Chapter 139 Meeting (One More)
Ye Chutang stepped forward and saluted politely:

"My lord, I want to see the old man for a ride. I wonder if it will be convenient for me?"

Seeing that she was only a young girl, the official waved impatiently: "Didn't you see that she was on her way? I don't have the time!"

Ye Chutang said softly: "This matter is indeed very important to me, and I ask the officials to be more accommodating."

As she spoke, she handed over the heavy purse in her hand.

The officer glanced at him, his expression relaxed a lot.

However, before he had time to reach out his hand, another official reprimanded in a cold voice: "Do you know who these people are? Everyone has committed a serious crime! How can you do whatever you want?"

As soon as these words came out, the previous official officer also had a serious look on his face, and he frowned and said: "That's right! You hurry up! If it's because of your delay, can you afford this responsibility!?"

As he spoke, he even raised the whip in his hand, as if if Ye Chutang didn't get out of the way, he would do it.

"She can't afford it, then, I can afford it, right?"

A teasing man's voice came, and the two officials raised their heads and looked intently, only then did they recognize the person.

"Thank you, Mr. Thank you?"

The attitude of the two of them became much more respectful in an instant, with smiles on their faces, they flattered and said, "Mr. Xie, what brought you here?"

Xie Anbai was born in a noble family, and he was known in the whole capital to be a rascal, so naturally these officials did not dare to easily offend him.

Xie Anbai walked over lazily, waved his fan and said with a smile:

"It doesn't matter how I got here, the important thing is—Miss Ye Er wants to ask you to accommodate me now, why is it difficult?"

The two officials were stunned and looked at each other. When they looked at Ye Chutang again, their eyes changed.

Miss Ye Er?

"This, this is—"

Recently, there is a second girl Ye in the capital who is very famous. Could it be this one?

They don't know Ye Chutang, but they also know that Ye Chutang now has the eldest princess as a backer, and ordinary people can't afford to provoke him, let alone Xie Anbai.

The officer's expression quickly became earnest, and he lowered his head and bowed his waist: "Little eyesight! I didn't recognize Miss Ye Er! I hope Miss Ye Er will forgive me!"

Xie Anbai raised his chin: "Okay, can you do it, it's a matter of one word."

He's already standing here, how could the officer dare to refuse?

"It's okay! I just don't know... who is Miss Ye Er going to send?"

Not only them, but several prisoners who were tied up couldn't help looking up.

Most of them have already lost their families and their wives and children. Even if they still have acquaintances, they would not want to have anything to do with them again.

There is actually someone waiting at the city gate to see him off?

Xie Anbai winked at Ye Chutang.

Ye Chutang nodded slightly to express his gratitude, then looked forward, his eyes finally fell on the figure at the end of the row who had been turning his back since just now.

"I want to have a few words with him."

The official followed her gaze, a little surprised, but called someone directly.

"Sun Li'an!"

The man froze, and then slowly turned around.

An officer rubbed his hands and said in a low voice, "Miss Ye Er, these prisoners are all together, if you want to say a few words alone..."

"Don't bother." Ye Chutang shook his head, "I'll just confess a few words."

The officer breathed a sigh of relief.

That's good, they save a lot of trouble.

"Then—Miss Ye Er, please."


Ye Chutang came to the end of the line and stood still in front of Sun Li'an.

Sun Li'an lowered his head, his hair was disheveled, covering most of his brows and eyes, so he couldn't see his expression clearly.

Ye Chutang spoke first, and said softly, "Uncle Sun, long time no see."

Sun Li'an's body trembled, as if he could no longer avoid it, he reluctantly raised his head and glanced at Ye Chutang.

He was almost emaciated, and his face was haggard.

Ye Chutang had indeed met him.

Three years ago, at this city gate, she once glanced at him through the curtain of the carriage.

Sun Li'an was silent for a while, and then said hoarsely: " also came to see my joke?"

How glorious he was in the past, how desolate he is now.

Ye Chutang was quiet for a moment.

"Actually, I came here today just to convey a word for my father."

Sun Li'an was stunned: "...what?"

Ye Chutang said: "Daddy once said that it wasn't entirely your fault that happened back then, he was also at fault."

Sun Li'an seemed to be stunned, and after a while, his lips moved slightly, his eyes full of disbelief.

Although Ye Chutang's words were vague, he immediately understood what she meant.

He used to be Ye Zheng's subordinate. He came from a poor background and had no background. He was always in trouble in the officialdom, and Ye Zheng took good care of him.

So he has always regarded Ye Zheng, his boss, as his elder brother and respected him very much.

But later because of a case, the two had a disagreement.

The perpetrator was a dandy who raped and murdered a 13-year-old girl. His family members found Sun Li'an through connections, hoping that he would show his respect. Sun Li'an was very embarrassed and finally chose to compromise.

The dude only stayed in prison for a few days before he was released.

Ye Zheng found out about this matter later, and thought that Sun Li'an was negligent in his duties, fearing the strong and bullying the weak, so he found him and gave him a good reprimand.

No one knew exactly what they said, but after that dispute, the two fell out completely and parted ways ever since.

Ye Chutang said: "Daddy regards you as his own younger brother. He always felt that he was too impulsive and talked too much to you. After all, you also had your difficulties. So that every time I think about it later, I always feel regretful. opportunity to speak clearly."

No one expected that so many things would happen later.

Sun Li'an's eyes were out of focus, and he murmured guiltily: "No, what he said was good, I didn't do it well, it was me..."

He held his head in pain.

When he saw Ye Chutang, he imagined many possibilities, but he didn't expect that she came to tell him these things.

Ye Chutang paused, and said softly: "Daddy can't say these things. I came here today to help him solve this knot. If he knows it, he will have no regrets. Don't worry about it anymore."

Sun Li'an's eyes were red, and his whole body trembled slightly.

Ye Chutang looked up.

"It's midsummer now, Lingnan is humid and hot, and there are many miasmas. You have traveled thousands of miles, and you don't know when you will see them again. Please take care."

The expression on Sun Li'an's face changed, as if he wanted to cry, but also as if he wanted to laugh.

"It's not worth it... People like me, it's not worth it... It's my fault... It's all my fault!"

He was speechless.

Ye Chutang looked at him, the corners of his lips curled up, and he shook his head slightly.

"Do not."

"Three years ago, Daddy offended Longyan and was demoted to Wuzhou. Only you came here to see him off. The Ye family will keep this kindness in mind."

(End of this chapter)

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