Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 147 He Should Have Arrived

Chapter 147 He Should Have Arrived (Part [-])

In the evening, just as Su Pei'er drank the anti-fetal medicine, she heard movement outside the door.

She looked sideways, saw a familiar figure, and immediately got up to meet him.

"Han Lang, you finally returned—ah, what's wrong with your face?" Su Pei'er frowned, her expression full of worry.

Han Yao, who was fine when he left in the morning, had half of his face swollen, blood was still oozing from the corner of his mouth, and he knew he had been beaten.

Han Yao tilted his head, feeling ashamed in his heart, and refused to let her touch it.

"It's nothing, I just got slapped by that old man Ye Heng."

Su Peier winked at the little maid: "Hurry up and get the ice cubes and the handkerchief."

The little maid responded, stepped back quickly, and closed the door.

After confirming that there was no one else in the room, Su Pei'er sat down beside Han Yao, and said distressedly, "Didn't Han Lang go to ask him for help? It's fine if he refuses to help, why did he do it?"

Han Yao licked the corners of his lips and sneered: "He doesn't want to help, but I said, he must! As long as I can save my father, what does it matter if I suffer this?"

"Really?" Su Pei'er was surprised and delighted, "He actually agreed?"

Han Yao snorted.

"Otherwise, why do you think I came back so late?"

Now that the Han family is being watched by others, it is inconvenient for him to get in and out. It took a lot of effort to get to the Ye family today, of course he couldn't make the trip in vain.

"The old guy wanted to drive me away at first, but later I saw that the two brothers Ye Jingyan were also there, so he threatened him with his elder brother, and he was really scared. Later, when the two brothers left, he He came here specifically to talk to me again, and finally let go."

Han Yao's eyes flickered coldly: "He wants to stay out of it completely—dream!"

Su Pei'er was stunned: "He and... his elder brother?"

Han Yao answered subconsciously: "Of course he backstabbed his elder brother—"

Speaking of this, he finally realized that he had talked too much, frowned and changed the subject.

"In short, he has the handle in my hands, so he must listen to me!"

Su Pei'er was still a little dazed, as if she didn't quite understand, but she was knowledgeable, knowing that Han Yao didn't want to continue talking, so she didn't ask further.

Tuk Tuk.

The little maid went and came back: "Girl, everything is here."

Su Pei'er waved her down to prepare meals, while she wrapped ice cubes in a handkerchief, carefully applied them to the red and swollen parts of Han Yao's face, and whispered softly:

"Han Lang has rough and rough chests, so it's safe to do things. Pei'er doesn't ask for anything else, but only hopes that Han Lang will be safe and successful."

Han Yao was taken aback when he heard this, and looked at the woman in front of him again.

Seeing her lowered eyebrows and lowered eyes, her gentle and carefree appearance, my heart moved.

During this period of time, he has seen a lot of human feelings, and the one who stays with him in the end is Su Pei'er, who he despised the most at the beginning.

His heart was moved, the anger and resentment towards Su Pei'er had completely dissipated, he held her hand, and vowed:

"Pei'er, it's you who treat me best! Don't worry, when these matters are settled, I will definitely marry you!"

Su Pei'er smiled: "As long as I can be with Han Lang, everything is fine."

As she spoke, she pulled out her hand calmly, and gently persuaded: "After a busy day, Han Lang should have a meal first. Since that Master Ye promised to help, I believe that Master Han will return safe and sound soon."


"Father, are you really going to help the Han family?" Ye Shixian waited outside for a long time, and finally saw Han Yao leave, and immediately went into the study, "He is in danger now, aren't you getting angry?"

Ye Heng sat there with a gloomy face.

"I have my own plan for this matter, you don't have to worry about it."

Ye Shixian tightened her handkerchief, thinking of Han Yao's complacent look when she left just now, she felt very uneasy.

She looked around and asked hesitantly, "Father, did he threaten you?"

Ye Heng got angry when he mentioned this matter.

At the beginning, he did those things very secretly, and few people knew about them. He didn't expect Han Tong, a shameless person, to reveal it to his son, and now he is directly using it to blackmail him!
"Stabilize him first, then... there are ways to deal with him!"

Hearing what he said, Ye Shixian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Their current situation is troublesome enough, let alone a crazy Han Yao.

However, thinking of the daytime scene, Ye Shixian still felt unwilling.

"This Han Yao really knows how to choose the time. He doesn't come early or late, but he chooses when Ye Jingyan and the others come! If it wasn't for this, you wouldn't be able to hand over all those things so easily!"

Who doesn't feel sorry for so many farmland shops being taken away all of a sudden?
However, Ye Heng had a weird and cold smile on his face.

"They think that everything will be fine if they take all these things back? How can there be such a good thing in the world!"

Ye Shixian was taken aback: "Father, what do you mean..."

"Don't worry about them, they will cause trouble in the future."

From the very beginning when Ye Chutang asked him to ask for it, he had already started to make preparations, and now it was basically done, so there was nothing to worry about.

The more important thing now is the Han family's side... He has promised Han Yao that he will help, and it won't be too long.

After all, no one knows when Han Yao will go crazy and choose to die.

Ye Heng thought for a while, then raised his eyes to look at Ye Shixian.

"By the way, Xian'er, have you contacted Murong Ye these days?"


In the early morning of the second day, Ye Chutang sent Xiao Wu to the Princess Eldest Mansion, and then he didn't stay any longer, and drove the carriage to the outskirts of the city himself.

The summer heat is in full swing in August, and it is already sweltering when the time is just over.

When Ye Chutang came to the foot of the continuous mountains, there was already a fine layer of sweat on his forehead.

She stood still and looked up.

There are many mountains and mountains, and the shade is rich. Occasionally, birds fly from the mountains and forests.

Before going up the mountain, you can already feel the rare peace and tranquility.

Ye Chutang parked the carriage at the foot of the mountain, put on his skirt and walked up the stairs.


The woods in the mountains are shaded, and the cool breeze is blowing, which is much cooler.

Ye Chutang walked up while looking at the surrounding scenery.

There is a famous temple on Wulan Mountain, where incense is very popular on weekdays. Today is probably because it is too hot, and it is not the day of the 15th day. Ye Chutang did not meet anyone along the way.

On the mountain road, layers of stone steps spread, with lush bushes on both sides.

Ye Chutang walked slowly step by step. Occasionally, a white mountain mist floated over, and soon dissipated in the crisp sound of birdsong.

Time passed, and after about an hour, Ye Chutang's eyelids twitched slightly.

She stood still and looked forward.

——From here, I finally entered the scene that appeared in my dream.

The originally blurred dream image overlapped with everything in front of him, gradually rendering bright colors.

Ye Chutang cast his gaze in a certain direction halfway up the mountain.

Shen Yanchuan, should have arrived?

(End of this chapter)

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