Chapter 107 Surprise! (one more)
"Chutang, I heard that your fourth younger brother won the first place in the two subjects of imperial archery in the monthly examination of the Imperial College not long ago?" The eldest princess smiled, her eyes fell on Ye Yunfeng, "Why don't you let him play later?"

Ye Chutang looked away.

Afeng has been very curious about this polo match for a long time, so it is okay to ask him to try it.

Even if the eldest princess didn't speak, his monthly exam results in the Imperial College are enough to qualify to play.

Ye Chutang bent his eyes: "Ah Feng, why don't you thank the eldest princess."

Knowing that elder sister agreed, Ye Yunfeng couldn't hide the excitement and excitement between his brows and eyes, he got up and saluted solemnly: "Yunfeng thank you, princess!"

The more the eldest princess looked at the boy, the more satisfied she became.

"Feng Zhang has praised you a lot. Come on stage later and let everyone see your abilities."

Ye Yunfeng was not afraid of tigers as a newborn calf, he immediately responded when he heard the voice, turned around and went down to the sidelines under the leadership of the palace servants.

Murong Ye, who had just changed his clothes and was about to get on the horse, saw Ye Yunfeng striding towards him out of the corner of his eye, his eyelids twitched violently.

——This Ye Yunfeng, why is his ghost lingering on! ?
Ye Yunfeng raised his eyebrows and smiled at him, then walked to the other team.

He is the youngest in this group of teenagers, and today is his first official appearance, but the news that he won the monthly exam with Murong Ye has already spread among the princes of the capital's aristocratic family.

So seeing him at this time, many people were very curious.

The team for the polo game is formed by oneself, and they are usually well-connected, especially the team that Ye Yunfeng went to. Many people have disliked Murong Ye for a long time, so their attitude towards Ye Yunfeng is naturally much more cordial.

Ye Yunfeng was originally a self-professional person, and soon became friends with them. Someone even handed him a stick and explained the rules of the game to him.

The eldest princess couldn't help but glanced at Xiao Wu who was obediently sitting and eating snacks, Ye Jingyan who was gentle and introverted, and Ye Chutang who was calm and gentle from beginning to end.

... The four brothers and sisters have very different temperaments, but they all have their own merits, which makes it hard not to like them.

I really don't know how Ye Chutang, who was only 14 years old, survived with these three young siblings and raised them so well.

At this time, Princess Qinyang also came.

Seeing that Ye Chutang was next to the eldest princess, she immediately showed surprise and walked quickly.

"I know that the eldest princess is the best! Specially arranged our positions together!"

King Yannan was not in the capital, so Princess Qinyang naturally followed the eldest princess.

Ye Chutang sized her up, and asked in a warm voice, "You don't seem too happy to see Princess Qinyang just now?"

When Princess Qinyang came over just now, her pretty face was slightly sunken, her lips were tight, and her emotions were obvious.

If others asked such a question, Princess Qinyang would probably not pay attention to it, but this is Ye Chutang, so it is naturally different from others.

She shook her head: "It's nothing, but Concubine Rong's health is still not very good. I thought she would come together today, but unfortunately the imperial doctor said that she needs to rest and cannot see the wind, so I just let it go."

As she spoke, she caught a glimpse of Xiao Chengxuan not far away, frowned, and said in a low voice: "Today, the mother and son of the imperial concubine probably stole the limelight again."

Ye Chutang followed her gaze: "Oh?"

Princess Qinyang snorted, raised her chin: "That one over there, did you see it? The second prince, Xiao Chengxuan. His mother and concubine are the most favored concubine Rugui."

The empress is the first wife of the emperor, but unfortunately she died in childbirth while giving birth to the eldest prince. Because of this, the eldest prince was not welcomed by His Majesty, and died before he was ten years old.

Like a noble concubine who is tireless in her favor, the second prince is smart, smart, capable of both civil and military skills, and is the most powerful contender for the crown prince.

Concubine Rong is the biological mother of the third prince, but her family background is not high, and she has been sick all year round. Although the third prince is also capable, he is weak and weak in the end.

In addition, there was a fourth prince who accidentally fell off his horse when he was a child, limping one leg, and even missed the chance to compete for the throne.

The second prince and the third prince have been fighting openly and secretly for a long time, and the undercurrent has long been raging.

Ye Chutang nodded knowingly: "So that's the case. So the princess came early today on purpose, and went to visit Concubine Rong first after entering the palace?"

"Yes! Concubine Rong treated me very well. By the way, you may not know that there was a time when the eldest princess was injured and had a high fever and fell into a coma. She stayed on guard for two days and two nights! It's just that she has been in poor health these years, so she doesn't often go around with the eldest princess' mansion."

Princess Qinyang felt it was a pity to mention this.

Ye Chutang's thoughts turned.

These old things, if you are not close to people, you may not know about them.

She raised her eyelids slightly, and glanced at Shen Yanchuan who was sitting diagonally opposite.

It turns out that the eldest princess and the concubine Rong still have such a past. In other words, those people who killed Shen Yanchuan in Jiangling before...

Shen Yanchuan seemed to be aware of it, and turned his eyes to look over.

Ye Chutang lowered his eyes to hide the waves in his eyes.

Maybe... Besides being able to help take care of Xiao Wu, Shen Yanchuan also has other uses?


Shen Yanchuan put down the cup and leaned back.

Xie Anbai had just thrown Xie Yulin away, when he saw Shen Yanchuan's thoughtful expression, he paused.

"...Is there something wrong with me?" Xie Anbai asked with some uncertainty.

Shen Yanchuan didn't even give him a look.

"Not now, but when Zhongyonghou comes, maybe there will be."

Xie Anbai: "..."

What a loss, listen, what is this?

"Then what are you planning there?" Xie Anbai opened his fan with a bang, and stepped back.

Every time Shen Yanchuan showed such an expression, he knew that someone was about to enter the game.

Shen Yanchuan laughed.

"It's not that I'm figuring something out."

He raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Someone is plotting against me."


When Han Yao came to the polo field, he immediately looked at Ye Heng's position.

His father has been busy preparing for the polo match and palace banquet recently, so Han Yao is very familiar with the arrangement here.

In the end, Ye Chutang was not seen.

Han Yao was taken aback: "Where is she?"

The servant reminded in a low voice: "My lord, look over there—"

Han Yao turned his head and looked intently, only to see that Ye Chutang was beside the eldest princess!
His eyes widened in shock.

What's the situation?
Ye Chutang, why is she——

Before he could figure it out, there was a cry of pain from the right rear, followed by the sound of horseshoes!

Han Yao turned his head subconsciously, and saw a horse suddenly broke free from the rein and galloped towards this side!
The horse was startled!
This idea flashed through his mind, Han Yao immediately pulled the servant to stand in front of him, and retreated quickly at the same time!

The boy couldn't react in time, and was hit hard by the horse to the ground, and then stepped on him directly!
The boy suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and his breastbone was deeply sunken!

And the horse was affected by this, so it turned around and galloped towards the direction where the eldest princess and the others were!

(End of this chapter)

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