Chapter 108 Where is it? (Part [-])
The sudden change made everyone panic.

Princess Qinyang stood up immediately: "Come on! Stop that horse!"

At the same time, she pulled out the long whip pinned to her waist, and stood in front of the eldest princess.

The horse was frightened, neighing and rushing madly, dusty and menacing.

A palace man hurried forward, trying to grab the rein and control the horse, but just as his hand grabbed the rein, the horse raised its front hooves and threw him violently.

The palace man's shoulder was hit hard, and he fell directly to the ground.

"Quick! Quick!"

The palace people were in a panic, and several people stepped forward one after another, but this horse was specially selected for the polo match. It was a good horse for thousands of miles, with a strong and tall body.

The crowd was in chaos, with panic, exclamations and screams.

Princess Qinyang clenched the long whip in her hand, and was about to step forward, but suddenly heard a cold and distant voice.


Princess Qinyang turned around in astonishment: "Brother?"

He didn't look nervous at all——

Shen Yanchuan raised his chin: "Don't worry, someone has already taken action."

Princess Qinyang looked over again, and saw a vigorous and thin figure suddenly rushing out from the side, heading towards the horse at an astonishing speed!

"Ye Yunfeng!?"

Princess Qinyang still didn't let go of the whip.

Ye Yunfeng was the youngest in this group, so many people couldn't restrain the horse, let alone him——

Isn't this asking for trouble for yourself?
She hurriedly turned her head to look at Ye Chutang: "Doctor Ye, your fourth brother—"

Hearing this sound, Ye Chutang, who was lowering his head to wipe the crumbs of snacks from Xiao Wu's mouth, seemed to have just sensed what happened, and looked up at the field.

However, after just one glance, she withdrew her gaze again, and wiped Xiao Wu's fleshy little hands with a handkerchief.

"Didn't you just eat in the morning, why did you eat so much again?"

Xiao Wu blushed, covered her mouth in embarrassment, and plunged into Ye Chutang's arms.

——The snacks and lotus seed soup sent by the eldest princess are so delicious!
Princess Qinyang: "...???"

No, do you really not care about your brother's life or death at all?

When is this, are you still talking about this?
At this time, others also noticed Ye Yunfeng who suddenly rushed forward.

Many people covered their lips and exclaimed, and some timid ones backed away again and again, for fear of being affected.

Murong Ye originally planned to bring someone up, but Ye Yunfeng took the lead.

His face turned cold, and he mocked: "I really like to show off."

The people around knew that he and Ye Yunfeng were at odds, so they immediately agreed.

"He's just showing off!"

"Exactly! Who doesn't know that you are a good horse trainer, A Ye! He is so ignorant! If he is knocked over by a horse later and gets injured, he will have to lie on the bed for ten days and a half months!"

"Aye, leave him alone! Let's see if he has the guts to—"

The speaker's voice stopped abruptly, and Murong Ye's expression also changed slightly, and he unconsciously lowered his arms.

Ye Yunfeng stepped forward quickly, but he didn't slow down when he got close to the horse. He grabbed the rein tightly with his long arm, and then yanked it hard!
The horse's head was dragged sideways by him, and the pace was a bit chaotic.

After a momentary pause, Ye Yunfeng sped up and ran a few steps again, pulled the rein and jumped, and jumped onto the horse neatly!
He clamped the horse's belly with his legs and pulled it hard!
The horses raised their heads and neighed!

Murong Ye didn't expect Ye Yunfeng to get on the horse so smoothly, his expression changed several times.

The people around him saw that his face was not right, and tried to persuade him: "Don't look at him when he is on the horse, he can really tame the horse! This horse is frightened and mad, and it is the most difficult time to deal with it. If it is thrown off at this time, it will be more than just a little injury..."

In fact, what he said was correct, because after the horse was briefly and forcibly pulled by Ye Yunfeng, it seemed to have been greatly stimulated, and suddenly ran with faster and stronger speed and strength, desperately wanting to throw Ye Yunfeng off its back!

Everyone looked terrified.

Only Ye Yunfeng was not afraid, the savage aura between his brows and eyes became more intense, and a strong sense of competitiveness was ignited in his eyes.

He stuck tightly to the horse's back, tugging on the rein from time to time, constantly consuming its strength.

Finally, the horse ran a few laps on the field, and after several fights with Ye Yunfeng, it gradually slowed down.

Ye Yunfeng straightened up, held the rein with one hand, patted the horse's head with the other, and said with a smile: "My sister doesn't like disobedient horses the most, and she's always afraid of scaring Xiao Wu. But I'm different. After all, when there's nothing to eat, it's really nice to be able to cut a piece of horse meat to eat."

The horse didn't know if it understood or not. It lost all restlessness and frenzy. It sneezed, shook its ears, and lowered its head.

Ye Yunfeng was very satisfied.

When encountering this situation in the past, my sister always said that he was still young, so I didn't let him do much.

He looked at it from the sidelines, but he also knew that sister was doing it for his own good, so he had to press down.

I didn't expect that this time in the capital, there would be a chance to practice hand-to-door.

He pulled the rein and turned the direction: "Drive!"

The horse obediently returned to the sidelines.

Ye Yunfeng jumped off the horse, and threw the reins to the pale palace man who stood still.

"Okay, you can take it away!"


Xiao Wu lowered his head and counted the dim sum on the plate again.

One, two, three, four...fortunately, everything is reserved for the fourth brother!

There was a look of shock in the eyes of Princess Qinyang.

Since she was a martial artist, she has met a lot of powerful people, and she herself is considered a leader, but she really didn't expect that Ye Yunfeng, who is only twelve or thirteen years old, can tame frightened horses so easily and freely!

Is there an incense stick in the whole process?

There were so many people who couldn't help it before, but he never showed the slightest bit of embarrassment from the beginning to the end, as if he just did an ordinary thing casually.


She couldn't help turning her head to look at Ye Chutang, and murmured: " fourth brother, are you so powerful?"

The eldest princess has already smiled.

"Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. Feng Zhang praised him generously before, but seeing him today, he is really outstanding."

Everyone heard the words and reacted differently.

There are those who are envious, those who are jealous, and those who are amazed again and again.

Ye Chutang's lips showed a slight smile: "Ah Feng has been lively and active since he was a child, and he can't sit still, but he has a bit more strength than others. The eldest princess is overrated."

The eldest princess smiled and said: "Don't be overly modest, if it weren't for him, it is not known whether I can sit here safely at this moment."

Although she was smiling, there seemed to be a blade hidden in her words, which made everyone's hearts shudder!
The whole place was silent.

Shen Yanchuan turned his head and asked quietly:

"Where are the people from Guanglu Temple?"

(End of this chapter)

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