Qi Wangfu.

Xiao Chengxuan's face was gloomy: "What did you say, say it again!"

The dark guard knelt down on one knee, his whole body tensed up: "Your Highness, calm down! Although the operation failed this time and failed to deal with Zhao Hanguang, we sent dead soldiers, and we will never leak any information!"

The blue veins on Xiao Chengxuan's forehead were throbbing: "You also know that the ones you sent are dead men? It's just killing someone in the prison, which is impossible! What's the use of this palace supporting you!"

The dark guard bowed his head: "This subordinate is incompetent, he will be killed or cut, let His Highness handle it!"

Xiao Chengxuan closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

It's useless to say these things now, what he's worried about is that there might be something wrong with the death of the dead man!
Zhao Hanguang didn't know martial arts, so assassinating him was supposed to be an easy task, but now...

"Go and investigate! What happened in the prison today, and how did Zhao Hanguang escape this calamity!"

The dark guard breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately said respectfully: "Yes!"

At this moment, there were hurried footsteps outside.

Xiao Chengxuan glanced at the dark guard, and the man quickly got up and quietly disappeared into the darkness.

As if it never happened.


Xiao Chengxuan said in a low voice, and the expression on his face had returned to normal in an instant.

A middle-aged man walked in, with a rare expression of tension on his usually calm face.

Xiao Chengxuan frowned, feeling a little uneasy inexplicably.

"It's so late, why are you looking for this king?"

The man's face turned pale: "Your Highness, Zhou You retracted his confession! Just now, Su Wei from Dali Temple led people directly into Han's house and took Han Tong away!"

Xiao Chengxuan stood up suddenly: "What did you say!?"

He originally planned to kill Zhao Hanguang today and let those secrets be buried forever, but he didn't expect to be killed, and Han Tong was arrested again!

Once one of the two of them says something, then...

"Your Highness, what should we do now?" The man obviously knew the pros and cons, and he was very worried, "How about I go to Dali Temple? Let them accommodate—"

Xiao Chengxuan immediately vetoed it: "No!"

Although many people knew that Han Tong belonged to him, if he went to intercede for Han Tong at this time, wouldn't it be equivalent to blatantly tying himself and Han Tong to a rope!
"Han Tong's crimes can be big or small. If he participates rashly, he will only offend his father." Xiao Chengxuan pondered for a long time, and a look of cruelty flashed across his eyes, "In the final analysis, this matter is Han Tong's own decision, and he has nothing to do with others. Relationships can’t be blamed on others! He should take responsibility for his own mistakes, just wait and see what happens.”

The middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment. What the Second Highness meant... just give up on Han Tong?
Xiao Chengxuan took two steps left and right, and asked again: "Has there been any movement in Dingbeihou's Mansion recently?"

The middle-aged man came back to his senses and shook his head.

"That one has been recovering from his injuries since he returned to Beijing, and he doesn't seem to care about anything. I heard that he will go to Wulan Mountain to escape the summer heat in a few days."

Xiao Chengxuan looked up: "Wulan Mountain?"


Early the next morning, Ye Chutang took Xiao Wu to the city gate.

In the early morning, the mist has not completely dissipated, and the cool humidity is lingering.

Xie Anbai was about to ride his horse out of the city when he saw a vaguely familiar figure of Pingting in the distance, he hesitated and slowed down.

When he came to him, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Miss Ye Er?"

Ye Chutang looked sideways when he heard the sound, and was slightly taken aback when he saw Xie Anbai: "Young Master Xie?"

Xie Anbai simply got off his horse, looked back and forth, and asked curiously, "Why are you here so early?"

He raised his chin: "You still have Xiao Wu?"

Xiao Wu pursed his lips and smiled at him.

Xie Anbai's heart melted immediately, and he couldn't help pinching Xiao Wu's face lightly.

"It's foggy in the morning, can she do it with her small body?"

"Thank you for your concern, my lord." Ye Chutang nodded politely, "Although Xiao Wu is young, he is in good health."

Xie Anbai couldn't believe it.

That little Naituan still can't speak at the age of four, she looks so pitiful, it can't be said that she is in good health, right?
But it was hard to say, so he didn't continue, and changed the subject: "Are you... people waiting here?"

Ye Chutang replied: "Yes."

Xie Anbai became interested: "It's so early, who are you waiting for?"

There has been a lot of trouble in the Ye family these past few days. No one knows that Ye Chutang and Ye Heng's family have broken up and separated.

Ye Chutang said that among these people, the siblings seem to know only a few people in the capital. I don't know who is worthy of her coming here so early in the morning?

Ye Chutang paused, and his voice softened a bit.

"Sun Li'an."

Hearing this name, Xie Anbai reacted for several seconds.

"...Former doctor of the Ministry of Industry, Sun Li'an?"

Now Ye Chutang was surprised: "Young Master Xie knows this person?"

Xie Anbai spread out his fan "swish" and clicked his tongue softly: "In the ink corruption case on the Tongzhou river embankment a few months ago, this one alone embezzled a whole 13 taels of silver. Who doesn't know?"

The case was a big one at the time, and more than 30 officials were brought down from top to bottom, among which Sun Li'an was the most famous.

Because he is very young, only 37 years old this year, he has already been promoted to be a doctor of the Ministry of Industry. He has a bright future, and because he has a huge amount of corruption. Lots of money was found.

So when mentioning this name, Xie Anbai also knew it.


"What are you waiting for him here? If I remember correctly, he seems to be locked up in the sky prison right now?" Xie Anbai said, suddenly remembered something, knocked his head on the handle of the fan, "Oh! I almost forgot! He He is going to be exiled! Could it be that it is today?"

Ye Chutang nodded, but he didn't hide it.

"Uncle Xu mentioned it before, it's today."

Xu Fengchi?Well done, why did he say this to Ye Chutang?
Xie Anbai was a little puzzled, so he also asked the question in his heart: "Why did he tell you these things?"

Ye Chutang paused, and explained: "In the old days, he and my father had a deep friendship, but later they broke up because of some things. When my father was alive, he mentioned it more than once, and he always felt that there was a misunderstanding. It's a pity that later...he again I don't have a chance to ask myself. So I came here today to understand something on my father's mind during his lifetime."

Xie Anbai suddenly understood.

"Is that so..."

As an outsider, he naturally didn't know these things very well, but seeing Ye Chutang's calm and firm face, he didn't ask any more questions.

At this moment, a sound of footsteps came from behind, accompanied by the sound of heavy shackles being dragged on the ground.

Ye Chutang looked up.

A group of emaciated prisoners dressed in prison uniforms were chained to a rope in sequence, walking forward numbly.

The person walking at the end was extremely thin, with only three fingers left on his right hand, trembling uncontrollably.

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