Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 154 What He Can Do

Chapter 154
Shen Yanchuan's eyelashes moved slightly, and when he looked sideways, he saw Ye Chutang lying on his shoulders, his lips were extremely pale, as if he had fallen asleep.

He frowned.

"Miss Ye Er?"

Ye Chutang didn't respond, her breath was weak.

Shen Yanchuan's heart tightened, and he held her shoulders, only to find that her body was limp, as if her strength had been exhausted.

"Ye Chutang!?"

Shen Yanchuan immediately pressed the back of his hand to her forehead, it was hot.

His heart sank.

From the time of the injury to the present, Ye Chutang has been very calm and composed throughout the afternoon, and even talked and laughed with him from time to time, so that even he thought her injury was not that serious.

Who knows-

Shen Yanchuan felt a pain in his chest.

Knowing that this woman is cunning and used to acting, she was still tricked by her like this!
Her injury is probably much more serious than expected!

Shen Yanchuan suppressed the turbulent emotions in his heart, wrapped her waist with one hand, and supported her cheek with the other.

"Ye Chutang? Wake up, don't sleep!"

If she still doesn't wake up, he must take her out of here early.


As soon as Shen Yanchuan spoke, his voice stopped abruptly.

A warm and soft bare hand covered his mouth, accompanied by a soft, soft voice that seemed to be coaxing.


Shen Yanchuan heard that his heart seemed to miss a beat.

He rarely froze in place, his mind went blank.

Only the soft and hot touch came from the lips and quickly spread to the whole body.

Ye Chutang tilted his head slightly, glanced outside, moved closer to Shen Yanchuan, and said in a low voice, "Someone is here."

Shen Yanchuan's eyelashes trembled slightly.

Ye Chutang had been leaning on his shoulder, and now she was close again. She was almost talking into his ear.

The warm breath blows like the wind, like holding sparks, which can easily start a prairie fire.

After a while, Ye Chutang finally exhaled lightly, and relaxed all over.

"Okay, they're gone."

She looked back subconsciously, but found that she couldn't move, she was still in Shen Yanchuan's arms, so she could only raise her eyes and signal with her eyes.


Shen Yanchuan let go of her calmly.

Ye Chutang leaned back and thought it was a little funny, so he really laughed too.

"My lord, why were you distracted just now? Didn't you notice when someone came?"

Shen Yanchuan couldn't answer her question, stared at her pale face, and asked back: "I was just about to ask you, aren't you already in a coma, how can you still notice the movement outside?"

Ye Chutang rolled his eyes.

"Coma? Shizi misunderstood, I'm just a little sleepy and want to sleep."

At this time, he is still stubborn.

Shen Yanchuan's face was expressionless and seemed extremely calm, but Ye Chutang felt a subtle sullenness.

"Ye Chutang, do you know that if you fall asleep when you lose a lot of blood, you might not be able to wake up again?"

Well, Ye Chutang is convinced that this man really likes to get angry for no reason.

It can't be because someone came just now, and she, a half-dead person, found out, but he didn't, right?

"I know." Ye Chutang took a breath, and found that the wound seemed to be numb, and his left arm was numb.

She didn't move anymore, and leaned there lazily: "So I didn't sleep. I thought I was too tired, so I should take a rest first, but someone came."

As she spoke, there was a slight smile on the corner of her lips, and she said half-jokingly: "I have already saved the life of the prince, so can I borrow a shoulder to lean on?"

Shen Yanchuan found that some words did not make sense to Ye Chutang at all.

He said, "How do you know the identities of those people?"

Ye Chutang said lazily, "If someone came to save us, how could they be so silent, without making any sound at all?"

Being so sneaky, it was obvious that he was here to kill them.

Shen Yanchuan closed his eyes.

It is rare for him to have such turmoil, even when he was hit by a poisoned arrow and his life was hanging by a thread, never.

But just now when he saw Ye Chutang's eyes closed tightly, and he fell powerlessly on his shoulders, an unprecedented panic appeared in his heart, which could even be called fear.

However, the culprit is still so calm and calm, it doesn't matter at all.

Ye Chutang thought for a while. After all, everyone is on the same boat now. Shen Yanchuan's reaction just now, I guess he really didn't want to see her die here. I know it in my heart, and I won’t really sleep to death. Besides, it’s summer now, and it’ll be fine if the rain stops. The real hard thing is winter.”

She fell into memory.

"One time when it was snowing heavily, I took Ah Feng out to catch a rabbit, but before he caught the rabbit, he passed out because he hadn't eaten for two days. At that time, the snow had reached my knees, and he didn't wake up no matter how much I shouted. "

Shen Yanchuan frowned: "What happened next?"

Ye Chutang: "I slapped him twice to wake him up."

Shen Yanchuan: "..."

Ye Chutang laughed: "Fortunately, we found a rabbit nest that time, and the harvest was bountiful."

That was the first time they were full after fleeing south.

A Feng's toes were almost frozen to death. If it weren't for Ye Chutang's two slaps, he would have died quietly in that snowy day.

Shen Yanchuan looked outside.

In fact, he had nothing to look at. From here, he could only see the rain-wet branches and leaves hanging down the cave entrance. The scenery outside was covered and he could not see clearly.

But he couldn't look at Ye Chutang anymore.

You can't look at her pale but still slightly raised lips, let alone her dark, warm and always clear eyes.

"You must go back to Guling Temple before dark." Shen Yanchuan said, "Your injury can't be delayed any longer."

His tone was calm, but very determined.

Ye Chutang was about to speak when he suddenly saw Shen Yanchuan getting up.

His phoenix eyes narrowed slightly.

"People are coming."

Ye Chutang was stunned for a moment, and sure enough, he heard a familiar voice after a while.

"Brother! Chutang!"

It was Princess Qinyang who came to find her first.

While Ye Chutang was delighted, he looked at Shen Yanchuan suspiciously.

This person has practiced martial arts since he was a child, and his inner strength is profound, and his five senses are also more acute than hers, so why...didn't hear it just now?

I really don't know what he was thinking so preoccupied at the time.

Princess Qinyang's voice is getting closer.

Shen Yanchuan walked out.


Princess Qinyang was searching around anxiously when she suddenly heard someone calling her from the front left.


She immediately raised her head, surprised and delighted: "Brother!"

He is fine!
Princess Qinyang hurriedly climbed up the rugged path, only to find that there was a cave here.

She was so happy that she couldn't express it in words: "Great! Great! As long as you are fine! By the way, where is Chutang?"

Shen Yanchuan turned sideways slightly.

"She's in there."

Princess Qinyang rushed in immediately, and was startled when she saw Ye Chutang sitting there with blood on her body.

She walked quickly to Ye Chutang.

Ye Chutang smiled weakly at her, and was about to speak when Princess Qinyang choked up and said:
"How can my brother, He De, make you give up your life to save him!?"

Ye Chutang: "...???"

 Ah Feng (sad): I am the only one who gets hurt
(End of this chapter)

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