Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 146 It's time to go up the mountain to ask for incense

Fengling Lane, Ye Family.

After saying those words, Ye Heng made a gesture to go to the study, but Ye Yunfeng showed no sign of letting go.

Ye Jing said: "It's not urgent. After all, everything is there. I believe the second uncle must keep it well. Why don't you let Mr. Han finish what he didn't finish just now?"

These two brothers are determined to hold on to this point!

Ye Heng thought about it, knowing that this matter would never be so simple to solve, so he turned his eyes and fixed his cold eyes on Han Yao.

The next moment, he let go of his hand directly.

"Okay! Since you must listen, let him speak up! Han Yao, if you have any grievances, just spit it out and let everyone comment! But, you have to remember, everyone has to do it for you. You are responsible for what you say. Every word you say today can be heard clearly by so many people present, if you really talk nonsense, you will be the one who will be in trouble in the end!"

Ye Heng narrowed his eyes and lowered his voice, with a hint of warning in his tone.

"Your father can't protect himself now, but he can't clean up the mess for you like before."

Han Yao's eyelids twitched.

He and Ye Heng looked at each other, and the raging anger subsided a lot, and their rationality returned.

Ye Yunfeng's eyes turned around the two people, and he exerted force quietly with his hands.

"Second uncle is right. You are the only one who can save your father now, so you have to seize every opportunity, you know? You just mentioned my father—how do you say it?"

The pain in his shoulder brought Han Yao back to his senses.

He calmed down, his face was still fierce, and he smiled mockingly: "I was too naive. When your father had an accident, everyone avoided it, for fear of causing trouble to the upper body. But Ye Heng is your father's younger brother. At the end, I never begged for a word of mercy for him! Such a ruthless and ungrateful person, I actually expected him to help my father... It's ridiculous!"

Ye Heng's hanging heart finally let go, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Ye Yunfeng narrowed his eyes: "That's it?"

As long as you go out and inquire about this matter, it is not difficult to know, not to mention how many of their siblings have experienced it themselves.

At that time they were all young, even Sister was only fourteen, and at that time she was weak, she had been raised in the inner house, rarely went out, and didn't know about these things outside.

Only later did something happen, and my elder sister took on the important task of supporting the family. After investigating and collecting clues, I realized that Ye Heng chose Mingzhe to protect himself at that time.

Even so, they didn't actually feel resentment towards Ye Heng because of it. After all, he had to protect his wife and children at that time, and he also said that if he stayed in the capital, he might be able to help Ye Zheng come back .

It's just that they didn't expect that an accident happened on the way before they arrived in Wuzhou.

After waiting for a long time, Han Yao just wanted to say this?
Han Yao's eyes flickered slightly, he glanced sideways at Ye Heng, and sneered coldly: "At that time, my father asked him specifically if he wanted to jointly sign a letter, begging His Majesty's forgiveness, but you, a good second uncle, also refused!"

Ye Jingyan frowned imperceptibly.

This matter is big and big, and small and small.

To put it bluntly, Ye Heng disregarded brotherhood and was selfish.

But Ye Zheng was in a difficult situation at that time, even if Ye Heng chose to draw a clear line with him, it seemed that it would not be a serious crime.

In short, Han Yao's accusation is not painful.

Ye Jingyan glanced at the two of them, knowing in her heart that there was nothing left to ask today.

"It's all old stuff, and there's nothing to say. Didn't Second Uncle say that everything is in the study? Please—"

Ye Yunfeng still refused to be selfish, and frowned: "Third brother?"

"Sister and Xiao Wu are still waiting for us at home." Ye Jingyan gave Han Yao a look, and Ye Yunfeng knew that he had already made up his mind, so he didn't insist anymore, and pushed Han Yao.

Han Yao staggered two steps before barely standing still.

No longer under Ye Yunfeng's restraint, he relaxed a lot, his face was still slightly pale.

Ye Yunfeng raised his eyebrows, glanced at the two of them, gave a light snort, turned around and left.

What an idiot, at this time, he still chooses to join forces with Ye Heng, he is really not afraid of pitting his whole family into it!

He kicked a piece of gravel off the ground.

"Please hurry up, my elder sister and Xiaowu are still at home waiting for us to go back for dinner!"


Xiao Wu rested his chin on both hands, and watched Ye Chutang put the book "The Story of Chunhui Mountain" in the hidden compartment behind the bookshelf, but he still couldn't figure it out, who exactly did Ye Heng give so much money to?

This is just one of them, so... what about the other shops?And where were the harvests from those fields sent?
You don't need to calculate carefully to know that it must be an extremely huge number!

Ye Chutang came over and pinched her little cheek.

"If you can't think of it, don't think about it. The geese leave traces, and you will always know in the end." She glanced outside, "And, if there is no accident, after today, these shops and fields will all come back, and future income can be seen be clear."

Xiao Wu's eyes lit up immediately.

--yes!With these, they will have money!

Although my sister has never been short of their food and drink expenses in the past few years, it is all because of my sister's hard work - no, I earned it, it is different from these!
What's more, after these things are settled, they don't need to have any contact with Ye Heng anymore.

Do it all!

Just as he was thinking, Ye Yunfeng's voice came from outside.

Xiao Wu turned around and saw the third and fourth brothers coming back together, and the fourth brother was still holding a wooden box in his hand.

Ye Chutang closed the account book he had copied, and the corners of his lips curled up: "I came back quite early."

When the two brothers entered the room, Ye Jingyan glanced at the table full of food that had been prepared, and guessed something in his heart, and said, "I'm afraid that my sister will wait for a long time, so we will come back after taking the things."

Ye Chutang asked, "Have you brought them all back?"

Ye Yunfeng couldn't wait to step forward, put the wooden box on the table, and opened it himself.

"Of course! The third brother came forward in person, how can he continue to delay! And sister, you don't know that Han Yao went today!"

Ye Chutang raised his eyebrows: "Oh?"

"If it wasn't for him, we would probably still be at a loss! Then Ye Heng felt guilty when he saw him, and was afraid that he would say something he shouldn't say, so he just gave us these dozen land deeds and deeds, and drove us away." Ye Yunfeng shrugged, "I wanted to wait for him to reveal something serious, but in the end I gave up."

Ye Chutang picked up the stack and flipped through it. He was not surprised to hear what Ye Yunfeng said: "This man is brave and foolhardy. He rushed to Ye's house after being teased for a few words, thinking that he could blackmail Ye Heng." It's a pity that Jiang is still old and hot, he is not Ye Heng's opponent."

If Ye Heng couldn't even deal with Han Yao, he wouldn't be able to reach his current position in just three years.

Ye Jingyan pondered for a moment, and asked, "Sister, then——"

"Don't worry about him." Ye Chutang folded the things and put them away, with gentle eyes and a calm tone, "Tomorrow is the tenth day, I should go up to the mountain to ask for incense."

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