Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 156 You guys look alike

Although Shen Yanchuan responded, he didn't turn around and leave, but looked at the imperial physician who came forward to check Ye Chutang's pulse.

"How is her body?"

Princess Qinyang didn't try to persuade her any more. She looked at Ye Chutang, then at Shen Yanchuan, and went straight out to tell people to prepare things.

Anyway, King Qi can only wait honestly at this moment.

Seeing this, the imperial doctor didn't know the severity?
In this person's eyes, the unconscious woman is probably the most important thing!

He took his pulse carefully, and gradually frowned.

"Miss Ye Er lost a lot of blood and her body is weak. She must heal her wounds as soon as possible, and then feed her with decoction to warm her up."

Shen Yanchuan didn't speak.

The imperial physician thought he was worried, and hurriedly said: "But don't worry, Miss Ye Er didn't hurt her bones, and she came back in time, and she will be safe and well after taking good care of her."

Shen Yanchuan nodded.

After a while, Princess Qinyang came back.

"Brother, you go out first, I'll change Chutang's medicine."

Shen Yanchuan took one last look at Ye Chutang and backed out.


The two imperial physicians were in charge of decocting the medicine, and Shen Yanchuan was not there, leaving only Ye Chutang and Princess Qinyang in the room.

"Let me help you treat the wound."

Princess Qinyang said while wringing out a clean handkerchief in warm water.

Ye Chutang, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes and looked sideways.

Seeing Princess Qinyang earnestly twisting the handkerchief, she couldn't help but smile.

"This injury is really worth it. I can actually work for the princess."

Princess Qinyang simply didn't know what to say.

"It's already this time, do you still have the heart to think about this?"

She walked over, helped Ye Chutang sit up, took another pair of scissors, and carefully cut the skirt of Ye Chutang's left shoulder.

The blood stains on it have dried into dark red.

After cutting off the outer layer, Princess Qinyang saw the blood stains on the simply wrapped cloth inside, which was even more shocking.

"Why is it so serious?" Princess Qinyang frowned, and her movements became lighter.

She saw that Ye Chutang was clear-headed and able to talk to people normally, so she thought her injury was not serious, who knew——

"When it fell off, I didn't have time to pull it out." Ye Chutang turned his head away to make it easier for Princess Qinyang to use the scissors, and smiled nonchalantly, "It stuck a little deeper."

Princess Qinyang said nothing.

After a long time, Ye Chutang's wound had already formed adhesions.

"Be patient." Princess Qinyang frowned, "If it hurts, you can bite this veil."

But Ye Chutang shook his head: "The Princess can just continue."

Princess Qinyang was a little uncertain: "Really?"

Ye Chutang smiled: "Yeah. If you can't stand the pain, you'd have passed out long ago."


Princess Qinyang gritted her teeth, and swiftly cut off the stuck cloth.

The blood hole wound is bloody and bloody.

Even the always bold Princess Qinyang couldn't help trembling when she saw this wound.

Her jaw was tense, she took a veil and carefully wiped the blood around Ye Chutang's wound, sterilized her, and finally applied the medicine again.

After a whole set of procedures, Princess Qinyang broke out in sweat.

"Did you bandage this wound yourself?" Princess Qinyang couldn't help but ask.

Ye Chutang nodded lightly: "Yes."

Princess Qinyang looked at her with a complicated expression.

"……I knew it!"

Ever since she saw Ye Chutang rescue the eldest princess with her own eyes, Princess Qinyang always felt that Ye Chutang was not an ordinary person and treated her differently.

It turns out that it is.

With such a deep wound, she actually persisted for several hours!
Princess Qinyang took clean gauze and bandaged Ye Chutang.

Ye Chutang gave a pertinent evaluation: "The help of others really saves a lot of trouble."

Princess Qinyang always thought that she was already arrogant enough, but now she felt that compared with Ye Chutang, what she did was nothing at all.

"...You are really similar to my brother in this respect." Princess Qinyang muttered in a low voice.

Ye Chutang was a little surprised: "What?"

"I said you two are very similar!" Princess Qinyang finally breathed a sigh of relief after fastening the gauze, "He is also very patient with pain, and he is especially cruel to himself."

Ye Chutang thought to herself, this is true, the first time she met Shen Yanchuan, she guessed that he was definitely not a character to provoke.


After finally changing the medicine, Princess Qinyang helped her to lie down.

"You should rest for a while. I'll call you when the medicine arrives later."

Ye Chutang shook his head.

"One more thing, I have to trouble the princess."

Princess Qinyang was taken aback: "What's the matter?"

Ye Chutang smiled, and said softly: "I told Xiao Wu before that I would go back to pick her up at night, but now it seems that I can't do it. So I want to ask the princess to send a message back, so I said... I will temporarily There are some things to deal with, and I can pick her up tomorrow."

Princess Qinyang has no reason not to agree to this request.

She immediately responded: "Okay!"


Xiao Chengxuan waited for a long time before seeing Shen Yanchuan coming out of the room.

He stepped forward quickly and took a look inside: "How is Miss Ye Er?"

Shen Yanchuan stood still on the steps, and said in a low voice, "Still in a coma. Qin Yang stayed in the house and guarded. The two imperial physicians have already gone to decoct the medicine."

"Ah? Why is it so serious?" Xiao Chengxuan frowned, looking worried, "It seems that we can only wait now... By the way, how about the prince?"

Shen Yanchuan obviously had injuries on his body, but he didn't know if he was injured inside.

"His Royal Highness Xie Qi is concerned. Fortunately, Miss Ye Er rescued me. I just suffered a little flesh injury, which is fine." Shen Yanchuan said.

In fact, Xiao Chengxuan already knew that he was fine, otherwise it would not have been possible for him to carry Ye Chutang back from such a long mountain road.


I don’t know when such a good opportunity will come next.

Xiao Chengxuan felt regretful and even a little annoyed, but he would not show it.

He patted his chest, as if finally relieved: "That's good! That's good!"

Shen Yanchuan had no expression on his face, the sky was gloomy at this time, looking at that cold and noble face, added a bit of indescribable coldness and indifference.

Xiao Chengxuan suddenly felt a little embarrassed and put down his hand.

He simply changed the subject: "It's good that you have nothing to do. The only pity is that those assassins haven't been found yet!"

Speaking of this, he looked angry and his voice was serious.

"How dare you ambush and commit murder here, this group of people are really daring!"

Shen Yanchuan glanced at the mountains in the distance, and said calmly: "The mountains are steep and the forests are lush. It is really difficult to find a few people in such a short period of time."

Xiao Chengxuan sighed heavily.

"Yes! As long as you can catch--"

Before the words fell, a burst of footsteps came.


Lianzhou came quickly,

"We caught an assassin!"

Xiao Chengxuan suddenly turned around!

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