Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 123 One day, get out

Chapter 123 One day, get out (two more)

Ye Heng was stunned, and said with a sneer: "The eldest princess is joking, and this minister is Chutang's second uncle, so naturally he has to worry a lot."

"Really? I have poor eyesight, but I haven't noticed it at all." The eldest princess said indifferently, "Otherwise, why would you choose Han Yao for her?"

Ye Heng was speechless.

He is a fool, and he can hear that the eldest princess is dissatisfied with him!

"Princess, I just found out about Feiyue Lake. I never thought that Han Yao would actually get into such trouble!" Ye Heng lowered his head and stared at the ground. , I just feel that the eldest princess's gaze is as real as it is, and it falls heavily on his shoulders, making him unable to lift his head, "He swore before that that he was wholeheartedly devoted to Chutang, but how could he—"

"Master Ye should have known about Han Yao's romantic nature. Why did he change his rhetoric now?" The eldest princess seemed to have heard some joke, "Not long ago, Lord Ye kept saying that Han Yao was Han Yao. The son of Tong is the one you watched growing up, and he is also the one you carefully selected for Chutang."

The eldest princess spoke calmly, but Ye Heng broke out in a cold sweat, "He, he..."

The eldest princess leaned on the back of the chair, with a calm expression, not angry and pretentious.

"Now that the two parties have not formally engaged, he dared to bring a pregnant brothel woman back to the mansion. If Chutang really married in the future, he still doesn't know how he will be trampled on the head by the Han family!"

Ye Heng wiped the sweat off his forehead with trembling hands: "This, how could this happen? Han Yao did make a mistake this time, but even if he was given the courage, he would not dare to let Chutang down!"

The corner of the eldest princess's lips lifted slightly.

"Why doesn't he dare? I think he is very daring! Chutang has no parents to rely on, no elder brother to rely on, only a few younger brothers and sisters by her side. In the future, when she gets married, if she is wronged, she will be There isn't even a single person who complains about his grievances. Isn't it because of this that Han Yao acted so arrogantly?"

Ye Heng swallowed, raised his head abruptly, and vowed, "If he dares to treat Chutang badly, I will be the first one to let him go!"

"You?" The eldest princess pressed the corner of her lips with a handkerchief, and seemed to laugh, "Didn't you pick this Han Yao for her yourself?"

If it wasn't for him, Ye Chutang wouldn't be involved in these messy things!
"What's more, I heard that after the woman found Han Yao, Han Yao didn't recognize their mother and child at all. When she saw blood and she was in danger, he didn't care or show the slightest concern. If it wasn't for Chutang's help, the woman and her womb I'm afraid the fetus has already become a wronged soul. Such a style, there is no trace of manly blood and responsibility!"

The eldest princess' eyes turned cold,
"Ye Heng, this is the good marriage you have planned for your own niece!"

Ye Heng fell to his knees directly.

"Eldest princess, this time it's my minister who didn't think carefully, please forgive me!"

Ye Shixian didn't think this matter was serious at first, until now, she realized that the eldest princess is not normal for Ye Chutang.

No wonder Dad was so nervous on the way here...

Ye Shixian turned her eyes and saw Ye Chutang sitting there with a calm expression, without any waves, and the fire in her heart instantly flared up.

If it wasn't for Ye Chutang, her father would be kneeling here at this moment, pleading with the eldest princess?

However, Ye Chutang still looked indifferent!

"Cousin." Ye Shixian suppressed her anger, "Father did this for you too. Who would have thought that Han Yao would have such troubles? But he was just playing around with those girls. Ever since he met you, he I haven't gone out to wander anymore, and I still treat you with sincerity. How about you forgive him this time and give him a month to deal with all these things? "

Ye Chutang raised his eyebrows: "A month?"

"Yes, it only takes one month." Seeing her response, Ye Shixian thought she was being persuaded, "If he has the heart, he will take care of all these things—"

Ye Chutang was thoughtful: "A weak woman is still pregnant, and I'm afraid she will be in trouble everywhere. I don't know, but what do you mean when you say it's handled well?"

"Of course..." When Ye Shixian said this, she caught a glimpse of the princess's expressionless face from the corner of her eye, and her heart skipped a beat, and she quickly swallowed the rest of her words, "...that's naturally their business."

Everyone present knew well that this "handling" was nothing more than those situations, either the child was gone, or Su Pei'er was gone.

No matter how you say it, the Han family is a decent family of officials. The biological mother of the first grandchild was born in a brothel, and I am afraid that they will be laughed to death in the future.

The most gentle solution is probably to send Su Pei'er away and raise her in a farm outside, and bring her back when the child grows up.

But even so, this is a great humiliation to the Han family and the daughter who will marry into the Han family in the future.

The eldest princess glanced at Ye Shixian: "Unexpectedly, Second Miss Ye is still in her boudoir, so she is so clear about these back houses."

Ye Shixian's face suddenly turned pale.

She has been with her mother since she was a child, and she is no stranger to such things. If Mrs. Gao had no means, it would be impossible for her to sit firmly in the position of Mrs. Ye for so many years.

In the early years, Ye Heng had taken concubines, but after entering the mansion, they all died not long after.

Ye Shixian has long been used to it, but she was impulsive, and forgot that this is the eldest princess's mansion, and said such words in front of so many people!
"Princess, I have no other intentions! I just think about it, the marriage is so rare——"

The eldest princess interrupted her impatiently:

"If you think it's a pity, why not marry Han Yao yourself."

Ye Shixian was startled, and swallowed all the rest of her words.

Let her marry Han Yao?How can this be!

Ye Heng turned his head and reprimanded angrily: "You don't have a place to talk here!"

Ye Shixian also quickly knelt down: "My daughter made a slip of her tongue, I hope the eldest princess will forgive me!"

There was silence in the room, and the air seemed to freeze inch by inch.

Finally, the Eldest Princess said: "This Palace is exhausted, you all should leave."

Ye Heng felt relieved.

From what it means, the eldest princess has no plans to pursue the matter today.

He immediately responded, got up and left.

However, as soon as he took a step back, he found that Ye Chutang hadn't moved.

"Chutang? We should go back." He reminded.

Before Ye Chutang opened his mouth, he heard the eldest princess say, "Go back? Where?"

Ye Heng was a little uneasy: "I-I'm going back to Ye Mansion..."

The eldest princess showed a sudden look.

"Oh yes, it's time to go back. However, she still has to stay at the Princess's mansion tonight, and I will send someone to see her off after you move away from there."

She glanced at the sky outside and said calmly:

"I'll give you one day, isn't it enough? She has something important to do when she goes back tomorrow, so don't delay."

(End of this chapter)

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