Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 140 The sooner the better

Sun Li'an was startled, and after recovering, he muttered with a complicated expression: "You still remember..."

Of course Ye Chutang remembered.

At that time, she had just come to this world not long ago, she was unfamiliar with everything, and she had not yet fully adapted to Ye Chutang's identity.

It was snowing heavily and the winter was bitter. She was wearing a big cloak and hugging the stove, but she still felt cold.

At that time, everyone avoided Ye Zheng, for fear that if they got close to him, they would be implicated as well.

When they left the capital, their family only had one carriage and walked alone.

However, when he was about to leave the city, someone stopped the carriage.

——It was Sun Li'an.

Ye Chutang opened the curtain and took a look outside. Because Ye Zheng blocked most of the way, she couldn't see the other person's face clearly. She only remembered the snow on his shoulders and his hands were red and swollen. It seemed that he had been waiting for a long time.

Ye Chutang didn't know Sun Li'an at that time, he only saw his elder brother's face was cold, and seemed to look down on him very much, so his mother kindly persuaded him.

Later, she thought about it carefully and searched for some related memory fragments in her mind, only to realize why brother had such an attitude.

However, when she wanted to understand this, her parents and elder brother were no longer there.

Xu Fengchi suspected that Sun Li'an had something to do with his parents' accident, but Ye Chutang felt that it should not be that simple.

So she came here specially today to meet Sun Li'an in person.

After seeing him, the speculation in Ye Chutang's mind about him betraying his parents dissipated—this is an inexplicable intuition.

People who waited in the snow for a long time and just bowed and apologized in person and said "Sorry, take care" should not be able to do such a thing.

Sun Li'an probably thought of the past, and gave a wry smile.

"It's all in the past, don't need to mention it again, now I'm just a prisoner, the second girl should... don't associate with people like me."

Ye Chutang said: "I know it well, you don't need to worry."

Sun Li'an looked at the girl in front of him, opened his mouth, and wanted to say too much.

In the end, however, he only let out a long sigh.

"...you shouldn't have come back..."

Ye Chutang's heart moved, and he looked up at him.

"This is where father, mother and elder brother are. If we don't go back here, where should we go?"

Sun Li'an hesitated to speak, too many chaotic emotions flashed in his eyes, and he looked at Xiao Wu who was standing beside her.

A woman who is only seventeen or eighteen years old and has a young sister with her must be struggling in the capital.

Although I don't know how she got in touch with Xie Anbai, but this alone is not enough.

Sun Li'an was imprisoned for several months, not knowing the outside situation or Ye Chutang's current situation, so it is normal to have many worries.

"Yes, yes..." Sun Li'an said with difficulty, "Anyway, you can go wherever you want. Apart from the capital city, there are many good places in this world you can go to. You can find a place with beautiful mountains and rivers, and live your life freely!"

Ye Chutang smiled slightly.

"If that's the case, we won't be coming back."

The day she decided to return to the capital, she knew what was waiting for them ahead.

Sun Li'an wanted to persuade him again, but when he met the calm but calm eyes of the girl in front of him, he suddenly choked.

Ye Chutang seems to be gentle and gentle, but only the occasional coolness and calmness in those dark and clear eyes can make people realize that she has great ideas.

No one can change what she has set.

Sun Li'an was silent for a long time, and finally let out a long sigh.

"Forget it... Forget it! In the past, your father once said that when you get old, you will return to your hometown and take your family to Shiluan City. It is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the small courtyard is leisurely. It is so uncomfortable. That is what he loves the most. If you change your mind in the future and leave the capital, you can go there.”

Ye Chutang's eyebrows moved slightly, and he exchanged a glance with him.

At this time, the number of pedestrians at the city gate gradually increased, and some people looked here curiously from time to time.

Ye Chutang nodded slightly.

"Thank you. Take care."


"You Ye family really value love and righteousness." Xie Anbai crossed his arms, looked at the team that was gradually moving away, and shook his head, "I think how much kindness he accepted from your father at the beginning, but in the end because of a little profit, and Your father is completely paralyzed. This person is extremely selfish, and he deserves to be reduced to where he is today, so why should you bother?"

Ye Chutang said: "Only they know what happened back then, right or wrong. I came here today just to settle all the previous accounts, and didn't think too much about other things."

Hearing what she said, Xie Anbai knew that she knew what she was thinking, so he didn't say any more.

He pinched Xiao Wu's tender face.

"Your elder sister is soft-hearted, but she is easy to be bullied, you have to watch carefully!"

Xiao Wu blinked, then nodded vigorously.

--Um!She will never let anyone bully sister!

Xie Anbai took a step back, smiled and cupped his hands.

"Okay, I still have some things to go out of the city, so I'm leaving. If you need help in the future, just take the whistle that I sent Xiaowu to Zhongyonghou's mansion."

So the golden whistle is still such an important token?
Ye Chutang was slightly taken aback, but was a little surprised.

She quickly came back to her senses, and took Xiao Wu to thank him solemnly again.

Xie Anbai sighed in his heart, what is a golden whistle, as long as he can handle Shen Yanchuan in the future, then this gift is worth it!
He put away his fan with a smile, and said goodbye.


This little episode didn't cause any disturbance. No one knew that Ye Chutang made a special trip to see Sun Li'an off, and even if they knew, they didn't take it to heart.

After all, the two really just spoke a few words.

Beijing is full of excitement, and new things happen every day, especially the recent incident of Han Tong in Guanglu Temple framing Zhao Hanguang. A brief relationship?
After that day, Ye Chutang rested at home for a few more days, and it wasn't until the Imperial College closed for ten days that Ye Jingyan and Ye Yunfeng went home that Ye Chutang handed over a copy of the almanac.

"I have chosen a few days to move the graves of my father, mother and brother. Ah Yan, which one should I choose?"

Ye Jingyan took it, and Ye Yunfeng also came over to watch it.

After seeing the three red circles next to each other, Ye Yunfeng's eyelids twitched.

"Sister, this is...you chose?"

"That's right. But it's just a few proposals, and it's up to Ah Yan to decide." Ye Chutang took a sip of tea.

Ye Yunfeng: "..."

What's the point?These three days are next to each other!
Ye Jingyan didn't seem to be surprised by this, and raised her hand to click on the red circle at the front.

"Just today, the sooner the better."

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