Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 155 Killing Heart

Chapter 155 Killing Heart (Part [-])

What does she seem to have misunderstood?
Ye Chutang said after careful consideration: "Princess Princess, actually..."

"No! You are so seriously injured, you have to go back quickly!" Princess Qinyang directly interrupted Ye Chutang and made a decisive decision.

Although she is arrogant and willful, she is the daughter of King Yannan after all, and she has also been on the battlefield and seen life and death.

Seeing Ye Chutang's appearance at this time, he knew that she must have suffered serious injuries and had to be dealt with as soon as possible.

Princess Qinyang stepped forward to help Ye Chutang up, but Ye Chutang's left arm had already lost feeling, and he couldn't use any strength at all.

Ye Chutang supported the mountain wall with her right hand and stood up slowly. The pain in her left shoulder came again, and fine beads of sweat quickly appeared on her forehead.

Suddenly, she accidentally brushed against a piece of moss and fell down.

Princess Qinyang's heart suddenly hung up: "Chutang—"

A tall and tall figure passed by, and before Princess Qinyang could react, she saw that Shen Yanchuan had come to him, wrapped her arms around Ye Chutang, and hugged Ye Chutang into her arms.

Shen Yanchuan lowered his eyes, glanced at Ye Chutang's hanging left hand, and immediately hugged him horizontally.

Ye Chutang fell into a warm and solid chest, stunned for a moment, and subconsciously wanted to refuse.

"My lord, I can walk by myself..."

"You can pass out now." Shen Yanchuan whispered.

Ye Chutang: "..."

Shen Yanchuan hugged her even tighter and walked out.

The sound from outside can already be heard clearly here, and it seems that many people have followed.

Ye Chutang closed his eyes resolutely, tilted his head, and buried it in Shen Yanchuan's arms.

Shen Yanchuan paused, then glanced sideways at Princess Qinyang.

Princess Qinyang understood, immediately took a step back, turned around and shouted outside.

"Come here! Call the imperial physician immediately! Miss Ye Er is in a coma!"


"What did you say?! The person was found?!"

Xiao Chengxuan was shocked.

The guard bowed his head and said in a respectful voice: "If you go back to Your Highness, the eldest son and Miss Ye Er have both been found! It is said that they fell in front of a cave, so they did not fall to the bottom of the cliff. Princess Qinyang led the people all the way down, and they just found it. They are coming up now. But..."

Xiao Chengxuan clenched his fists tightly and gritted his teeth secretly: "But what?"

"However, Miss Ye Er was seriously injured, and her life might be in danger. Princess Qinyang has ordered someone to call for an imperial physician."

Ye Chutang?It doesn't matter whether she is alive or dead, on the contrary——

"Where is the son? Falling from such a high place, is he still okay?"

"The prince also suffered some flesh injuries, but fortunately there are many trees on the hillside, so he didn't hurt his life."

Xiao Chengxuan looked down, a cold look flashed across his eyes.

It didn't die like this... It's really a fate.

"Immediately send more people to escort the son and Miss Ye back to Guling Temple!"

The guard responded respectfully: "Yes!"


Princess Palace.

Xiao Wu sprinkled a handful of fish food, and a group of round and colorful carp quickly swam from all around, competing for food, splashing water everywhere.

She clapped her hands and sighed.

The eldest princess looked at her with a smile: "What's the matter, Xiao Wu, but are you hungry?"

Xiao Wu shook his head, turned his head and glanced in the direction of the gate.

——She misses sister.

The eldest princess touched her little head, and comforted her: "Didn't Chutang say today that he would come back later? Besides, it was raining today, and the mountain road was even more difficult to walk, which would delay a lot of effort. Don't worry, She might be on her way back."

Ye Chutang wanted to go up the mountain to offer incense, which would take a long time.

Xiao Wu was still unhappy.

For some reason, she always felt uneasy.

Seeing her frowning slightly, the eldest princess felt very soft-hearted.

Xiao Wu followed Ye Chutang since she was a child, and was very attached to her, but at the same time she was very sensible. Every time Ye Chutang went out to do errands and couldn't take care of her, she would be obedient and would not cry or make trouble.

Such a sensible child is naturally very painful.

The eldest princess softened her voice: "Don't worry, turn around and wait—"

Before he finished speaking, a servant girl hurried over and whispered something into Zhu Xin's ear.

Zhu Xin's expression changed slightly.

The eldest princess noticed it and turned around and asked, "What's wrong?"

Zhu Xin stepped forward, glanced at Xiao Wu, leaned over to the eldest princess's ear, and said in a low voice, "Miss Ye Er fell down from the mountain in order to save His Royal Highness!"

The eldest princess' eyes suddenly changed.

She immediately looked at Xiao Wu, and saw that Xiao Naituan was staring at the lake in a daze, as if she didn't hear this, she was a little relieved.

Zhu Xin continued: "Don't worry, the eldest son and princess are here, and the two imperial physicians have already gone to Wulan Mountain. It's just... the second girl Ye may not be able to come back from the mountain today."

The eldest princess's thoughts turned, and she nodded slightly.

Since Yanchuan is here, it should be fine.

It's just that Xiao Wu can't let Xiao Wu know about this for the time being.

She paused, then ordered: "Go ask Chu Qiyuan."

Zhu Xin responded: "Yes."


Most of the pilgrims in the temple had dispersed in the afternoon, and due to the tight security everywhere, Shen Yanchuan didn't meet many outsiders on the way back with Ye Chutang in his arms.

The two imperial physicians are already waiting here.

Speaking of which, this is also due to Princess Qinyang.

After she learned that Shen Yanchuan and Ye Chutang fell off the cliff together, she made a decisive decision and sent someone to invite the imperial physician over, so that she could see a doctor in time after she found someone.

Seeing Shen Yanchuan coming in with a woman in his arms, the two imperial physicians immediately greeted him.

"My son—"

Princess Qinyang said directly: "My brother is fine, save Chutang first!"

It was very embarrassing for the two imperial physicians to finish their salutes.

Princess Qinyang waved at the two of them: "What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up!"

It doesn't matter if her brother gets hurt a little bit, what if something happens to Ye Chutang? !

Shen Yanchuan carefully placed her on the bed, his eyes fixed on her face for a moment.

Although he knew that she hadn't really passed out, but seeing her eyes closed tightly and her face pale, he still seemed to be pulled hard by something.

After no water in the afternoon and excessive blood loss, Ye Chutang's lips were bloodless, and even a small opening was slightly cracked, with bright red blood oozing out.

Shen Yanchuan raised his hand, wanting to wipe off the blood for her, but in the end he restrained the impulse for a moment.

His Adam's apple twitched, and he finally took a step back.

"She was hit by a dart in her left shoulder, and she fell into a coma not long after she fell from the mountain. I beg you two to wake her up."

The man's voice was calm and clear, but it carried an irresistible strength.

The two imperial physicians responded repeatedly: "Yes! Yes!"

One of them immediately stepped forward to feel Ye Chutang's pulse, while the other said to Princess Qinyang: "Princess Qinyang, please prepare hot water and a clean handkerchief, I may have to trouble you to help later."

Princess Qinyang nodded immediately.

"The princess knows."

She turned her head to see that Shen Yanchuan was standing there without moving, and walked over to gently tug on his sleeve.

"Brother, His Royal Highness King Qi is still waiting for you outside."

The coldness in Shen Yanchuan's eyes gradually gathered, like quenched ice and snow.


(End of this chapter)

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