
Shaoyao screamed and quickly stepped forward to support her.

Ye Shixian felt like all the strength in her body had been drained away, and her mind was in a mess.

It would be fine if it was someone else, but this time it was Su Wei who gave the order himself!
He had not dealt with his father long ago, but this time...

Ye Shixian barely stood firm: "You, tell me clearly what is going on!"

The boy cried sadly: "Miss, I don't know the specific situation! I only heard that it seems to be related to Mr. Han..."

Although dad wanted Han Yao to shut up, he would not poison him at this time!

more importantly--

"Then what's going on, Mr. Su?!"

How could this Dali Temple minister appear in the Han family? ?
The boy lowered his voice a lot and whispered: "It seems, it seems that Mr. Han was having a big quarrel with the master at that time. He was so excited that he passed out. Unexpectedly, his pregnant sweetheart actually ran into him in order to save him. Got the master’s sword!”

"You mean... Su Peier?"

"It's her! No one expected that although this woman was born in a brothel, she has a strong temper. When she made such a fuss, the master was unexpected and someone was hurt! The little maid next to her went to invite Ye Chutang, who knew that Su—— "

"Wait!" When Ye Shixian heard that name, her sensitive nerves were instantly aroused, "You mean... Ye Chutang!?"

"Yes! She has rescued Su Pei'er before, do you still remember? I guess that little maid couldn't find anyone else for a while, so she went straight to Ye Chutang. As a result, she happened to meet him halfway. What a coincidence. The surprising thing is that Mr. Su was there at that time! He heard about the Han family and followed him there, and then..."

Ye Shixian finally figured it out.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and her hatred for Ye Chutang reached its peak at this moment!
"I knew it!"

As long as you get involved with this Ye Chutang, nothing good will happen!

The trouble is, Su Wei is here this time.

Ye Shixian was in a state of confusion.

She really couldn't understand why things ended up like this when her father just went to shut up Han Yao.

Shaoyao also panicked, "Miss, what should we do next?"

Ye Shixian took a deep breath: "Go home!"

Shaoyao and the boy were both stunned. At such a critical time, shouldn't they find a way to fish the person out as soon as possible?How can I go home?
However, Ye Shixian had her own considerations.

Su Wei has always been rigorous in his work. If he had not obtained the evidence, he would never have ordered someone to be arrested so easily, especially when this person was his subordinate, the fourth-rank Shaoqing of Dali Temple!

In this case, it is almost impossible to rescue people directly.

She had to find another way!

At this time, the Ye family was in chaos.

When Ye Heng was taken away, many people saw it. It was passed down from one person to another, so how could people in the Ye family not know about it?
As soon as Ye Shixian entered the door, Mrs. Gao rushed towards her crying.

"Xian'er! What on earth is going on!? Where is your father? He's so good, how could he be taken away!? This is a frame-up, this must be a frame-up!"

Ye Shixian supported her and frowned.

She was already upset enough, but Gao's making such a fuss made her even more anxious.

"Mom, please stop crying now. Dad was only temporarily taken away for investigation. He might be back soon."

However, Mr. Gao had been with Ye Heng for many years and knew more or less about these things. He knew very well that if Ye Heng was taken away like this, he would be in great trouble.

The solution is definitely not as simple as Ye Shixian said.

Mrs. Gao cried with runny nose and tears. She held Ye Shixian's hand tightly and cried with choked sobs: "Xian'er, your father is the backbone of our family. If something happens to him, we won't be able to live well! Not to mention your brother now. You are still unconscious and you are the only one at home!"

Mr. Gao also knew that with his current appearance, it would be good if he could not cause any trouble. How could he expect anything else?
After much thought, this daughter was the only hope.

Ye Shixian suppressed the surging emotions in her heart and held her hand: "Mom, don't worry, I'm already thinking of a way. No matter what, I believe dad won't do those things." "Finding a way? Can we do it now? What can we do?" Gao's eyes were blank, "That's Su Wei... If he's not sure, how can he--"


Ye Shixian interrupted her abruptly, fearing that she would say something she shouldn't say again.
"Before the coffin is finalized, please stop thinking so much. Mingze still needs someone to accompany him, so you should take good care of him first."

Ye Shixian just wants to be alone for a while and figure out the current situation so that she can find a solution.

Hearing Ye Mingze's name, Gao finally regained some of his sanity.

However, just as she was about to turn around, she suddenly remembered something, turned back quickly, and said full of hope and desire: "Murong Ye! Go find him, he will definitely be able to help you! He is Murong Yang's son!"

Ye Shixian had been very tired of dealing with Murong Ye during this period, and when she heard these words again, she felt even more disgusted.

"Even if he can help me, it depends on the situation, right? Where can I just say something and the matter can be solved?"

Gao said, "Why not? He likes you so much! He wants to help you no matter what! Xian'er, even if it's for your father and Mingze, you have to ask for something!"

Ye Shixian looked at her coldly.

From the beginning to the end, Mrs. Gao only had these two people in her eyes, as if she could not sacrifice anything too much for them.

Ye Shixian closed her eyes.

"I see."


Han family.

Ye Yunfeng strode in carrying a medicine bag.

"Sister! This is what you want!"

Ye Chutang took it, separated the two packages of medicine, and handed them to Ye Jingyan.

"The one on the left belongs to Han Yao, and the one on the right belongs to Su Pei'er. Let's fry them first and bring them to you later."

Ye Jingyan nodded, took the medicine bag and left.

Ye Yunfeng clicked his tongue lightly.

"Sister, you are so concerned about them that you are willing to let the third brother boil medicine for them in person?"

Ye Chutang walked over to clean his hands and said calmly: "Because neither of them can die."

If he dies, today's farce will become a complete mess.

Ye Yunfeng chuckled: "Don't worry, sister, I know everything! It just so happens that I'm happy today, so I'll go cook the medicine with my third brother!"

After saying that, he moved his feet, and he disappeared from the spot without seeing how he walked.

Xiao Wu sat aside, holding his chin in his hands, dangling his short legs gently, and nodded seriously.

——Yes, yes!Today is a good day!happy!
Ye Chutang closed the door.

Since Ye Heng was taken away, the remaining people have hurriedly evacuated for fear of being involved. Now there are not many people left in the Han family.

The hustle and bustle was isolated, and the house seemed particularly quiet.

Ye Chutang paused and took something out of his sleeve.

——It was what Su Peier secretly gave to her before.

Ye Chutang opened his palms and lowered his eyes.

An exquisite copper key.

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