Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 177 What's the rush

Chapter 177 What's the rush (first update)
Ye Heng probably never expected that Han Yao, whom he tried so hard to stop, had already secretly given the most critical thing to Su Pei'er.

Everyone only thought that Su Pei'er was a brothel girl who came from a humble background and was not liked by Han Yao. Little did they know that after experiencing the ups and downs during this period of time, and the warmth and coldness of human relationships, Han Yao had already placed his utmost trust in Su Pei'er, who never left him. He even placed his last hope on her.

Su Pei'er handed it over to Ye Chutang without hesitation.

Ye Chutang lowered his eyes and looked at the key in his hand. It was slender and delicate in workmanship. It should belong to a small lock.

Thinking of Su Pei'er's whisper of "West Side Room" when she came out just now, Ye Chutang already had a guess in his mind.

It seems like we have to take a chance to see it...

Ye Chutang put the keys away calmly.


Time passed slowly, and it was evening in a blink of an eye.

The orange-red sunset hangs in the sky, dragging people's shadows extremely long.

Ye Shixian stood outside the gate of Murong's mansion, but instead of going directly, she lingered in the same place repeatedly, full of tangles in her heart.

Shaoyao urged in a low voice: "Miss, you are here, but you should go and see Mr. Murong! As long as you ask in person, he will definitely help!"

Ye Shixian frowned.

"You don't understand, things are not that simple this time."

Dad was taken away by Su Wei's order. With Su Wei's identity, even Murong Ye would not be willing to offend him.

Ye Shixian did not see the situation with her own eyes, but listened to people retelling it with embellished details, which made her feel very unsure.

Shaoyao couldn't help but said: "But now you are in trouble! If something really happens to the master, then you, Mr. Murong, will definitely not sit idly by and ignore it!"

It is almost universally known that Murong Ye likes Ye Shixian, so what if there is some trouble?He will definitely help!

Ye Shixian also felt a little shaken in her heart.

Life is at stake, she must act as soon as possible, otherwise...

Thinking of this, Ye Shixian took a deep breath, finally made up her mind, and walked towards Murong's mansion.

Ye Shixian clicked the door knocker, and soon a boy came to open the door.

"Miss Ye?"

A polite smile appeared on Ye Shixian's face: "Please tell me, I want to visit Mr. Murong."

The boy was stunned for a moment. "Ouch! What a coincidence, the young master went out early this morning and he hasn't come back yet!"

Like a bucket of cold water in her pocket, Ye Shixian was stunned for a moment.

"He went out? Where did he go?"

The boy scratched his head: "Don't you know? The young master went to Dingbei Hou Mansion to visit the prince!"

Ye Shixian's heart sank.

"Dingbei Hou Mansion?"

Why did Murong Ye go there?

"Then did he say when he would come back?"

"This... the small ones are not clear."

Ye Shixian was anxious, but she couldn't show it on her face, so she could only say, "Then I'll wait for him."

The boy looked hesitant.

I don't know if it was because they had heard some rumors, but when they heard Ye Shixian saying that she wanted to wait for someone, they did not take the initiative to invite her in, but instead advised her to go back.

"Miss Ye, the young master really doesn't know when he will come back. You'd better not wait any longer."

The uneasy feeling in Ye Shixian's heart became stronger and stronger.

She pursed her lips.

"I do have something important, I'll just wait!"


Dingbeihou House.

In the room, Shen Yanchuan and Murong Ye were playing chess.

Murong Ye glanced at Shen Yanchuan, who had not moved yet, and finally couldn't hold himself back: "Your Majesty, why don't we go down here first today?"

The man opposite raised his eyebrows lightly.

"What's the rush? This round will be decided soon."

(End of this chapter)

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