Chapter 122
When it was getting dark, Ye Heng finally returned to Ye Mansion.

Recently, his life in Dali Temple is not easy. Su Wei sees that he is not pleasing to the eye, and has been marginalizing him.

The people below did not dare to offend Su Wei, so they naturally distanced themselves from Ye Heng.

In the past two days, Su Wei and the others were busy investigating the polo match and didn't have much time to pay attention to Ye Heng, so he was able to breathe a sigh of relief.

But as soon as he entered the door, Ye Shixian greeted her nervously.

"Father, you are back."

Seeing that her expression was not right, Ye Heng frowned: "What's wrong? Is your mother making trouble again, or is it your brother—"

"Neither." Ye Shixian shook her head, but she seemed a little embarrassed to say, "Yes, something happened with Han Yao and his cousin."

Ye Heng walked to the side and sat down, picked up the teacup to drink tea, but found it was empty.

He became more and more irritable, and asked impatiently: "Didn't they go out to swim in the lake together today? Why, your cousin gave someone a face?"

Ye Shixian pursed her lips and said, "No, something went wrong with Han Yao. He, he made a brothel woman pregnant, and she came directly to her today!"

Ye Heng raised his head in astonishment: "What did you say!?"

Ye Shixian had no choice but to tell the whole story of what happened in the evening, every time she said something, Ye Heng's face became ugly.

"In the end, Han Yao had no choice but to bring the brothel girl back to the house—"

Ye Heng raised his hand and slammed the teacup on the ground, causing the fragments to fly.

"This useless thing!" Ye Heng was furious, "The road has been paved for him, and he made such a mess!"

Ye Shixian took a step back in shock.

"Father, don't be angry, we have to think of a way quickly and press this matter down!"

"Press it? How do you press it?" Ye Heng's forehead was throbbing with blue veins, "Feiyue Lake! So many people have seen it! In less than a day, the news will spread all over the streets and alleys of the capital!"

He gritted his teeth, as if a fire was rushing madly in his chest.

"I've hinted to him a long time ago that he should not go to those romantic places during this period of time! When the marriage is settled, everything is easy to talk about! He can't control himself like that!? It's all right now, it's like this, what should we do next! "

Ye Shixian guessed that he would be angry, but she didn't expect him to be so angry, she carefully persuaded: "Father, Han Yao did something wrong, but who would have thought that Su Pei'er was pregnant and directly Did you find it? If I had known this, I shouldn’t have gone to Feiyue Lake today.”

Thinking of the scene where Su Pei'er was going to die or live, Ye Shixian curled her lips with contempt in her eyes.

"The reason why the woman is making such a fuss is simply because she wants her mother to be more valuable than her son, so she can climb into the Han family."

"It doesn't matter what she thinks, what matters is that everyone knows about it now!" Ye Heng took a deep breath, pressed the space between his eyebrows, "Where is Ye Chutang now?"

This matter must be resolved as soon as possible!

Ye Shixian took a look outside: "She didn't come back with me. After leaving Feiyue Lake, she went directly to the Princess's Mansion and said she wanted to pick up that little girl."

Ye Heng felt something was wrong: "How long has she been there?"

"It's been about an hour." Ye Shixian guessed, "Maybe I stayed there for dinner."

Ye Heng paced back and forth for two steps, as if he had made up his mind: "I'm going to visit the Princess' Mansion."

Ye Shixian was taken aback: "Now?"

It's been dark today.

"You don't have to worry, if she comes back late, people from the Princess's Mansion will send her back." Ye Shixian said in a sour tone, "After all, she is a regular visitor to the Princess's Mansion now."

Ye Heng walked out without saying a word.

The Eldest Princess only publicly stated yesterday that she intends to marry Ye Chutang. He resisted the pressure and declined, saying that she and Han Yao were in love and the wedding date would be fixed, but this incident happened today!

What does the eldest princess think of him?What are other people talking about! ?
Ye Heng became more and more uneasy and quickened his pace.

He suddenly thought of something, turned his head and shouted at Ye Shixian: "You too!"

He is not here today, so Ye Shixian is the only one who can say a few words.

Ye Shixian didn't really want to go, and felt that Ye Heng was too worried, but seeing his expression at this moment, she didn't dare to refute, so she had to follow.


Princess Palace.

"Xiao Wu seems to like this Wuzhen sweet soup very much?" the eldest princess said with a smile.

Ye Chutang glanced at Xiao Wu, the corners of her lips curved slightly: "She has liked sweets since she was a child."

The eldest princess saw that Xiao Wu was cute and cute, so naturally everything was good.

"If you like it, whenever you want to eat it in the future, just come and let the back kitchen do it."

Ye Chutang paused: "I'm afraid this is too troublesome..."

"What's the trouble?" The eldest princess pinched Xiao Wu's soft and tender face, her heart melted, "It's normal for a little girl to like something sweet! She's like Yanchuan, she has a very picky mouth, especially when she was a child , Seeing those sweet soups and snacks, I wouldn’t even touch them.”

Picky and troublesome, really annoying!
Ye Chutang: "..."

She suddenly remembered that when Shen Yanchuan was in Jiangling before, every time Shen Yanchuan drank the medicine, he would drink up the terribly bitter soup without changing his expression.

...Understood, this man likes to suffer.

Ye Chutang looked out the window: "It's getting late, we should go back."

"You have been busy working for a long time today, and you must be exhausted. Why don't you just rest here." The eldest princess thought of something, her expression became lighter, and she said unabashedly, "What's more, the Ye family, what's there to do?"

Ye Chutang paused, but the corners of his lips curved slightly.

"Home, of course we have to go back."

The eldest princess was stunned, but saw that the girl's face was calm, as if she had fallen into the memories of the past, and the warm light in her eyes surged.

The words in his throat suddenly became unspeakable.

How could I forget, that was her home in the first place.

Ye Chutang focused his attention, bent his eyes, and said, "Besides, tomorrow is Ah Yan's 14th birthday, and the birthday gift I prepared for him is still in the house, and I will only wait to deliver it to him at the Imperial College tomorrow."

The eldest princess was a little surprised: "Really? Then he—"

Just as she was talking, Zhu Xin came from outside, "Eldest Princess, Master Ye is here."

Lord Ye, naturally refers to Ye Heng.

The eldest princess paused, and the smile on her face faded.

"Let him in."

Ye Heng quickly came down under the lead of the maid, and Ye Shixian followed behind him.

As soon as he entered the door, Ye Heng took a quick glance and saw that Ye Chutang and Xiao Wu were indeed here, and he finally let go of half of his hanging heart.

He stood still and saluted respectfully: "I have seen the eldest princess."

The eldest princess said lightly: "It's so late, Master Ye is here, why?"

Ye Heng's throat was dry, and he forced out a smile: "It's getting late, seeing that Chutang hasn't gone back, I was worried, so I thought of coming to pick her up in person—"

The eldest princess laughed suddenly, but there was no smile on the corners of her eyes and brows.

"So Master Ye still misses Chutang?"

(End of this chapter)

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