced contemptuously at Pei Huaizhi who was kneeling on the ground.

"It's been a long time since I saw you. Why is Mr. Pei lying on the ground like a dog? Has the Pei family fallen?"

"Xia Houling, stop talking nonsense, dare to speak wild words in this court, aren't you afraid that His Majesty will punish you!!"

Pei Huaizhi flipped over with a carp, and began to curse at Xia Houling, without a trace of the mournful expression just now.

But Emperor Chu didn't say a word, as if he didn't hear.

The others also looked concerned, and almost no one dared to face Xia Houling head-on, jokingly, the only female general in Dasheng was at the level of the head of state, and they didn't have the guts to be tough.

Pei Huaizhi felt depressed when he saw it, and he set his eyes on the upright Taifu Wang, "Master Taifu, Xia Houling's words and deeds are so shameless..."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Taifu turned away slightly.


Wang Taifu, who once faced Princess Lin'an and dared to speak out, now knows how to avoid the edge for now?
Everyone was even more silent, for fear that Pei Huaizhi would spot him.

Who is not afraid, this is the only female general in Dasheng, and the only female official other than the princess who goes to court to discuss matters... No one wants to see her ability again.

"What's the matter with you? You're all afraid of what this madwoman will do. Mr. Wang, aren't you the most polite?"

"Prime Minister Gao, have you always hated evil?!" Pei Huaizhi was frustrated, and randomly selected a few lucky viewers to question loudly.

"Lord Pei, don't yell in front of the room." Taifu Wang glanced at him very disapprovingly.

Pei Huaizhi laughed angrily, "I'm all for Dasheng, it's just that no one speaks for me, this lunatic speaks recklessly in court, how can you bear it?"

Shen Yu was at the head of the generals, standing in front of him and secretly smiling, not speaking presumptuously to them, why can't they bear it...

"Old man, your matter has not been settled yet, what are you shouting about here?"

Xia Houling's pair of phoenix eyes pointed sharply at Pei Huaizhi, "Your explanation is barely strong, but what do you want to say about this testimony?"

"It's nonsense, what's there to say!" Pei Huaizhi picked up the testimony on the ground, "This person wanted to frame me in a few words, so the testimony is naturally false!"

"Does anyone dare to falsify the edict?"


Realizing what he said, Pei Huaizhi immediately fell silent, looking at Chu Qingyan who walked in from outside the hall, his face was gloomy, "It seems that there is no evidence for the princess to lie to me like this."

"It's no small matter to start a war on the border. The princess can't humiliate loyal ministers with just a few words."

Pei Huaizhi displayed an air of loyalty and incomparable loyalty.

Chu Qingyan smiled, and walked in front of him, "It's strange, I didn't seem to say, it's an edict leading to the border... Also, I just arrived in Chang'an yesterday, and the ministers didn't know about the border, so why did Lord Shang Shu seem to know it faster than me?"

Everyone whispered, indeed no one knew about the imminent war on the border.

Pei Huaizhi suddenly felt bad. He was about to defend himself, but the next moment, a short knife was thrown in front of him——

"Master Pei is so ingenious, you might as well guess again, is it your quick mouth or my sharp knife?"

Chu Qingyan held a short blade in her hand, narrowed her eyes slightly, and her eyes were full of threats, as if she would really kill someone with a knife in this court!
"it is good!"

Xia Houling smiled heartily, "Dare to draw the sword from my hand, you really have a lot of courage."

"I think in Dasheng, the only one with courage is Princess Lin'an!"

 Good night!

(End of this chapter)

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