The rain hit the branches and leaves, rustling.

A few stars and rain splashed down, and the moisture filled the air.

Ye Chutang glanced outside: "It's raining, for a while, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back."

She turned her head, looked at the man beside her, and apologized softly: "I'm really sorry for hurting my son."

After slipping and rolling down from the middle of the mountain, the road was rough. Fortunately, there was a slightly protruding mountain bend below. Even more fortunately, there was a cave hidden behind the luxuriant climbing vines, which happened to be a fairly safe one. shelter.

The cave is not big, but it is more than enough to accommodate two people.

Shen Yanchuan ignored her words, his dark phoenix eyes swept across her pale face, and finally settled on her left shoulder.

"This dart needs to be dealt with as soon as possible." He said.

Ye Chutang blinked, and suddenly felt a very subtle feeling - Shen Yanchuan was angry.

He saved his life from danger, and now he is safe, what kind of anger is he?
Ye Chutang thought to himself, it couldn't be because when he rolled down just now, he got several scratches on his body to protect her, right?

It is true that she has never seen such a messy and messy Shen Yanchuan, but there is no one else here, so why should she care if she can't see his appearance at this time?
Looking at the man's cold side face, Ye Chutang swallowed all these words with great interest.

"I know." She said, looking down at the dart on her left shoulder.

Originally it only pierced half an inch, but because of the bumps and toss along the way, most of the dart has sunk in now, leaving only the tail end with red tassels, which is even more shocking to look at.

She raised her hand and was about to pull out the dart.

However, before the fingertips touched it, the man suddenly asked, "Do you want to pull it out yourself?"

Ye Chutang raised his eyes, seeming a little strange: "...otherwise?"

Didn't he say to deal with it as soon as possible?Are you asking so many questions again?
Shen Yanchuan finally frowned.

Doesn't she hurt?

The cave was dark and damp, and it was still raining outside, so the conditions were extremely crude.

She actually wants to be born like this?

Shen Yanchuan knew that Ye Chutang was very different from ordinary women, but only now did he realize that she was not only decisive to outsiders, but also ruthless to herself.

Seeing his cold expression, Ye Chutang thought he was questioning his inability to make it, so he explained: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I have dealt with similar injuries before, and it was more serious than this at that time, and nothing happened in the end."

Shen Yanchuan's eyelashes moved slightly: "What?"

Ye Chutang pressed the wound, and said: "Three years ago, when I took Ayan, Afeng and Xiaowu away, I was also shot by two arrows. But those two arrows missed, not at the critical point, I was afraid that I would take them away It was troublesome, so I pulled it out on the spot. After raising it for a while, it was fine."

Her tone was natural and flat, as if she was speaking ordinary words.

However, between the words and sentences, one can still see how dangerous and difficult it was at the beginning.

Shen Yanchuan felt that something was weighing heavily on his dull chest, and it seemed that something was boiling and colliding in his chest, as if it would break through that invisible barrier at any time and swallow everything.

He looked at Ye Chutang again.

At this time, the light was dim, and the girl's clear and soft cheeks seemed to be hidden in the shadows, but her eyes were still clear and quiet.

If she hadn't said it herself, no one would have believed that she had experienced so much.

She was only fourteen.

Shen Yanchuan came over and knelt down in front of Ye Chutang.

Ye Chutang froze for a moment, then heard him whisper: "Be patient."

He is here to help?

Ye Chutang understood, but did not insist, and put down his hand: "Thank you, my son."

Shen Yanchuan didn't want to hear her thank you.

He supported Ye Chutang's shoulder with one hand, and grabbed the end of the dart with the other.

The dark red blood had already dyed her clothes red, and the faint smell of blood mixed with the damp rain, became viscous, slowly and irresistibly wrapping people around.

"Did you come to find me on purpose today?" Shen Yanchuan asked suddenly.

Ye Chutang's eyelids twitched slightly: "Huh?"

At the moment when she was distracted in surprise, Shen Yanchuan immediately pulled out the dart!

When the severe tearing pain came, Ye Chutang's body trembled, and his face became paler in an instant.

She actually endured it and didn't say a word.

Shen Yanchuan's hand holding her shoulders tightened unconsciously, and when he saw her brow furrowed because of the pain, he let it go again.

Ye Chutang shook his head: "...No, I came today to relocate my father, mother and elder brother's graves, and I came here to worship Buddha and ask for incense."

Shen Yanchuan looked at her without speaking.

Ye Chutang reluctantly twitched the corners of his mouth, and smiled: "Otherwise, otherwise, I wouldn't go the wrong way because I was walking up the mountain, and I just happened to meet Shizi and His Royal Highness King Qi."

Many people went up the mountain in a carriage, but Ye Chutang did not.

From the foot of the mountain, she climbed up the mountain road layer by layer, step by step, to show her piety.

The voice fell, and the cave fell into silence.

I don't know if Shen Yanchuan believed it or not.

But Ye Chutang doesn't care much about this anymore, she has more important things now——

"My lord, I'm going to take the medicine." She gently reminded.

She is a doctor, so it's normal for her to have some kind of gold sore medicine on her body, and it's just in time for her to come in handy.

Shen Yanchuan gave her a deep look, then raised his hand and tore off the clean cuff of his outer robe, and handed it over.

Ye Chutang accepted the thank you, Shen Yanchuan got up and left, guarding the entrance of the cave.

Ye Chutang turned his back and untied his belt.

The bloody clothes came off, revealing the snow-white rounded shoulders and bloody wounds.

Fortunately, no bones were injured. Although the dart was sharp, it was not poisonous, and it was easier to deal with than expected.

Ye Chutang simply wiped the blood on the side and sprinkled light yellow powder on the wound.

Her hands trembled slightly due to the pain, but she remained calm and did everything well in an orderly manner.

The conditions are limited, so I can only simply bandage it for the time being, and deal with it when I go back.

There was an uproar in the rain, but Shen Yanchuan could still easily distinguish the subtle sounds coming from behind from the noisy sound.

There was the sound of rustling clothes, the sound of medicine bottles being opened, and after a long period of silence, there was the sound of fabric being torn and tied around.

Shen Yanchuan put his hands behind his back and gradually tightened them.

Time seems to be particularly difficult.

Finally, all voices fell silent, and a slight cry from the girl came.

"My lord, I'm fine."

Shen Yanchuan didn't turn around.

Looking at the swaying branches and leaves in the rain outside the cave, his eyes were calm, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

A mountain wind flew over with drizzle, bringing a refreshing coolness.

Ye Chutang felt strange: "My son?"

Shen Yanchuan finally spoke——

"Did you know that someone was ambushing here today?"

His voice was calm, without emotion.

Ye Chutang seemed a little surprised: "Why did your son say that?"

Shen Yanchuan turned around, his gaze fell on her face.

"Even willing to fall off the cliff to save me?"

Ye Chutang frowned.

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