Ye Chutang was taken aback, and blinked lightly, there seemed to be a faint glow in the clear and dark eyes.

Immediately, she responded softly.

"Your Majesty is in trouble."

Shen Yanchuan guarded the person behind him, and at the same time raised his sword and dropped it.

He moved extremely fast, only the afterimage of the sword light was seen, there was a constant sound of pinging, bells and bangs, and several darts were knocked down to the ground.

However, Wulan Mountain is dense and lush, with dense forests, which is most suitable for Tibetans.

They are in the light, and the other party is in the dark, which is even more disadvantageous.

Suddenly!A cold light flashed across!
Ye Chutang turned his eyes slightly, and saw a long black arrow coming quickly!

It was glowing with a faint blue color, and it was obviously highly poisonous!

Ye Chutang narrowed his eyes slightly - today's battle was really aimed at Shen Yanchuan.

Xiao Chengxuan seemed to have noticed it too, looking this way eagerly, tried several times to break through the siege, and came here to support.

However, the situation was critical, and he had only one guard to protect him, so he could only watch helplessly.

Yun Cheng rushed over, but his martial arts were not as good as Lian Zhou's, and it was very difficult for him to cope.

Shen Yanchuan cut the arrow in two with a sword and fell to the ground.

Xiao Chengxuan turned his head to the guard and shouted sharply: "What are you still doing in a daze! Send a signal! Call for help!"

The guard hurriedly took out a bamboo tube, grabbed the cotton thread at the end and pulled it hard.

Boom - Boom!

A firework exploded from above the forest.

Ye Chutang only glanced at it and then withdrew his gaze.

The people who were hiding in secret also noticed the sudden signal, knowing that Xiao Chengxuan and the others had already begun to summon people, and the time was short, so they stepped up their offensive in an instant!
While dealing with arrows and darts from all sides, Shen Yanchuan protected Ye Chutang and went down the mountain.

This place is halfway up the mountain, except for the gazebo, it is full of lush tall trees.

Only by leaving here as soon as possible can there be a possibility of safe escape.

A dart narrowly missed Shen Yanchuan's side face.

Xiao Chengxuan looked this way, and saw Shen Yanchuan's sword eyebrows were slightly condensed, and his movements were temporarily slow.

Shen Yanchuan was injured some time ago, and he managed to save his life. After returning to Beijing, he has been taking care of him, but at this moment, it seems that his body has not fully recovered.

His vitality was severely injured, his physical strength was exhausted, and his reaction speed was obviously slower than before.

Xiao Chengxuan's eyes flickered, and he shouted loudly: "Your Majesty! Hold on! Our people are coming soon!"

This sentence is simply a reminder, sharp arrows are overwhelming!

Ye Chutang frowned slightly, and asked in a low voice, "My lord, how are you?"

Shen Yanchuan shook his head, and chopped off another arrow feather at his feet.

He protected Ye Chutang and retreated.

Suddenly, a cold wind blew across the slope!
Shen Yanchuan flipped his wrist and was about to raise his sword immediately!

However, for some reason, he frowned, and raised his hand to cover his chest—that was where he had been injured before.

In just a split second, that dart was heading straight for Shen Yanchuan's chest!

A glint of light flashed across Shen Yanchuan's eyes, and he was about to turn around when he made a slight step.

Seeing that the dart was about to hit him in the chest.


A pulling force came from the cuff, and the next moment, a slender figure stood in front of him.

Shen Yanchuan's eyes froze for a moment!
Almost at the same time, veins appeared on his wrist, and he swung his sword down!

However, this time was too short and it was too late. The half of the dart still pierced Ye Chutang's left shoulder!

Shen Yanchuan's expression changed drastically!
"Chu Tang!"

Perhaps the impact was too strong, Ye Chutang staggered and fell down.

Shen Yanchuan immediately stepped forward, put one arm around her waist, and pulled her into his arms.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt that his feet were empty.

not good!

Shen Yanchuan's heart skipped a beat—here there were shrubs, and there was an extremely steep and dangerous slope below!

Without any hesitation, he hugged Ye Chutang tightly into his arms.

A huge sense of weightlessness came, and the figures of the two fell and disappeared!
Yun Cheng said in amazement: "Master!"

When Xiao Chengxuan heard this sound, he subconsciously turned his head and looked over, and then realized——Shen Yanchuan was gone!
The one missing with him was that Ye Chutang!

Xiao Chengxuan was dumbfounded.

In just a blink of an eye, how, how...

He stepped forward quickly, came to Yun Cheng's side, and looked down with him.

Nothing could be seen except the luxuriant foliage that was clearly crushed along one side.

——Those two people clearly fell from here!
The guard next to him couldn't help asking: "Your Highness, what should I do next?"

Xiao Chengxuan frowned and looked back.

Since Shen Yanchuan fell just now, those people hiding in the dark seemed to have disappeared.

The rustling sound from the forest can be vaguely heard.


Xiao Chengxuan clenched his fists tightly,
"No matter what, we must find Dingbeihou Shizi! In addition, the mountain will be closed immediately! Today's assassins are not allowed to let go!"


"What did you say!?"

Princess Qinyang stood up abruptly, with a shocked expression on her face,
"My brother was assassinated!?"

The little monk who came to report the news clasped his hands together, and also looked worried: "Don't worry, the princess, those assassins did not succeed, but, but His Royal Highness and Miss Ye Er fell off the cliff. Now His Royal Highness King Qi is sending more people to search, you -"

Princess Qinyang couldn't believe her ears.

"Who are you talking about?"

The little novice was also a little dazed: "His Royal Highness's entourage mentioned it, it seems to be this title..."

Princess Qinyang patted her forehead heavily.

"I should have called her to join me!"

At first, she planned to bring Ye Chutang along, but after hearing Ye Chutang inquire about Shen Yanchuan, she felt that there was something interesting, so she deliberately didn't mention it again, and came here by herself today, thinking that if those two people were destined, maybe they would really meet.

Unexpectedly, it was a coincidence, but such an accident happened again!

Princess Qinyang was so anxious that she rushed out immediately.

"Where did they fall? The princess will find it herself!"

The little monk didn't dare to stop her, so he could only follow behind and persuade her earnestly.

"Princess, the mountain is steep and very dangerous. I'm afraid you can't do it yourself. Now His Royal Highness Qi Wang and the prince's people have come, and they have scattered their searches. I believe they will be found in a short time. You, you still— —”

Princess Qinyang didn't know how to listen, she kept walking.

However, as soon as she arrived at the door, she realized something was wrong and looked up.

Not long ago, the sky was clear and the sun was scorching, but now it was cloudy and the sky was gloomy.

There is a wind blowing in the forest, with a humid and hot dusty atmosphere, and the moisture is permeating.

The little monk painstakingly persuaded: "Princess, it's going to rain heavily!"

It's even more dangerous if it rains in the mountains!

Princess Qinyang's expression became more and more determined.

"Go get an umbrella!"

The more so, the more she can't wait here!

She must find him as soon as possible!


The mountain wind is blowing, the sky is dark and cloudy, and the rain is pouring down!

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